Summary: It is appointed unto man to die once and after that face judgment. That is not the only judgment man will face. On earth one may face many types of judgment, but the eternal judgment and the consequences thereof are too serious to just wave away or leave to chance.


John 3:16

Many judgments are delivered world over.

Here, I am talking about the judgment that determines where you will spend eternity and what rewards and or punishments you get, if any.

There is a judgment day for everyone.

Scripture tells us that even the angels will be judged, by us. 1 Corinthians 6:3. We will judge the angels. So, for those among us who are worshiping angels and having strange fellowship with angels, take note that you and your angel who is probably a spiritual imposter will be judged unfavorably. This includes all those who use charms, witchcraft, divination and sorcery. Worse still, the angel you are worshiping will not go to hell with you immediately, but rather later at some other date after you have spent some time in hell, the angel together with other demons will be thrown into the lake of fire together with you.

Some judgments occur on earth. We have evidence of this. Some people are reaping rewards based on their own good and or the goods others did before them. Others are suffering because of their own sin and/or the sin of others. See the man who had been at the pool of Bethesda whom JESUS admonished not to sin any more lest something worse befall him. See the line of Rechabites who GOD rewarded for being faithful to the commands of their ancestors that they must not be drunkards and must remember that they were not permanent here on earth.

Some judgments will be experienced after death.

You are a man. It is appointed to you to die once and after that the judgment. Hebrews 9:27.

What is judgment?

Simply put, a judgment can be called a settlement of issues, matters or debts; A decision on rewards and penalties.

When someone is aggrieved or feels he has suffers some injustice or that matters are not quite in their favor, they go to court and ask for a decision, they ask the matter be resolved or settled.

Remember you pay to go to court. It is not free. Someone pays to have the judge listen to the matter. Mostly taxpayers pay for the legal systems in their countries. The magistrates and judges study the law, then apply it to their decisions and decide on penalties, rewards and settlements. Sadly, some of these decisions are unfair due to various reasons.

In GOD’s Kingdom, it is different. Our GOD is the SUPREME OWNER of all things, all knowing and all seeing. HE is the ultimate Judge. You cannot pay HIM to be a judge and neither can HE be bribed. HE is the Judge of all the earth and true and righteous are HIS judgments. This is because, GOD sees all and knows all including the intentions of all people at all times and HE is able to deliver HIS judgments in a way that no one else can.

Remember, HE knows the truth, HE is The TRUTH. HIS judgments are also final. Some say, GODS case no appeal, but remember the Blood of JESUS is the only leverage sinful man has.

In GOD’s court, the Blood of JESUS holds great sway.

What are Gods Rewards?

1. HIS home which we call heaven

2. HIS Peace that cannot be understood by others. One of HIS NAMES is YAHWEH SHALOM.

3. HIS presence

4. HIS provision

5. Blessings

6. Long life

7. Generational rewards and renown eg Abraham and David

8. Miracles and attestations that HE is with you and signs of HIS almighty power evident in your life.

What are GOD’s punishments?

1. Death . Spiritual and physical. Spiritual death is separation from GOD. Physical death is separation of your body and your spirit.

2. Absence of HIS presence. Ask Saul. A terrible thing indeed.

3. Lack

4. Suffering in various forms

5. Generational curses

6. Trouble

7. Lack of joy

8. Lack of peace

9. No place in HIS house.

What is GODS standard?

The standards of GOD are written down in HIS word. They are described in scripture. HIS ways are written in HIS word. Psalm 119 is all about praying for GOD to teach us HIS law and HIS statutes. Well, HE has told us what HE wants and what HE expects but we are not doing our part. We like arguing and debating and classifying. How about just sticking to HIS law? When HE says, the rainbow is a sign that HE will not destroy the world with water, stop trying to change it to what you will. We all know what the rainbow stands for. Stop trying to pervert HIS law. GOD hates homosexuality. When HE destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, unlike the flood of Noah’s time, HE never said HE would not destroy using fire and brimstone again. Definitely, in hell there is fire and brimstone. In fact, in the Law of Moses, HE clearly goes on to label homosexuality an abomination and goes further to command the expulsion of effeminate men from HIS congregation.

