
Summary: As Jesus rides into Jerusalem, the various thoughls and situations he was confronted with

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I wish simply to remind you of a familiar story from the Bible. It began early Sunday morning as Jesus was walking toward Jerusalem. Jesus sends 2 of his disciples ahead of Him into a nearby village to carry out a special errand. Here is how Luke records that event:

Luke 19:28-31

(NLT) Jesus Comes to Jerusalem as King

28 After Jesus had said this, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. 29 As he approached Bethphage and Bethany at the hill called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, saying to them, 30 “Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. 31 If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it.’”

A. The 2 disciples must have wondered about what Jesus told them to do, because none of the Gospel accounts about the ministry of

Christ ever mention Him riding any animal to get from one place to another.

1. He must have walked hundreds of miles up & down the land we now call the "Holy Land," but there is no mention of Him ever riding,

except in a coat across the Sea of Galilee.

2. But now, He gives this unusual command to go into the village to get a colt that had never been ridden, & to bring it to Him.

3. It must have seemed a strange command, indeed.

4. He even tells them the exact words they are to use should anyone question them. They are to say, The Lord needs it."

5. Was this prearranged?

6. Did the owners know what Jesus was going to do We don’t know.

B. It is obvious Jesus knew what He was going to face in the city of Jerusalem.

1. So His decision to go into Jerusalem must have been one of the most difficult Jesus ever made.

2. And on top of that, to ride into the city on a colt, rather than to walk into it as He had often done before, must have been an even

more difficult decision, because riding a colt into the city was a public declaration that He was a King.

ILL. You see, in times of war the conqueror would ride upon a prancing stallion. But in times of peace, the king would ride a colt to symbolize

that peace prevailed. So, for Jesus to ride into Jerusalem upon a colt is to declare that He is a King.


How would the people respond to that? Would they recognize that His Kingdom was not of this world -that it was a spiritual kingdom, &

He was to be a spiritual King? Small chance, because He had been teaching them that for 3 1/2 years, & still they had not learned that


A. Maybe some of them would greet Him with laughter.

1. Maybe they would be amused by what Jesus as doing. After all, it was a rather ridiculous to be a King!

2. Perhaps some would think, "He is a lunatic, living in a world of fantasy - imagining Himself to be a King!" And they would laugh

at him.

B. Others would greet Him with anger - upset because they would interpret His riding into the city as arrogance & blasphemy against God.

C. Many would hail Him with joy, welcoming Him as an earthly King, come to reestablish the throne of David, & overthrow the Roman Empire.

1. They were ready & eager to place a crown upon His head.

D. Among the crowds would be people:

1. He had healed.

2. Some had been among the thousands He had fed.

3. Many more had seen some of His miracles

4. , & listened as "He spoke with authority."

5. They had listened, & their lives had been changed.

E. Jesus knew all of this.

1. He also knew that just over the horizon was the cross, looming like a monster ready to it all, Jesus still "...set His face steadfastly to go to



As Jesus rides down toward the gate of the city, the crowds are growing, & there is a festive air, for it is Passover & pilgrims are gathering from far &

near for this greatest of all Jewish holidays.

A. Even before Jesus arrives, the news has spread that Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead. You can imagine the excitement that prevails.

1. "Have you heard the news? Lazarus died, & was dead for days --He even stunk!!!

2. But this teacher from Nazareth called, `Lazarus, come forth’ & Lazarus came forth.

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