Jesus Christ Will Reign Forever! Series
Contributed by Paul Clemente on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: You believe in Christmas and Easter and you say you are a Christian but do you really know and envision Jesus Christ as He is?
Now that Christmas is over, what are people thinking about??
Most people are now reflecting on the year passing and the New Year to come. How many of you are excited about 2009? How many of you are concerned about the New Year? How many of you already have New Year’s resolutions?
Many will say, we survived another Christmas and life goes on. Is this what life is about, just an annual cycle with key holidays of reflections?
Are holidays good or bad? Someone who loves holidays may cite for you Colossians 2:16, "Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day!" They will say, “You see, even God says holidays are very important!” They are right of course, but the problem is they are only half right. The rest of the passage states in Colossians 2:17, "These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ."
If we live our lives just for the holidays and not involve Jesus in any of them, we are just living in the shadows! Reality is found in Jesus Christ! It is good to celebrate holidays, even the New Year, but are we living in the shadows, or are we truly living in reality? This is what I’d like us to think about this morning; are we truly living in reality or are we still living in the shadows?
If we celebrated Christmas with just the thought of a baby in a manger, we are still living in the shadows!
Jesus is reality and Jesus Christ is more than Christmas! What do we need to know and believe about Jesus?
An angel from heaven declared to shepherds that first Christmas morning in Luke 2:11, "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord."
We love the story of a savior born in a manger and that is important; but why do we have a tendency to leave out parts of Scriptures. Jesus was born but He is Christ THE LORD! Jesus Christ is Lord even before He was born on earth! And Jesus said in John 18:37, "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me." The truth is, Jesus Christ is a King!
Please open your Bibles to John 1:1-4….. v14-18…………..
We love the story of Christmas but, there is a story of Jesus Christ as part of the Eternal Triune God.
Jesus is God with God the Father for eternity past.
Jesus Christ has always been God!
Do you truly believe this?
There is a story of Christmas and Jesus calling disciples.
Jesus became a human being on earth for a purpose.
Do you truly believe this?
There is a story of Jesus dying on a cross, being buried, rising from the grave, testifying to over 500 people, and ascending back to heaven.
Jesus returned to heaven to be back at God’s side.
Do you truly believe this?
There is a story of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Jesus will return soon to earth to judge.
Do you truly believe this?
Now, how many of you know who Paul Harvey is? What is his famous line at the end of his stories? He would always end his radio reports by saying, “now you know, the rest of the story!”
If Paul Harvey was doing a story on Jesus Christ, I am sure he would cite these stories about Jesus:
Jesus is God with God the Father for eternity past.
Jesus became a human being on earth for a purpose.
Jesus returned to heaven to be back at God’s side.
Jesus will return to earth to judge.
Can Paul Harvey then say that famous line? If he did, he would be lying!
There is one more very important story about Jesus Christ! There is the story of what will happen after Jesus Christ returned to earth. Let’s go to the final book written by God which tells the story of the future. Please open your Bibles to the Book of Revelation.
Revelation 1:1-18………….
What are the titles for Jesus Christ?
v5: Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth.
v8: He is the Alpha and Omega and the Almighty.
In other words, Jesus Christ is forever and All Powerful! Do you believe this?
Now, look again at v13-16, the description of Jesus…..
Here’s an important question for us today? How do we personally envision Jesus Christ? Do we still see Jesus as that baby in the manger? Do we still see Jesus washing people’s feet? Do we still see Jesus hanging on that tree? Do we still see Jesus ascending back to heaven? All of these of course are true or were true, but the reality today of Jesus Christ is one who looks like a man but who is perfectly beautiful, pure, glowing with power, active, and is in control!