By the way, GOD is faithful, even in hell, there are no reports of floods. People just burn there and are tormented. I’m just saying.

• GOD is love. HE commands us to love

• The 10 commandments

• Laws in the bible

• HIS word from HIS Mouth

GOD expects us to comply with HIS laws, statutes and commandments. Failure to do so is what we call sin.

Sin is falling short of GOD’s expectation. All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of GOD. We are all sinners. Even the saints who went before us, some of them committed sins but they repented and were restored. You too, you are a sinner. Believe in The LORD JESUS CHRIST. Repent of your sins, in other words rethink your actions and walk in the light of The LORD. Be baptized into HIS way of life.

GOD is holy. That means that HE is perfect and sinless. Without being perfect, no one will see GOD. We also know that we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of GOD.

So, here is the problem: we have a Holy GOD and sinful man.

Judgment requires that HE punishes sin. The punishment for sin is death. HE made us. HE loves us. HE has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. HE is our FATHER and HE created us to fellowship with HIM. This situation is not pleasing to HIM at all. This situation is terrible for us for man.

So, because we are all sinners our reward is death. The penalty we pay for sin is death. Not just physical death but spiritual death, which is separation from GOD. When we are separate from HIM, how shall our fellowship be?

Note that this is a standard in GOD’s Kingdom. The wages of sin is death. That is why when iniquity was found in satan, he was thrown out of heaven, out of GOD’s presence. Satan was separated from GOD.

When sin was found in Adam, he was thrown out of Eden. HE was separated from GOD.

When David saw that he was in trouble with GOD because of his sin, he started crying out early before he was separated from GOD, “. Take not YOUR HOLY SPIRIT from ME, restore unto ME, the joy of YOUR Salvation...” In other words, David was crying not to be separated from GOD. David was repentant and seeking mercy from GOD. Psalm 51.

Even you if you sin or sin is found in you, you will be separated from GOD. If you do not deal with it, it will separate you physically and eternally from GOD and land you in a place called the lake of fire which is a terrible and horrible place by all description.

Beloved, the wages of sin are death. GOD has no favorites; HE is not a respecter of persons. You sin, you die.

So now, what happens?

We all have sinned. We are sinning. We are born in sin. We live in sin among sinners. Paul asks, “Who shall rescue us from this body of sin?” Then says, “ Praise be to GOD.. JESUS CHRIST...”

The bible says that without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.

Now, GOD is a good GOD, a loving FATHER. HE did not create you for hell or destruction. HE created you in HIS image for fellowship with HIM. The LORD has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. The LORD made you in HIS image for fellowship with HIM.

Sidebar: Someone once asked, how did GOD know that Adam wanted a wife, that Adam was lonely and needed fellowship. GOD knew because GOD HIMSELF desired fellowship, CHRIST was looking for a bride and we all know who the bride of CHRIST is.

So, when disaster happened in Eden. Sin came. Adam and all of us in Adam had to pay the penalty of death and indeed immediately gone were the evenings spent with the CREATOR. Physical separation and indeed Adam died before he reached a thousand years, that is one day if you count things the way scripture counts.

Beloved, sin grows. If you let it, it will take over you and run your life and take you places you do not want to go.

At one point, GOD says HE will hand over the wicked to their wicked ways, to their depravity.

So now, what happens?

Sin is here. Adam and all of us are doomed. What does GOD do? HE promises to send a SAVIOR.

But wait, I don’t think anyone expected that HE would come PERSONALLY to save the lost, keeping in mind that the wages of sin are death. What? As the hymn writer puts it, “Amazing Love, how can this be, that thou my GOD would die for me?

Beloved, people struggle with this working of GOD to date. How does a whole GOD die for a mere man?

Beloved, believe it, HE died for you. HE did. Believe it and live.

Side bar: What does it benefit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?

This statement seems to insinuate that the value of one man, one soul is equal to the value of the entire cosmos.

