
Summary: Jesus is Lord. We have to decide if we will make him Lord of our lives.

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Advent series “Long Expected Jesus”

Week 3 Jesus is Lord

Selective verses


For a moment last week after the skit, I said that Jesus is the light of the world.

To Christians, we know exactly what that means and what that looks like for our lives.

But to those seeking, those who are far from God, that carries mixed thoughts.

Those seeking God, it means an attraction to know more about God.

Those far away from God or in rebellion of God for something they believe God did or did not do, it means a light that they are avoiding.

In the light of God, because of what Jesus Christ did for each of us; We find:

Jesus is the hope.

Jesus is peace.

Jesus is Joy.

Many who claim to know Jesus do not live with the Hope, the peace, and the joy that Jesus is supposed to bring to His people.

We struggle to measure up to others.

We struggle if we are good enough for Jesus to love us.

We hear the message of Jesus at Christmas and it does not change us.

The Good News is that Jesus was born and lived and died and rose again. That is the Christmas message of His birth and the Easter message of His resurrection rolled up into providing salvation through Jesus Christ and Him alone.

Matthew 1:23-Text

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”.)

The bottom line is that is God’s plan and God’s plans don’t fail or fall short. Jesus is coming in the womb of a virgin and it will be God with us! God coming to us, It is God’s plan of redemption.

If Jesus Christ had not come

The world would still be in darkness with no way out.

The world would not know what love is. The sacrificial love of God.

There would be no Good News.

There would be no Hope. Our hope is squarely on the back of Jesus Christ.

There could not be any Peace. The peace of God passes all understanding and a peace that can be had even in trial and troubles of life.

We could never experience God’s Joy. The joy that does not look at our situation and circumstances but the inner joy that only God could bring.

He came down here so we could go up there!

John 6:38-

“For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day. For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”

The two miracles work together- His birth and His resurrection -so that we might have eternal life and be redeemed by Jesus Christ.

If we accept what Jesus has done and acknowledge Him as Lord, we are promised redemption under his shed blood and his resurrection. He was resurrected and we will be resurrected.

If we do not accept what Jesus has done for us, we will not have our sins forgiven and His shed blood will be for us in vein.

Either way, we will at least one time in our lives acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord-

“Every knee will bow and every tongue confuse that Jesus Christ is Lord.”

We can come to His table with His blessing or come to Judgment with His wrath.

People knew Jesus was coming- one generation after another, the message has been passed down that they are not forgotten people but chosen people.

The prophet Isaiah wrote “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way”- a voice of one calling in the wilderness, prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.”

John the Baptist came and brought with him the message.

Every generation since has had the voice of one calling us to see the Christ child for who He is- The savior of the world.

John the Baptist told them to repent for the forgiveness of sins.

The message is the same today- repent, see God for who He is and for what He has done for each of us.

The words of John the Baptist brought hope to a world that needed hope.

There hope was hinged on a prophet and future savior coming, our hope on this side of Jesus coming the first time and fulfilling all prophesy is the completion and promise of Jesus Christ and His second return for His people.

Every year there is some sort of message to prepare for Jesus second return and to be ready.

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