Jesus Is Coming
Contributed by Brad Rigney on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon is during Advent as we focus on Jesus’ first coming, but remembering His promise to come again. What does it mean to be ready and prepared as we await Jesus’ coming again?
Jesus Is Coming
Matthew 24:36-51
(1st Advent Sunday)
A. How many of you remember a game you played as a child - Hide n Seek? It is one of those universal games that children in all time - even today - enjoy playing. You remember: one person is chosen to find everyone as they hide. He/she covers their eyes and then begins to count. After counting then the famous phrase is called out: READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!
B. Jesus came - as we celebrate Christmas - and you know what people weren’t ready! The prophecies were taught and proclaimed - the news of His birth traveled around through different people: three kings, shepherds, Zechariah, Angels, etc. - yet there were still lots of people who didn’t understand and weren’t ready for Jesus’ birth as the Savior of the world. Jesus is coming Back as He promised and Scripture teaches and the question we have to ask ourselves is that same O’ question: Are we READY?
C. As we prepare to Celebrate the 1st Advent - Coming of Jesus as the baby in the manger, let us learn how we can be Ready for Jesus’ 2nd Coming. Jesus is Coming and He teaches us here in this passage how we can be ready!
A. Don’t be preoccupied with the exact time of His Return. Vs. 36 Why? Because Jesus teaches us that no one knows the hour or day!
Scripture teaches us we can understand that we are closer by some signs (2Tim. 3:1-5, Matt. 24, etc.), but no one knows exactly when.
Today there are all kinds of different views, books, even movies you can see that try to focus on when, but according to Jesus no one knows! So be careful and don’t be too preoccupied on trying to know.
We know from our passage today that it will be like the days of Noah - people will be going about in life and yet not ready. It will come suddenly, even as there were two people in the field and one was suddenly gone.
There are a lot of different Christian views, all using Scripture to help us understand these things - but again - don’t be so preoccupied with a view because no one really knows!
B. Keep Watch - Be Alert, vs. 42
Keep Watch here doesn’t mean sit around looking for Jesus to come through the clouds. Vs. 43-44, the illustration of thief: you don’t sit up all night waiting at your door with a gun for a thief to break in. You do, however, PREPARE yourself - get locks - make sure they are set - perhaps an alarm, etc.
That is what it means to KEEP WATCH - Being Prepared.
How are we Prepared for Jesus’ Coming? Trust and Confess Him as Lord of your life, Living for Him, Confessing our sins daily for His forgiveness, Worshipping Him regularly, praying, Living for Him, Not being deceived, etc.
C. Be a Faithful and Wise Servant, vs. 45
- Do what He’s put you in charge to do.
- Feed people - the Word of God.
- Take care of His Business: Mark 12, Mt. 28
- Don’t become complacent - thinking, well He hasn’t come yet so He is coming today.
- Don’t be morally slack; treating people bad
- Don’t be a stumbling block, instead be a witness for the Lord to others.
- Don’t be arrogant, like the servant that thought He was it compared to others.
- Why? Because, we learn in vs. 50-51 that when the Lord returns, He will judge us!
- The wise and Faithful servant is the one who lives as described in Romans 13:11-14
A. Jesus is Coming - Are you Ready?
B. As we celebrate the birth of our Lord during this Advent Season - Christmas time, remember that just as His birth was foretold 100’s of years prior, so He has Promised and it is foretold that Jesus will Return!
He was born in a manger to be the Savior of the World, but He is coming back to Judge the living and the dead. Don’t leave Jesus in the manger - Be Ready - Jesus is Coming!
C. To be Ready for Jesus’ Coming:
- don’t focus on knowing exactly when, Keep Watch - -- Be Prepared, have you made a personal confession of Faith in Him as your Savior and Lord; is there any unconfessed sin in your life; is there a broken relationship you need to mend; are you worshipping Him regularly; are you praying to Him; are you serving Him?
- Be a Faithful and Wise Servant, are you living and going about the Lord’s business of Loving Him with all that you are? Loving others as yourself? Making Disciples of all people?
D. I close with this poem that I found titled: If Jesus should come in Santa’s Stead.
Jesus is Coming - Are you Ready?