That is why people tell you that even if you were the only person on earth, GOD would still die for you.

See how valuable you are. The devil and his hordes knows this. Remember, that the devil and his hordes are not made in the image of GOD so can never have the fellowship or position that mankind has with GOD. So, those relating with satan as if you are mates or friends, just know that you are dealing with an enemy who hates you and is envious of you, know that you are deceived. And we all know what the green eyed monster is capable of. Beloved, satan is not your friend. Have nothing of his in your possession.

That is why when you make deals with devils for wealth, you lack understanding of who you are. How do you trade the entire cosmos for a billion shillings or dollars? Indeed for many, he offers just a few measly dollars and does not even keep his end of the bargain. Wake up from your slumber, Beloved.

As we continue, remember GOD is love.

You are made in the image of GOD

You have heard this statement, that for God so loved the world that HE sent HIS only begotten SON that whosoever believes in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life.

So, GOD says, “I will not let MY people perish, I will give them an escape, a way out,” HE then sends HIS SON.

The Bible tells us that from the foundations of the earth, The LAMB was slain.

So, those with the questions, “Did GOD know Adam was going to sin?” The answer is, yes, HE did and HE made preparations for it way before it happened. Better still, HE did not deprive Adam and us a chance at existence simply because of the devil and his plans. GOD has a plan and HIS plans for us are not threatened by the enemy or anyone or anything. HE will continue with HIS work and HIS plan.

So, GOD carries out HIS plan of salvation physically as it already had been executed spiritually. Some of my favorite preachers always say that before anything happens on the physical plane, it has happened in the spiritual plane.

Back to our father Adam, now out of the garden of Eden , life continues, he gets two boys, one kills the other, talks back at GOD and then leaves the presence of GOD. Sure, seems like that’s it for GODS plan of salvation, doesn’t it?

But here comes Seth and life goes on.

There are two things to note here. GOD explicitly tells Cain that sin is crouching at the door waiting to have him but he(Cain ) must overcome. We see that Cain was unable to overcome sin and indeed it compounded him, until he left the presence of GOD.

Second thing: do you think Adam and Eve were not sorry for their sin in Eden. They were sorry. That they were still able to come together and bring forth Seth, means that at least they kept the commandment, “Go forth and multiply” shows that they were willing to work with GOD and trust HIM even in the unknown.

Think about it, they are out of the garden of Eden, Cain is worse than dead and Abel is physically dead, how will we get out of this mess? Adam and Eve continued pressing on to the higher mark, to the higher calling, in spite of their circumstances. Sometimes we pray and cry out and GOD our FATHER seems quiet. This is the time to go back to HIS promises. Like Adam and Eve who believed that a SAVIOR would come and indeed The SAVIOR came. They were seeing HIM in the Garden of Eden but perhaps were not able to piece the fact that their GOD would save them HIMSELF.

Beloved, The MOST HIGH, The ALMIGHTY GOD will save you. GOD is faithful.

Beloved, let us go back to our condensed narrative.

So, Seth is here and so is sin. And sin continues to overwhelm the world to the extent that there are giants on earth as a result of fallen angels not keeping their boundaries and sleeping with women on earth. The earth is full of violence and GOD regrets making man and dooms them all to destruction. So much for salvation, it seems. But there is a man called Noah. Noah and his family are preserved through this destruction.

For those who claim that GOD cannot destroy the world, think again. It is just that HE promised not to use watery means to do so. Nothing said about fire, wind, wild animals, self-destructive nature of a man, sickness and infirmity.

What did God do? HE commanded Noah to make an ark and all who entered the ark would be saved.

Well, no one did. The family of Noah entered the ark, we hope that they knew The LORD and were not just following Noah because he was the head of the family. Anyway, I am pretty sure they are glad they did whatever their reasons.

People watched Noah enter the ark. They saw the animals walking in two by two , some in sevens. But they did not enter the ark and indeed they were destroyed and are in hell awaiting their day in the lake of fire.

