John 14:6 - The Singularity Of Christ
Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon was preached as a prelude to baptism. Jesus left absolutely no doubt that He was, is and always will be the only way to the Father in spite of the rising tide of public opinion.
=John 14:1-9 – please open your Bibles to the Gospel of John chapter 14.
Of course we know that Gospel actually means “Good News!”
John 14:6-7 was our memory scripture this past July, August, September
Because we are baptizing Christopher today I thought it would be a good idea to take a look at the very basis for baptism and that is faith in Jesus Christ alone.
Let’s go ahead and read the Scripture for today; please follow along in your Bibles.
Suppose you are traveling in an unfamiliar place and your family member is injured in a way that is life threatening. You know that if you do not get her to a hospital in a short time she will die. There is no 911 service. You think you are heading for a city where there will be a hospital but you’re not sure. In reality you are lost. You don’t know if that road will take you to a hospital or not.
Meanwhile your wife is getting weaker and weaker.
Eventually you see someone outside their home and you stop to ask them directions to the nearest hospital and they tell you to go three miles and take the next turn to the right. So you do.
As you travel along that road it becomes more and more narrow. After a while the road turns into a dirt road and you realize that the person who gave you the directions lied to you and this is NOT the way to the hospital. Finally you see a sign that says, “Dead End”. So you turn around.
By now your wife has passed out and is non-responsive but still breathing.
Finally, you stumble across a place that appears to be a hospital and your rush into the emergency room carrying your wife. There is a person there who appears to be a doctor. The doctor gives her a shot and it looks like she stops breathing. The doctor tells you that he will need to take your wife into an exam room but you cannot follow. As he opens the door to wheel her into the exam room you look in but instead of an exam room you see an embalming room and caskets. But, at this point there is nothing you can do. It’s too late; your wife is dead.
She could have lived but you didn’t know the way, sought the truth but you were lied to and the person who was to save her life took it.
John 14:6 says,
“I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
The Bible shows us the way and that is through faith in Jesus.
The Bible tells us the truth that salvation is found in no one else.
The Bible brings us life by pointing us to the One and Only Spiritual Physician, Jesus who can save our immortal souls.
The world proclaims every day that there are many ways to an eternity that will be better than this world.
There is no other way than through Jesus.
The world tells us that there are many truths.
That what is true for you is true for you and what is true for me is true for me.
That each of us can create our own truth and that dreamt up truth is as valid as any other.
You could wander around investigating all these conflicting truths hoping to find eternal life but only end up at a dead end because …
There is no other truth than Jesus.
The world tells us that life can be found in this world. That life can be found in riches or drugs and alcohol or sex or power or possessions or beauty or popularity.
But, there is no real life other than the eternal life found in Jesus.
The Bible says that there is no other name given among men by which we may be saved other than the name of Jesus.
The Bible says believe in the name of Jesus if we are to be saved.
What does that mean, to believe in a name?
There is power in a name. Let me give you an example.
If someone makes out a check to you but you do not sign it you cannot cash it.
If you or someone other than an authorized person signs the check it is not legal and you will most likely go to jail if you are caught.
When we believe in the name of Jesus it is as if He signs our soul and validates us as belonging to Him. So, when we stand before the Father Jesus will say, “He’s one of Mine.”
How does that happen? How do we come to believe in the name of Jesus?