Plan for: Thanksgiving | Advent | Christmas


Summary: So many times in our life, when we are in our most difficult times, Jesus silently comes (enters) and sits (makes his dwelling) in our lives and makes us part of his plans.

Then Jesus got into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, and asked him to put out a little from the land. And He sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat. When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Luke 5:3-4

Peter was so tired and exhausted after a hard and long day at work. He toiled all night without catching any fish. In simple terms, he worked hard all night but caught nothing. It was hard work without any result. He had a difficult day at work. In this juncture, Jesus got into Peter's boat and sat down in it.

Jesus didn't care about Peter's past, or the fact that he toiled all night but caught no fish. He didn't ask him how he was doing. He simply came and sat in Peter’s boat. Jesus did not ask Peter's permission before entering and sitting in Peter's boat. When we are in difficult situations, Jesus comes (enters) and sits in our boat or in our lives without our knowledge, notice or permission. If Peter had been having a good day at work, he would have resisted Jesus' to enter and sit in his boat.

Peter was concentrating on his bad day at work when Jesus came and silently sat in his boat. So many times in our life, when we are in our most difficult times, the similar thing happens, Jesus silently comes (enters) and sits (makes his dwelling) in our lives and makes us part of his plans. We are concentrating on our difficulties when Jesus silently enters and sits in our lives.

Jesus did not meet Peter's need first, but he was fulfilling Father’s plans. Father’s plans are higher priority in Jesus’s life and Jesus tries to fulfil our needs by making us part of Father’s plans. In our difficult situations, without meeting our need Jesus makes us part of his plans. He gives instructions for his plans rather than meeting our needs. Others are benefitted while our needs are not meet. Jesus spoke to Peter as if he did not know Peter’s need. Jesus entered and sat down in Peter's boat, and started speaking to the multitude. The multitude of people are benefited. But Peter did not see his need met initially.

Jesus way of meeting our need is by making us part of Father God’s plans. When we follow Father God's plan, our needs are automatically met.

In difficult moments, Jesus comes (enters) and sits down in our life without our permission. He enters our life silently and takes a seat in our heart while we are preoccupied (or busy) with our difficulties. We cannot ask Jesus to leave our lives since he is already in our lives. Because Jesus is in our life, we can't refuse but follow his instructions for his plans. Maybe because Jesus had already sat down in Peter's boat, Peter was unable to refuse Jesus' instruction to go out a bit further from the land. Peter could not say No to Jesus' instruction or plan. Jesus almost forcibly made Peter part of his plans.

When we are in difficult situations, Jesus enters and sits in our lives and make us forcibly - be a part of his plans. Peter was in a position where he couldn't say No to Jesus. Jesus also brings us into so many situations like this one, where he enters our life and we can't say no but participate in his plans. We can’t say no but be part of his plans. Peter was used in Jesus’s plans without his own needs met. Peter might have initially resisted Jesus' instruction (in his heart), but once his need (when he caught abundant fish) was met, he voluntarily and wilfully followed Jesus and His instructions. From resistance to willingly accepting to be part of God’s plans.

For Peter, it was a one-hour experience in which Jesus came and sat in his boat, giving him instructions for his plans (without meeting his need). For many of us, it has been a long time and even many years. All these years, Jesus came and sat down in our lives, carrying out his plans without meeting our need. Many people's needs and Jesus' plans have been fulfilled through you, but not your own.

We are in in season where - Jesus is stopping to speak to the multitude for a moment to meet your needs. Jesus is stopping his plans for a moment to meet your needs. Jesus is saying, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” He is meeting your needs and then pulling you strongly back into His plans. He will meet your needs abundantly, and you will then serve and follow Jesus in a greater measure and satisfaction. From reluctance to free will, you will serve Jesus and be part of Jesus plans. He is providing you with an abundance to meet your needs, prompting you to return to God and participate in His plans.

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