Even now people are still mocking the incident concerning Noah, relegating it to the realm of fairy tales, they are in for a reality check.

So, we continue, Noah seems marooned upon the waters but life continues by the grace of GOD and here comes Abraham, yes, Father Abraham who had many sons of whom I am one .

Abraham lived in a time where idolatry was the order of the day. His own father was an idol maker. However, Abraham still believed in one GOD, preached one GOD , lived for one GOD and followed the instructions of GOD and the result, on top of lifetime blessings like having The MOST HIGH dine in your house and talking to HIM face to face were his. Further, centuries later we all claim Abraham to be our father.

Beloved, GOD is faithful, you will not regret following and serving HIM. Even if your ancestry can be described as demonic, there are no excuses. Abraham's lineage was worse but Abraham made it to glory on the right side of judgment.

Beloved, GOD can and will save you.

We proceed with our narrative and come across a PERSON born by the NAME of JESUS. The angel Gabriel in telling Mary about the SON she would bear was clear in telling her that HE would be called JESUS because HE would save people from their sins. Sounds familiar?

So, Who is this PERSON?


i. The SPIRIT of GOD overshadowed Mary

ii. Isaiah 8:6. A CHILD will be born and HE shall be called WONDERFUL, COUNSELOR, ALMIGHTY GOD, Everlasting FATHER

iii. “I and The FATHER are one

iv. “Hear O Israel, The LORD your GOD is one GOD

This PERSON was none other that GOD HIMSELF and HE walked this earth with the purpose of saving people from their sins.

HE told us, that the Kingdom of GOD was already among us and indeed it is.

Now remember, the following:

• The wages of sin are death

• Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin

• The value of a man

• The judgments of GOD

This being the case, the only way that JESUS would save man from sin would be through death and a death that required the shedding of blood.

So, The MAN that was born, was born to die and this MAN that was born to die was none other that GOD HIMSELF in the flesh. HE is GOD, HE can do anything. There is nothing impossible with HIM.

Becoming a MAN and at the same time remaining GOD is not a big feat for HIM. Remember, not only is HE all powerful, but HE is also ALMIGHTY that means HE can do all things.

The Bible teaches us that our GOD is in heaven and HE does whatsoever pleases HIM. If it pleased HIM to come and die for man, who are you to question HIM?

So, HE walked on this earth, did great works, emphasized HIS Word, clarified issues, gave HIS followers great power and authority, told them not to revel in the power and authority but to revel in the fact that their names are in the LAMB’S Book of Life, and then HE died.

Now, HE could have chosen a quick death. Like lethal injection, arrow to the heart, suicide, death by blunt trauma, death by poison etc

But HE died a long arduous gruesome death, where HIS blood kept on being shed till The MAN was dead.

Remember, without the shedding of blood, there is no atonement for sin.

Right from when HE was a baby, death stalked HIM and HE had to flee, not because HE had no power, but because the time was not right for HIM to die and HIS purpose had not been fulfilled.

There were things HE needed to do. Words HE needed to say, prayers HE needed to pray(John 17) and put the foundations needed and used by you and me to this day.

So, right from birth, you see the threats, traps set for him, the evil planning and plotting. When HE did good things all hell broke loose. The questioning: By whose authority do you do all this? Who are you? The various attempts upon HIS Life. The betrayal by HIS inner circle. The price they set for HIM. I mean like 30 pieces of silver?? For The KING of kings.. Surely!

The entire process must have been harrowing psychological torture for the human side of HIM. But HE still held on, for you and me.

Finally, the triumphant entry into Jerusalem! Wow! Who would have guessed that the same crowds would change their minds so swiftly? The next thing the night of the arrest, the sweating of blood, the sense of dread, the earnest prayer to GOD, a reminder of what was at stake, the strengthening by an angel, they arrest HIM with an army, the frog marching, the being kept waiting, the movement from government office to government office. The crowds baying for HIS blood. The interrogation, “Who are you? The torture. The mockery. The scourging in public

Beloved, if it were me or you, we would have died before we were born.. Imagine this harrowing process?

