Summary: A sermon in a series from the book of Nehemiah about how we can have joy in the Christian life.

Last week began new series = Joy in the Christian Life = The Case for Nehemiah

- To have true Biblical joy as Christian our life must be in-line with God’s Will and Purposes

- Suggested by examining Nehemiah’s life = Character

- Highlights of the book that bears his name

- The motivating purpose of his life and how it was accomplished

- Learn the lessons = Grasp the applications = Put them into practice

- Will help us go far down road to having lives that line-up with God’s Will and Purposes

- And then we can go on to Philippians = So that we can study this idea of "joy"

One great theme of Phil. is that of joy, even in suffering.

- The words "joy" and "rejoicing" occur some seventeen times in its four chapters.

- "Triumphant Living in Christ"

And we will also see some of the things and circumstances in this life which would try to rob us of our joy

- And thus equipped we will be better prepared to prevent the theft of our joy

Our introduction to Nehemiah

- "comforted by Jehovah" = He knew the comforts of God

- He knew how to truly love his country, desire the best for his people

- He had a great life of prayer grounded on faith in his God

- He was a courageous, hard worker who knew what was right = And did that which was right

- And he inspired others to do what was right with him

And that last point is so very vital to understanding Nehemiah

Nehemiah was a man who desired to make a difference for the glory of God

That was THE motivating purpose of his life

- 3 main ways

- The Rebuilding of the Walls of Jerusalem

- The rehearsal of certain Divine Laws

- The restoration of Ancient Ordinances

Today let’s consider some of the highlights of this epistle

- Some of the "big picture" points of this book > 5

- And try to cultivate out some of the lessons God has laid out for us

- And see how we might apply them in our lives

Lesson number one = The walls of Jerusalem were broken down = [1.3]

- Jerusalem = "City of God" = Place where He chose to have His Temple built

- A distinctive building = Contrasted with all the other buildings

- Dwelling-place of "a diety" = Here, Jehovah God = THE God Who Made Heaven & Earth

- Hallowed by the special presence of God = Consecrated to His Worship

Walls were often built for the security and safety of the inhabitants of the city

- So with the walls broken down = The city of God was vulnerable

- And everything within was open = Exposed = " great affliction and reproach..."

- Perhaps even putting the Temple of the Holy God of Heaven in danger

- Nehemiah’s great desire = Re-build the walls = Secure the city = Remove the reproach

Lesson number two = We do not know very much about Nehemiah at the beginning of the book bearing his name

- But consider what we learn about him almost from the beginning = [1.4]

- Compassion = Empathy (affliction) = Earnest

- And perhaps most important of all = [1.11]

- His desire was so monumental = Would he even be able to accomplish it

- "Absolutely not..." = NOT without prayer and fasting

Lesson number three = [2.4-5]

- Nehemiah had a very good position

- But he knew he had an even better cause

- And he was willing to sacrifice his position for his cause

Lesson number four = [2.12-15]

- Nehemiah is wise enough to know that he doesn’t know what needs to be done

- And so before he sets about to correct a problem

- He makes sure he knows what problems need to be corrected

Lesson number five is very closely related to number four = [2.16-17]

- Nehemiah knew he could not do the work alone

- He needed help = But not just help

- Investment = Involvement = Co-operation

Now those are the lessons we’re examining today

- What applications can we consider to challenge our selves with?

Now those are the lessons we’re examining today

- What applications can we consider to challenge our selves with?

Application number one = Jerusalem is still the "City of God" today

- One day the Temple will be re-built

- However today right now the Scripture is clear = [1 Cor. 3.16-17]

- Truth is in the lives of far too many believers their walls have been broken down

- And they expose their souls to some mighty un-godly circumstances and situations

- And so they themselves have become to the Lord a "great affliction and a reproach"

- Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

- [2 Cor. 6.14-18] = It is compromise = It is the way of the world

- Whatever it is in your life that represents the walls being broken down

- You had better re-build the walls = Secure the Temple = Remove the reproach

- So that you will once again be Hallowed by the special presence of God = Consecrated to His Worship

Application number two = Nehemiah was a compassionate, empathetic man

- Very earnest about his calling = But not so much in a hurry that he didn’t realize first things first

- How hard is it to get Christians to pray today? = And fasting!

