Jesus’ Day Of Atonement Service Series
Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: After all the background we have been given, the writer to the Hebrews brings it together to a conclusion: Jesus atoned for our sins in a greater way than even the high priest could on the Day of Atonement.
Jesus’ Day of Atonement Service
(Hebrews 9:1-10:18)
1. Al Jolson was the first super-star singer/entertainer.
2. He was the first person to sell a million records, and start rising to fame in 1913.
3. When the Warner Brothers decided to produce a movie with a little bit of dialog in it — The Jazz Singer — they wanted a famous star to be in the movies. The name of the play they would convert to a movie was called “The Day of Atonement.”
4. They had planned to use Georgie Jessel, who starred in the play on Broadway.
5. But Jolson wanted to star in the movie, so he pulled a few strings.
6. Both Jessel and Jolson were Jews. Jolson’s father was a rabbi, as a matter of fact.
7. The movie: a rabbis wayward son becomes a famous jazz singer, in contrast to his father’s dreams. They are estranged, and a lot of things happen to divide them.
8. His dad suddenly is near death, right before the Day of Atonement. Will the jazz singer return home and chant the Day of Atonement ritual for his father — and grant his drying wish. He does, and sings the Kol Nidre, part of the ritual.
9. Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the most important holiday to a devout Jew.
10. It was crucial to the Jews in the first century as well, and important concept in the Book of Hebrews.
Main Idea: After all the background we have been given, the writer to the Hebrews brings it together to a conclusion: Jesus atoned for our sins in a greater way than even the high priest could on the Day of Atonement.
I. The Law Was A SHADOW of Christ, His Work, and His New Covenant
A. The FEASTS represent the Gospel and two comings of Jesus
1. The Old Testament is full of imagery/edifying to study
2. Our attempts to explain its representation are fallible, but often edifying.
3. Sam’s Tabernacle ministry
B. The earthly tabernacle is a MODEL of the heavenly one (as per last week).
• Real heavenly temple cannot be made w/ materials from Lowes or Menards.
• Church buildings are buildings for God’s people to meet, not shrines. You are!
• Last week: realism, idealism, and representationalism.
C. The ANNUAL atonement was the most holy day in the Jewish calendar.
1. To get ready to understand the application, we need to understand what happened on the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16)
2. The Tabernacle layout, high priests actions on that day.
3. For unintentional sins of the people (no atonement for willful sins)
4. Could not cleanse the inner man (conscience, heart).
5. Some of you struggle with guilt (real and false); psycho problems
II. Jesus Fulfilled the Shadow of Yom Kippur and TRUMPED It Infinitely.
A. He offered His sacrifice in a BETTER tabernacle.
B. He was a better High Priest: He did not have to atone for His OWN Sins.
• Some people actually think they are sinless; others act like it.
C. The sacrifice He offered was better: Himself, the pure LAMB of God.
1. The BLOOD He offered was better
2. The ALL-INCLUSIVENESS of the sacrifice was better: for all people.
3. The duration of its effect is better: for ALL time.
4. His sacrifice was so complete, HE forever made an end of sacrifices for SIN.
5. Does not merely make us RITUALLY clean, but cleanses our INNER person.
6. Like a will, a person must die for the contract (will) to be EFFECTED.
D. The WAY to God is now open, for those who will receive Him.
The outer court stood between God and the people.
The veil in the Temple that separated the holy place from the holy of holies was torn when Jesus died, signifying that the way to God is now open.