Beloved, The MOST HIGH took the long arduous route just for you and HE felt every second of the pain both physical and psychological.

Imagine, HE had the power to stop it but no, HE stayed the course.

After the crown of thorns, meticulous scourging,, they give HIM HIS cross to carry and make HIM carry it.

HE sees women aghast at what HE was undergoing and tells them not to weep for HIM but to cry for themselves and their children. Indeed, in character of our SAVIOR, outing us first. As the song goes: “…and thought of me above all. Crucified, laid behind a stone…”

They take HIM to a place aptly named, the place of a skull, strip Him, bet for HIS clothes, nail HIM to the cross, hang HIM up there, let HIM see HIS mother.

I must digress at this point. At this point, scripture informs us that our SAVIOR looked nothing like a human being; everything had taken its toll on HIS human body. Imagine, the sight of seeing HIS mother witnessing all this. Imagine Mary seeing all this. Always, The KING of Compassion, HE commends the dear lady to John amidst HIS own torment.

Still in salvation mode, The SAVIOR, HE converses with one of the thieves guaranteeing the thief a place in paradise.

HalleluYAH! What a SAVIOR!

Finally, HE dies and the earth and the temple react immediately.

The soldiers now suddenly want to administer quick death which they administer on the two thieves beside HIM by breaking their bones. Coming to HIM , they find HIM dead already. A promise in scripture fulfilled that not a bone of HIS would be broken. But wicked as they were, but in GOD’s plan, they pierce HIS body, out comes blood and water. No more blood left. All the blood has been shed.

So, like the victorious KING HE is, HE declares triumphantly that it is finished and HE dies physically. That is not the end. HE now enters the spiritual realm.

Remember, HE said that GOD is SPIRIT and those who worship HIM must worship HIM in spirit and in truth. It certainly is not HIS end.

Back to happenings here on earth, /suddenly Joseph of Arimathea surfaces and is given the dead body of JESUS after conferring with the officials.

Imagine in the mind of Mary, like,” Where was this Joseph all this while, surely, he could have dome something?” But as in death, all the things no one ever did for you when you are alive, will be done for you when you die. Those who never interceded for you when alive will find the opportunity to intercede and write and read great eulogies for you and fund raise in great offices for you. If you died of starvation, people will feast at your death, never mind where the provision will come from. Beloved, this is life. They call it a befitting send off. Mockers! It happened to our Savior. Indeed, no affliction shall come to us that HE does not understand, or that HE has not passed through. HE who had no place to stay suddenly got a tomb. This life oo, as my Nigerian brothers would say. Do not forget that HIS own people joyfully clamored for his death.

Scripture tells that Mary kept all these things in her heart. Beloved, that is why you are not Mary. You would have run screaming and tearing at Uncle Joseph and hurled unprintable words in your great sorrow. But true daughters of Zion, keep these matters in their heart and believe that all things work together for good because they love The LORD.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous but The LORD delivers them from all…..

Back to our narrative, so now our SAVIOR is in the other world. The spirit world, HIS territory too, HE owns everything. Majestically and triumphantly, HE is in hades/hell, takes the keys of death and hell, frees the saints who were in paradise to heaven, leaving the doomed and damned in the place of torment, awaiting further torment in the lake of fire. Some were even seen walking on earth after which, I guess what they saw made them quickly run back to heaven. This earth is a trying place for all. Without GOD, without the intervention of JESUS , Beloved, you will not make it.

So, counting, three earthly days, guess Who is back? Yes, the KING of kings and The LORD of lords and HE will come again. Let me hear the AMEN.

Our SAVIOR arose with a new body, new garments like the ones HE will give us . Beloved, the clothes of JESUS including the burial cloths that were used were left on this earth. The spiritual body, the new body and new garments, HE will give us like HIS.

Remember and note that only children of GOD get new garments in the next world. Reports have it that people in hell are starkers.

At the beginning, of HIS resurrection, HE didn’t allow anyone to touch HIM but later after HE ascended and went to The FATHER, HE allowed the people to touch HIM and examine the wounds. Truly, we may not understand all this, but I for one I am waiting for a blow by blow description of events from The MAN HIMSELF. Can’t contain myself!

