
Summary: A sermon in a series from the book of Nehemiah about how we can have joy in the Christian life.

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Last week began new series = Joy in the Christian Life = The Case for Nehemiah

- To have true Biblical joy as Christian our life must be in-line with God’s Will and Purposes

- Suggested by examining Nehemiah’s life = Character

- Highlights of the book that bears his name

- The motivating purpose of his life and how it was accomplished

- Learn the lessons = Grasp the applications = Put them into practice

- Will help us go far down road to having lives that line-up with God’s Will and Purposes

- And then we can go on to Philippians = So that we can study this idea of "joy"

One great theme of Phil. is that of joy, even in suffering.

- The words "joy" and "rejoicing" occur some seventeen times in its four chapters.

- "Triumphant Living in Christ"

And we will also see some of the things and circumstances in this life which would try to rob us of our joy

- And thus equipped we will be better prepared to prevent the theft of our joy

Our introduction to Nehemiah

- "comforted by Jehovah" = He knew the comforts of God

- He knew how to truly love his country, desire the best for his people

- He had a great life of prayer grounded on faith in his God

- He was a courageous, hard worker who knew what was right = And did that which was right

- And he inspired others to do what was right with him

And that last point is so very vital to understanding Nehemiah

Nehemiah was a man who desired to make a difference for the glory of God

That was THE motivating purpose of his life

- 3 main ways

- The Rebuilding of the Walls of Jerusalem

- The rehearsal of certain Divine Laws

- The restoration of Ancient Ordinances

Today let’s consider some of the highlights of this epistle

- Some of the "big picture" points of this book > 5

- And try to cultivate out some of the lessons God has laid out for us

- And see how we might apply them in our lives

Lesson number one = The walls of Jerusalem were broken down = [1.3]

- Jerusalem = "City of God" = Place where He chose to have His Temple built

- A distinctive building = Contrasted with all the other buildings

- Dwelling-place of "a diety" = Here, Jehovah God = THE God Who Made Heaven & Earth

- Hallowed by the special presence of God = Consecrated to His Worship

Walls were often built for the security and safety of the inhabitants of the city

- So with the walls broken down = The city of God was vulnerable

- And everything within was open = Exposed = " great affliction and reproach..."

- Perhaps even putting the Temple of the Holy God of Heaven in danger

- Nehemiah’s great desire = Re-build the walls = Secure the city = Remove the reproach

Lesson number two = We do not know very much about Nehemiah at the beginning of the book bearing his name

- But consider what we learn about him almost from the beginning = [1.4]

- Compassion = Empathy (affliction) = Earnest

- And perhaps most important of all = [1.11]

- His desire was so monumental = Would he even be able to accomplish it

- "Absolutely not..." = NOT without prayer and fasting

Lesson number three = [2.4-5]

- Nehemiah had a very good position

- But he knew he had an even better cause

- And he was willing to sacrifice his position for his cause

Lesson number four = [2.12-15]

- Nehemiah is wise enough to know that he doesn’t know what needs to be done

- And so before he sets about to correct a problem

- He makes sure he knows what problems need to be corrected

Lesson number five is very closely related to number four = [2.16-17]

- Nehemiah knew he could not do the work alone

- He needed help = But not just help

- Investment = Involvement = Co-operation

Now those are the lessons we’re examining today

- What applications can we consider to challenge our selves with?

Now those are the lessons we’re examining today

- What applications can we consider to challenge our selves with?

Application number one = Jerusalem is still the "City of God" today

- One day the Temple will be re-built

- However today right now the Scripture is clear = [1 Cor. 3.16-17]

- Truth is in the lives of far too many believers their walls have been broken down

- And they expose their souls to some mighty un-godly circumstances and situations

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