
Summary: Is Jesus in the House? A message to encourage Mothers on Mother's Day.

Jesus in the House

Mark 2:1-2


Today we celebrate Mother’s Day.

There is a little phrase here that caught my attention at the end

of verse 1. “he was in the house”.

It was probably the house of Simon and Andrew. Mark 1:29

- This would be Simon Peter

- It was in Capernaum Vs. 1

When Jesus went into the house it was no secret.

I. The Son of God was in the house

A. Again, this was no secret

1. When Jesus is genially honored in the home, it cannot be

kept a secret.

2. Jesus does not have secret agents.

3. People will know

a. By how you live

b. By where you go (Sunday)

c. By how you treat people.

4. Is Jesus treated like a guest in your house or is He just a

picture on the wall?

a. Do you talk to Him?

b. Would He be embarrassed to see what you’re

watching on TV? (BTW, He knows)

c. Or listening to? (Music)

II. The Word of God was in the house. Vs. 2

“…He preached the Word unto them”

A. Not just sitting on the coffee table or hidden away

in a closet.

B. Teach the Word of God to your children

1. Don’t leave it up to the Sunday School teacher.

2. They should hear the Word of God at home too.

C. There is such an array of Sermons now on APP,

YouTube, Facebook, websites etc.

1. You have more access to sermons that you ever have

had in our lifetime.

D. Notice it was the PREACHING OF THE WORD

III. The power of God was in the house.

A. That’s why it was so crowded.

1. Peter’s mother-in-law was healed.

2. A paralyzed man was healed. Vs. 11-12

B. Power comes thorough prayer.

1. Every time you see the power of God at work in the New

Testament, it was proceeded by prayer.

2. Pray with each other.

a. Mealtimes.

b. Bedtimes.

c. Troubled times.

d. All the time.

3. Will your children remember hearing your pray.

a. Do you remember hearing your parents pray?

b. Do you remember hearing your grandparents pray?


Jesus only comes to the house by invitation.

Have you invited Him into your house?

Is He welcome there?

You can invite Him in today.

- It begins with your personal relationship with Him.

- Repent of your sin, and simply ask Him in.

Rev. 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

Is Jesus in your house?

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