True to HIS nature, HE did not waste time trying to convince government that HE had risen. HE went after HIS scattered sheep, HIS followers, those who believed in HIM, spent time with them, then went to heaven to take HIS seat and sent HIS SPIRIT who is HIM to be with us. HE now waits to see what you will do with this information to your benefit or to your loss. HE has done HIS part.

Beloved, you can’t make this stuff up. You are right to believe in JESUS CHRIST and to trust HIM with your existence.

Back to our narrative, now remember, the main purpose of JESUS was to save man from sin, because without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.

So, HE came, shed all HIS blood in a long arduous process, died, all for you and me.

So, Beloved, the penalty for your sin , my sin has been paid. The matter has been settled.

As concerns all other things, JESUS cares too but HE instructed us to seek first HIS Kingdom and all these things will be added to us.

So, beloved, your first desire should be that your sins are forgiven; you are in good standing with GOD ALMIGHTY first. No shortcuts.

Scripture teaches that the blessings of GOD, make rich and add no sorrow.

Good examples the blessings of Abraham are still seen on the earth. In a world, Abraham long left. And we all know for sure that Abraham made it to the city of our GOD. There is no doubt about that anywhere. JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF testified about Abraham more than once.

Family blessings always come with some drama, inflated feelings of importance or feelings of being left out. Do not forget to add, the loads mostly evil that are attached to most inheritances.

Governmental blessings will be taxed, be sure about that.

You are on earth and earth functions like that.

Only the blessings of GOD make you truly rich and add no sorrow. See David and Abraham

What can you add to Sarah, Joseph and Elijah and Mary and Peter and Paul? Truly, they are blessed.

The blessings and/or rewards of GOD are not only eternal but eternally beneficial.

So, now, back to our narrative, our SAVIOR, came and saved man from sin.

How does this concern you?

First, you are a man, or woman. Let’s put it this way. You are a human being, what is referred to as mankind in the scriptures and old literature.

Secondly, everyone knows that JESUS CHRIST is the SAVIOR. Many deny for the sake of denying, for family and societal reasons. As concerns this, JESUS said in a nutshell, “ You deny ME, I deny you!”

Strangely enough, when on the brink of disasters, say in accidents, plane crashes, many people consciously or unconsciously cry out, “JESUS!” Some add, “Save me” , “ Have mercy on me.” or variations of these.

As I said , everyone knows JESUS is the SAVIOR.

Even in the labor wards, especially in Africa, when things are hot at one point, every woman , including the prostitute etc will whisper,” JESUS, help me,” In Kiswahili, “aki YESU, nisaidie,” Amidst the pangs. Truly in trouble, in every situation, JESUS is The SAVIOR, but remember HIS number one purpose for coming was to save you from your sins.

Note that these people, who call upon JESUS without owing allegiance to HIM, know HIS nature that HE is merciful and compassionate and has a very soft spot for mankind. So, they play on this. HE responds to them based on HIS will as GOD. That is why, some will be rescued others may seem to be rescued, yet it is just a second chance they are getting, others may seemingly not be rescued but who knows if the power in The Blood kicked in at the moment of death.

Beloved, none of us likes being used. Many times when people use us, we end up giving the people what they want from us, and then deprive the person of our presence.

But Beloved, do not take such chances. Do not play such games. Do not take The LORD for granted. Believe in The LORD JESUS CHRIST as John 3:16 put sit and you shall be saved. Now is the time of salvation.

Do this:

Believe in JESUS CHRIST. Clearly, this is not a fairy tale or Christmas story. This is hard reality. Eternity is real. You stepped out of eternity into time and one day you will step out of time back into eternity and where you will go, the rewards, penalties, the judgments are up to you.

Secondly, you must stop sinning and live a holy life.

Follow the commandments and laws of GOD. Be led by HIS HOLY SPIRIT for as many as are led by The HOLY SPIRIT , they are the children of GOD. BE holy for your FATHER in heaven is holy.

