Jesus-One Of Us Series
Contributed by Mitchell Skelton on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: When it comes to our eternity we ALL need help. No matter how hard we work at it we can never EARN our salvation. 1. The Problem–easily identifiable, Sin. 2. The Prognosis–Remove Sin, you are safe; stay in, you are dead. 3. The Prescription–demands
Jesus–One of Us Series: Messages from
Hebrews 2:5–18 Hebrews
We all have problems from time to time that require professional help. If you have car trouble you call a mechanic. If you have Health problems you call a doctor. Would you let someone work on your car who had never even seen a car? Would you go to someone concerning your health who had never been to medical school?
Identifying the problem is not that hard. Your car won’t start. You have a pain in your chest. The Prognosis may require help. Prognosis means “likelihood of recovery.” Does your car need a new battery or a new motor? Can that pain in your chest be relieved with Rolaids or do you need heart bypass? The Prescription demands professional help. A new motor for your car means a call to the mechanic. Heart bypass means a call to your cardiologist.
Illustration: Suppose you were walking through a beautiful forest. You find yourself distracted by the beauty that surrounds you at every turn. A butterfly full of color catches your eye and you follow it for a moment with your eyes and without even knowing, you stray off the path into the denseness of the forest. It’s too late when you notice that just off the path is quicksand, you are stuck and no matter how hard you struggle you cannot free yourself from the grip of the quicksand. You just keep sinking deeper and deeper. Almost from out of nowhere you hear a voice. It calls to you in a tone that is so sympathetic. “So. . . you fell into the quicksand? Hey, I know just how you feel. I fell into that pit of quicksand myself once. Your beginning to panic now aren’t you? I know with that sand at your chin your heart must really be pounding! Oh yes, I remember it well. You know if you don’t get out soon you will die in that stuff.”
It is just then that you look up to see your “rescuer.” There in your time of need and so sympathetic to your plight, is your rescuer with one arm in a sling, walking only with the aid of crutches.
1. The Problem–You are stuck.
2. The Prognosis–Get out, you are safe; stay in, you are dead.
3. The Prescription however is not available.
Now don’t get me wrong sympathy with your problems is all well and good, yet it won’t get you out of the quicksand, it won’t get your car started and it sure won’t free you from the bondage of sin! What you need is someone with the power and ability to help. You need a Professional.
When it comes to our eternity we ALL need help. No matter how hard we work at it we can never EARN our salvation.
1. The Problem–easily identifiable, Sin.
2. The Prognosis–Remove Sin, you are safe; stay in, you are dead.
3. The Prescription–demands Professional help.
I. The Problem (Heb. 2:5–8)
A. In the beginning God created man to rule the earth with everything under his subjection.
1. Once completed God looked at his creation and said, “It is Very Good.” Gen. 1:31
2. The problem began very early. Gen. 3
B. We live in a fallen, sinful world as fallen, sinful people.
1. Sin corrupted God’s creation. Gen. 3:17–18
2. Sin corrupted God’s people. Romans 5:12
3. Sin separates us from God and condemns us eternally. Eph. 2:1–3, 12
C. There will be at time when once again man will live in perfect harmony and fellowship with God, without sin.
What is our likelihood of recovery from our fallen condition? Can we recover from our sinfulness?
II. The Prognosis (Heb. 2:9–13)
A. We may not be able to see that future perfection the Hebrew writer refers to, but we can see Jesus! Heb. 12:2–3
B. Jesus is our only hope of recovery.
C. Jesus calls us His brothers!
Knowing the Problem of Sin is vital, knowing that the Prognosis is good, gives us hope; now we need professional help, we need a Prescription.
III. The Prescription (Heb. 2:14–18)
A. Jesus is the only one qualified to help.
1. In order to qualify the conditions were clear.
2. He had to share in our flesh and blood.
Illustration: Joan Osborn’s song–“One of Us”
“What if God were one of us? Just a slob like one of us? Just a stranger on the bus, trying to make his way home. . .”Her idea of God is probably not like that of ours but the question she asks is revealed to us here in our text.
B. Jesus shared in our humanity.
1. The very heart of the Gospel. John 1:14 “The Word became flesh”
2. The Son of God, God’s last word to humanity became one of us.