Jehoshaphat - Good King With A Bad Friend
Contributed by Maurice Brown on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Watch your friends - they may lead you astray!
A. Jehoshaphat was one of Judah’s Greatest Kings
1. During his reign a great wave of reform swept the land.
2. He not only sought God himself, but sent the priests among the people to teach them the way of the Lord (II Chr.17).
B. Jehoshaphat made three unwise decisions
1. Married into the family of Ahab, Israel’s idol worshipping King, and husband of the notorious Jezebel. A marriage of political convenience.
2. He united with Ahab in fighting Israel’s enemies, and almost lost his life.
3. He allied himself to wicked King Ahaziah in an attempt to gain wealth(20:35-37) God wrecked his ships & brought the whole enterprise to an end
C. Be careful of your friendships!
1. They can bring you down. Jehoshaphat was a good King who made a bad friendship. Cost him dearly -almost lost his life
2. I Cor.15:33 and II Cor.6:14 speak of these dangers for us today.
I. THE MAN WHO WAS SURE - Micaiah the Prophet - v.13-17
A. He sure because he was truthful
1. That’s why Ahab hated him so much.
2. His prophets were "Yes men" who told Ahab what he wanted to hear.
3. Micaiah was different - he told Ahab what he needed to hear.
B. There are many today who have the mind of Ahab.
1. Paul speaks of those who would have itching ears. II Tim.4:3
2. How important it is that we speak the truth without compromise or convenience, and regardless of consequences.
3. We must resist the pressure to conform to our culture - Rom.12:1-2
4. We must be like Micaiah - we will be hated, but we will be in good company - Jesus, apostles and early Christians. John 15:18ff.
II. THE MAN WHO WAS SINFUL - Ahab, King of Israel - vv.28-29
A. The Prophets of Baal told him he would have victory in the battle.
1. They made him feel good but they deceived him.
2. Many today preach a ’feel good" form of Christianity that exalts Grace, but disregards repentance, holy living and judgment to come.
3. This may make you feel good down here, but won’t help "up there"
B. This sinful King ignores the wise words of Micaiah.
1. Goes into battle disguising himself - but tells Jehoshaphat to wear his kingly robes, hoping that he would not be the target.
2. That didn’t help - a random arrow hit him and he died (really came from God!)
3. There is no escape from God’s Judgment - we can run but we can’t hide, and sooner or later God’s Judgment will catch up with us, and we will know then that there is always a payday with sin.
4. Be sure your sins WILL find you out - Ahab and his wife Jezebel both found out that the wages of sin is death. Hear God’s message, heed and obey, while there is still time and opportunity to do so. Heb.3:7-8
III. THE MAN WHO WAS SAVED - Jehoshaphat, King of Judah vv.30-32
A. Great danger
1. What a fool he was - even getting into this terrible situation. He should have known better and listened to the voice of the prophet.
2. Here also we see the fruits of a bad friendship and the trouble it brings upon us.
3. Now Jehoshaphat is under attack from Ahab’s enemies, who think he is the King of Israel. His life is in great danger and he knows it!
B. Grave distress
1. He cries out to God for help. He should have done that earlier.
2. But God hears, heeds and helps the king in his hour of need, even though he doesn’t deserve it. Jonah is another example of a man in grave distress.
C. Glorious deliverance
1. Jehoshaphat does not deserve to live, but God is merciful and gracious.
2. He hears his prayer and delivered him safely on the day of battle
3. The chariots turn back from pursuing him, and Jehoshaphat is rescued.
4. David cried out to God - Psa.18:6; 40:1-3;
A. The Christian life is a battlefield - Eph.6:12ff.
1. As soldiers, we need to be ready to fight the good fight of faith each day.
2. Take upon ourselves the whole armor of God otherwise one of Satan’s arrows will hit and destroy us
B. We need Jesus Christ for victory on the battlefield - He is our Commanding Officer
1. Turn to Him as Jehoshaphat did and he will answer - Jer.33:3
“Call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not”
2. Christian - we can be sure that if we ask according to His will - are you doing His will today? God will not hear our prayers if not - Psa.66:18