Is The Bible Reliable Series
Contributed by Joseph Rodgers on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The third of five messages on the reliability of Christianity.
A Ready Defense March 20, 2005
Is the Bible Reliable?
Review: This AM we’re going to finish our series entitled A Ready Defense. 1 Pt. 3:15 says, “But set part Christ as Lord of your life, and if you are asked about your Christian hope, always being ready to explain it.” This verse speaks to our responsibility to be able to defend what we say we believe. In particular, we’ve been learning about how we can share w/ others the truth w/in us by answering their most prominent objections to Christianity. Today, we’re going to conclude our study by answering the question, “How can I know if the Bible is reliable?”
Intro: I often encounter people w/ concerns over the veracity over the Scriptures? It seems that people often want to know how and why a book written so many years ago is so important and necessary for life today. In fact, some people have made it their life’s ambition to destroy and discredit the validity of the Bible. Yet all have failed. Their lives have come and gone yet the Bible remains as influential as ever.
Verse: For all men are like grass, and their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of the Lord stands forever. 1 Pt. 1:24-25
Point: The Bible isn’t just any book – it’s the breath of God. It’s His love letter to His creation. It shows us what is true and how to live. It corrects us when we turn from God’s way. It shows us how to get on the right track and then how to stay on track.
Verse: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Point: The Bible is applicable for life and serves to provide guidance and encouragement revealing the deepest ambitions and desires of a person’s heart.
Verse: Hebrews 4:12
Note: The Bible is a living book and its value immeasurable. (See Psalm 19)
Trans: Despite these truths, I’m afraid we’ve taken God’s Word for granted. Many have lost interest and believe, like the rest of the lost world, that the Bible is antiquated and irrelevant. We seek for ways to dodge its commands, instead of to obey it.
Quote: Most people are bothered by those passages of the Bible they don’t understand, but the passages that bother me most are those I do understand. Mark Twain
Why? B/c the Bible demands not just that you hear the Word, but that you apply the Word to your life. It asks you to live for someone and something greater than yourself.
Note: Where is the hunger and thirst for it? (Story: Man who read the Bible w/ his tongue)
Trans: So what do people do? Either they live it, try to ignore it, or attempt to discredit it. In fact, the most prevalent question asked about the Bible from those seeking to ignore or discredit it is – “Isn’t the Bible Full of Errors?
Trans: People are asking, “Does the Bible really work?”
Funny: A legalistic Seminary student wanted to have a scriptural basis for everything he did. He felt he was on solid ground if he could quote a Bible verse to okay his actions. He did all right until he began to fall in love w/ a beautiful co-ed. He wanted to kiss her, but he just couldn’t find a verse to okay it. So, true to his conscience, he’d walk her to the dorm each night, look at her longingly, and quickly say “Good night." This went on for weeks, and all the time he was searching the Bible trying to find one verse to okay kissing her good night. But he couldn’t find one, until finally he came across that passage in Romans that says, “Greet each other w/ a holy kiss." He thought, at last, I have scriptural authority for kissing her good night. But to be sure, he went to a professor to check it out. After talking w/ the prof., he realized the verse dealt more w/ a church setting than a dating situation. So once again he didn’t have a passage of scripture to okay kissing his girl good night. That evening he walked her to the dorm and once again started to bid her good night. But as he did, she grabbed him, pulled him toward her, and planted a Big Red 15 second kiss right on his lips. At the end of the kiss, the Seminary student gasped for air, stammered, “Bible verse, Bible verse." The girl grabbed him a 2nd time, and just before kissing him again, said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Note: Anyone can accuse the Bible of being inaccurate, but can they prove it. When I’m asked, “Isn’t the Bible full of errors?” I respond by asking, “Which error bothers you the most?” I enjoy watching the response. I’ve never had anyone offer me an answer. Some say, “Well, that’s what I’ve always heard.” So I offer this response.