- And yet there are some great Spiritual enterprises and callings which should not ever be considered UNTIL AFTER a season of prayer and fasting

- How long did you pray this week, dear Christian?

- When was the last time you fasted, if ever?

- How can you ever have the Spiritual power you need to make your compassion and empathy and desires effective without spending time with the Lord?

> Don’t worry = These things are as hard for me to hear as they are for you

Application number three = Nehemiah was willing to sacrifice his position in order to accomplish a greater task

- Some years ago, sign on desk of CEO of major world corporation, "The world has yet to see what can be accomplished if someone worked who did not care who received the credit"

- Frankly, Christian, we are supposed to be working so that the Lord receives all the credit

- And if that means giving up some part of your life which you think is significant and important right now = Even if it IS

- Would you be willing to do it?

- Especially if you were sure the Lord was directing you to do so?

- Generally speaking = Great things for good depend on great sacrifices by men

- But never greater than THE ONE God has already made on our behalf

Application number four = Nehemiah took stock of what needed to be done before he set about trying to do it

- You know, you don’t really need to plan that well to destroy something

- Oh, certainly the more complicated the matter, some planning is necessary

- IE: When they took down Mid-Town Plaza

- But you have to carefully plan out the details when you want to do something constructive

- And the bigger the job = The more planning is necessary

- How big is our God?

- How big of a task is He able to accomplish?

- But who is He going to use to get the job done?

- How big of a job do we want to see Him do in / with / through us?

- How much prayerful planning and thought are we willing to invest?

- This series is part of that process


Application number five = [Eph. 4]

- [4.1] = Our "vocation" ??? > Serving THE LORD = SERVING Him

- If you want to explore how to "walk worthy" > vv.2-6

- But now notice = [4.7-8] = Gifts? = [4.11]

- For what purpose? = [4.12-16]

You see Nehemiah knows what is all to painfully obvious

- One man can not do it alone

- God never intended for that to be the case

- Not just help = Investment = Involvment = Co-operation > [4.12-16]

But remember = "I...beseech you that ye WALK worthy of the vocation...called," (4.1)

- Are we even walking? = Are YOU even walking?

- We as a church will not be successful until each member is successful = Walking

- Services = Prayer = Helpers = Givers = Students = Disciples = Witnesses

- Investing = Involved = Co-operating

- [Neh. 2.18] = The people in Nehemiah’s day responded well

- Will we?


Unsaved > Nehemiah didn’t realize how bad things were until he was told

- You might not either...

Saved > Anything here today challenges you?

- Confronts you where you are at right now today?

Do you need to re-build some walls around your heart and life and soul?

- Secure the Temple? = Remove the reproach? = Be consecrated a-new to Worship the Lord?

Prayer...AND fasting

- How can you ever have the Spiritual power you need to make your compassion and empathy and desires effective without spending time with the Lord?

What sacrifices would you be willing to make if the Lord asked?

- BETTER, Is there anything you would not be willing to give up if the Lord asked?

- Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God [be] for us, who [can be] against us? 32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

How big of a job do we want to see Him do in / with / through us?

- How yielded to God are we willing to become?

And do we truly have a Spirit of help?

- Not just help = Investment = Involvment = Co-operation

PRAYER = HYMN OF INVITATION # 290, Where He Leads Me


Reference materials studied for & used in this message --

Dr. Henry Morris, Defender’s Study Bible notes -- Notes on the Bible by Ray Langley -- Thompson Chain Topics # 4238, "Outline Analysis of Nehemiah" -- American Tract Society Bible Dictionary -- Easton’s Revised Bible Dictionary