Here is a quick guide. Whatever, the Bible forbids, do not do. Whatever the Bible commands you to do, do. No debates or arguing.

Judgment is done based on these laws which GOD HIMSELF voices in Deuteronomy and Exodus and which JESUS reiterates in that: Love The LORD your GOD with all your being and love your neighbor as you love yourself. Do unto others as you would have them do to you.

For those who think that they made themselves or that they are their own gods, kindly show us your judgments, punishments and rewards even for yourself. You are breathing the air of GOD which is only available to man free by HIS generous loving character.

So, believe, accept and live like a person who has heard of JESUS CHRIST.

Otherwise, when it is judgment day, you will find yourself in debt, without blood to pay for your sins and you will find yourself in hell on transit to the lake of fire.

Humble yourself and stop being a know it all. Listen to wise counsel. Search the scripture and walk accordingly. Walk humbly with your GOD.

One of the worst scenarios described by JESUS about judgment day is when HE tells those who have done wonders in HIS NAME that HE does not know them. Let us put it this way, HE has no idea of who they are! Also note that the people who do what is described in this scripture fit the description of church leaders. Usually when a demon possessed person comes, people refer to him to the church leadership and all offerings and appreciations are given to the church leader who may or may not ascribe all the glory to GOD.

Now, now. This shows us clearly that the power is in the NAME of JESUS not in the persons using it. The power is GOD'S. All power belongs to GOD. HE may give you some for a while but ultimately all power belongs to GOD.

So, for those of you who go on lamenting about falling standards in the church and shunning Christianity because of the conduct of Christians, the questions is why are you surprised? JESUS HIMSELF does not know some of the people operating in HIS NAME, but HIS NAME works and HE has ll the power. So, no excuses. You are to follow and serve JESUS.

Remember, HE told us to do what the religious leaders tell us to do but not to do what they do. HE HIMSELF had HIS experience with religious leaders so what you are complaining about is nothing new. Get on your knees in private and repent and ask JESUS to make you one of HIS sheep who hear and know HIS voice.

These people, wolves in sheep clothing are proud and yes JESUS does not know them and they do not know HIM. Proud and haughty you see their character displayed as they talk to the KING of kings the way they want. They have received their reward in full.

Telling HIM in a nutshell, “We did work for you, now pay us!” The audacity! Now you see why some people even religious leaders need serious deliverance. Never mind, that they received their reward in full on this earth by extorting widows and fatherless and GOD paid them for their work while they were on earth living as they pleased without care for GOD or man.

This satanic attitude will bring many religious leaders to destruction. You are not saved by works, you are saved by grace. Your righteousness is like filthy rags. GOD saves you and rewards you for service not because of yourself but because that is who HE is, a Rewarder of those who diligently seek HIM. So, man, get off your high horse and grovel. You are saved by mercy, by grace.

This I deserve.. I deserve attitude is from satan. You deserve death and destruction for your sins. But GOD in HIS mercy offers you a way out.

Change your attitude or you will perish in your sins.

Beloved, we have come to the end of our narrative.

Ina nutshell, you reject JESUS prepare for hell.

When you refuse to say that JESUS is LORD, you are clearly not thinking straight because the scripture assures us that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD. This includes the knees you have and the tongue you have. Beloved, keep your name in The LAMB’s Book of Life.

Do you want to know JESUS as your personal Lord and Savior? Your eternity is at stake! JESUS has opened the door of salvation to every person. But there is coming a day when the door will be closed. Today is the day of salvation. Choose to be in the family of GOD. JESUS died so that we can spend eternity in Heaven with HIM. Don't delay! And if you want to begin a relationship with GOD or resume a broken one, say this: O GOD, I come to YOU today. I know I am a sinner. I believe that JESUS died on the cross to save me and HE resurrected on the third day. I repent of my sins and forsake them. I confess JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOR . I invite JESUS into my heart. By this prayer, I know I am saved. Thank YOU JESUS for saving me and making me a child of GOD. Amen