Jesus King Of Angels Series
Contributed by E. True Neilson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The book of Hebrews is all about Jesus!
Jesus King of Angels
Hebrews 1:4-14
-On December 2 there was a cross country race featuring runners from around the world.
-The clear leader through the entire race was a Kenyan runner named Abel Mutai.
-Just as he approached the finish line something strange happened. He stopped.
-He was confused about where the finished line was, and stopped just before he got there.
-A few moments later the second place runner; a Spanish runner Iván Anaya came up behind him.
-He had the opportunity to run past Mutai and steal the victory.
-But he did something shocking; he also stopped!
-He knew that Abel Mutai was the better runner, and had run a better race, and so he pushed him up to the real finish line and helped him to win.
-Iván Anaya could have tried to take first place, but he knew he was the second place runner.
-He knew that first place rightfully belong to someone else.
-That’s a perfect illustration for our passage today about Jesus and the angels.
-Angels are impressive and powerful creatures, but they will always be second to Jesus. Because Jesus is…better.
-The book of Hebrews uses the word “better” 11 times to describe the superiority of Jesus Christ.
-And that’s what the book of Hebrews is all about…Jesus is better, than anything, anyone, any priest, prophet or king. He’s better.
-Last week we saw that In the OT God made promises, and in the NT God fulfilled those promises through Jesus.
-We looked at seven characteristics about Jesus, if you missed it you can listen to it online.
-Vs 4 tells us the main idea of our passage right away.
4 This shows that the Son is far greater than the angels, just as the name God gave him is greater than their names.
-You might think it’s obvious that Jesus is greater than the angels.
-But throughout the history of God’s people there have been problems with angel worship.
-The OT Kings Ahab and Manasseh led the people of Israel to worship angels.
-In the NT books of Galatians and Colossians there were warnings about angel worship which had begun to infiltrate the church.
-Even the apostle John bowed down to an angel in his revelation vision but the angel said, “No! Don’t worship me! (Rev 19:10)
-And throughout history there have been false teachers who have suggested that Jesus himself was an angel.
-But vs 4 says the name God gave Jesus is greater than the angels names. And the name he’s given Jesus is “Son”.
-There are people who are obsessed with angels.
-They have angel necklaces, angel figurines, and bumper stickers that say “angel on board”.
-People who don’t even know Jesus…declare their trust in angels.
-They say, “I have an angel was watching over me.”
-But angels aren’t private security contractors!
-They work at Christ’s commands, for Christ’s people, and to serve Christ’s purposes.
-They cannot save you, they cannot help you, they don’t work for you outside of the will of Jesus.
-They work for Jesus, because is greater than the angels.
verse 5: explains it for us.
5 For God never said to any angel what he said to Jesus: “You are my Son. Today I have become your Father.” God also said, “I will be his Father, and he will be my Son.”
-Here the author of Hebrews starts quoting various Psalms to make various points about Jesus. He starts by saying…
-ANGELS ARE NOT GOD’S SONS. God has never called them that.
-So, if they aren’t his sons, who are they? What are they?
-Do they really play harps? Do they really sit on clouds?
-There are some fascinating accounts of angels in the Bible.
-There was a demon in Daniel called the “prince of Persia” who was preventing a messenger angel from getting to Daniel.
-And God sent the archangel to battle that demon prince. (Dan 10)
-When God called Zec, Joseph and Mary he sent the angel Gabriel.
-When the angel Lucifer led his rebellion, it was the angel Michael who led God’s forces and threw Lucifer(satan) out of heaven.
-An angel fed Elijah after his showdown on Mt. Carmel.
-It was an angel that gave a pep talk to Gideon when he was afraid
-It was an angel who orchestrated a prison break for Peter.
-And it was angels who were present at the resurrection of Jesus.
-Angels are impressive heavenly beings but angels are not God’s sons. They are angels.
-Now in contrast verse 5 says…
-JESUS IS GOD’S ONLY SON. This is a quote Ps 2:7
-No angel could ever be called God’s son. Only Jesus is God’s son.
-Have you ever worked with the boss’ son? I have.
-When I was in high school I worked at T.C.B.Y. That’s where I met my wife. The boss’ son liked to boss us around.