Joy: Don't Leave Home Without It
Contributed by Andrew Chan on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: How joy in the Lord provides internal protection to keep us safe, and is really close at hand and is the way of the Kingdom of God.
Joy: Don’t Leave Home Without it
“Finally, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you is not troublesome to me, and for you it is a safeguard.”
Philippians 3:1 (NRSV)
Rejoice in the Lord - as a safeguard - illus. safety belt.
A. Internal Protection
1. No room for regret (3:13,14)
“…forget what is behind… press on toward the goal to win the
prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus”
2. No room for anxiety (4:6-7)
“Do not be anxious…by prayer and petition with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God. And the peace of God…will guard
your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
3. No room for negativity (4:8)
“…whatever is true…noble…right…pure…lovely…admirable - if
anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.”
B. Close at Hand
1. Joy of prayer (1:4)
“In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy.”
2. Joy that Christ is preached (1:18)
“The important thing is that in every way, whether from false
motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.”
3. Joy of faith (1:21,25)
“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain… I will continue
with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith.”
4. Joy of becoming like Christ (2:2)
“… make my joy complete, by being like-minded, having the same
love, being one is spirit and purpose.”
5. Joy of investment in others (2:17)
“But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the
sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice
with all of you.”
6. Joy in fellowship of Christians (2:29)
“Welcome him in the Lord with great joy…”
C. Joy - the Way of the Kingdom
1. Non-optional: Luke 2:10, Jude 24, James 1:2, 1 Thessalonians 5:16, Psalm 100, Psalm 16.
a. Jesus: For a broken world, God has come to restore, longing to bring us home - “I bring you good news of great joy…” “To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy”
b. Command: To refuse joy is to refuse God - “Consider it pure joy…” “Be joyful always”
c. Worshipful: God loves joy in His presence, that He makes a difference - “Shout for joy to the LORD…come before him with joyful songs”
d. Trust: Believing in the absolute goodness of God - “you will fill me with joy in your presence with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”
e. Motivation: “…for the joy set before him endured the cross…”
C. Have you left home without it?
1. Are you celebrating yet?
2. Do find out what’s eating away your joy.
3. Recommit yourself to encounter joy in the Lord who is committed to joy over you.
Can you hear God’s joy over you?
“The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take
great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice
over you with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17
When you see Him face to face, he is committed to your joy...
“Well done, thou good and faithful servant… enter thou into the joy
of the Lord.” Matthew 25:21 (KJV)