
Summary: Which foundation of Faith will you choose to find life? The Revelation of an omniscient God which reveals your life has eternal value and purpose or the theory of ignorant men that says you are an accident of time and chance without real purpose in life?

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Genesis 1:26-27: Is Man Created by God or an Evolved animal?

Which Foundation of Faith will you choose to find life?

1. The Revelation of an omniscient God: “In the Beginning God created” (Gen. 1:26-8; 2:7; Rev. 4:11). How? By Infinite Wisdom & Power. If true, we are special; life has eternal value, morals, meaning & purpose.

2. The Theory of ignorant men: In the Beginning nothing created something; then something evolved itself into everything. How? By Time & Chance without intelligence. If true you are an accident; life has no value, morals meaning or purpose.

Listen as God Tells You who you Really Are!

“God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: & let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, & over the fowl of the air, & over the cattle, & over all the earth, & over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. (27) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male & female created he them.” (Gen 1:26-27)

We Must Know Our True ‘Roots’ as a Human Being

Are we a unique Being created in the image of God or are we are nothing more than animals? Most Youth (14 to 24) consider the #1 evidence for evolution to be the apes to man evolutionary sequence! ONE BIG REASON – the most famous ‘icon’ of Evolution: The March of Progress, in Time Life 1965, 1968, 1973. The Figure’s Caption cautioned readers it was Fictitious! The picture, based on “fragmentary fossil evidence,” warns: “Although proto-apes & apes were quadrupedal, all are shown here standing” (Time Life 1970, p. 40). The image became a masterpiece of Madison Avenue promotion (not science!). The science community knew it was fictitious! “Many of the figures…are products of educated guessing” (F.C. Howell, Early Man, Time Life Books, p. 41, 1970). The “evolutionary ‘march to modern man’ has been proven wrong for more than 60 years.” But it’s still used by scientists, writers & media. (Tim White, Paleoanthropology: five’s a crowd in our family tree, Current Biology 23(3):R112-R115, 2013). Such icons indoctrinate us in materialistic Philosophy. They knew the deceptions in 1965 but only now admit: “The once-popular fresco showing a single file of marching hominids becoming ever more vertical, tall, and hairless now appears to be fiction” (J.J. Hublin, An evolutionary odyssey, Nature 403:363-364, 27 Jan. 2000). (Read Jeremiah 17:5-7; Psalm 118:8.)

Ramapithecus was #5 on the diagram. Considered an ape/human ancestor from 1932-1978. The Evidence: 2 parts of a single upper jaw. David Philbeam & Elwyn Simons admitted their errors were due to a pre-commitment to the Darwinian view of human origins. They said: “we found exactly what we expected to find.” “This occurs often because of the uncertainty of interpreting fragmentary anatomy in fossils.” So they made up fairy tales about ‘Rama’ in the name of science

Paleoanthropologists being heavily influenced by personal beliefs & prejudices is well documented. It is often nothing more than materialistic philosophy disguised as modern empirical science (Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?, 2000, p. 210, 218, 219-220, 221, 222-223, 224-225)

6 Reasons ‘hominid’ fossils are called ‘bones of contention:’

1. Incredibly few Fossils, most in a poor state of preservation, leaves a lot of room for interpretation (very subjective).

2. Scientists can be self-deceived into seeing what they want to see. Tremendous pressure to find something important to gain funding & fame (R. Lewin, Bones of Contention, 1987, p. 26-28, 44-45)

3. Fraud is a “a serious deeply rooted problem” especially in the field of evolution” (Jerry Bergman, Evolution’s Blunders, Frauds & Forgeries, 2017: especially Chapt. 2 & 18).

4. Bone specimens can be reconstructed in a variety of ways (‘skull 1470’ was pieced together from 100’s of fragments.

5. Ignoring variation between people in a given population led to little differences often interpreted as a new species (Roger Lewin, Bones of Contention, 1987, p. 27)

6. Fossils cannot establish ancestor-descendant relationships. The few bones used to construct man’s evolutionary history is like reconstructing the plot of ‘War and Peace’ (1,400 pgs.) with 13 randomly selected pages!

The supposed millions of years separating fossils prohibits saying anything definite about evolutionary links (ancestry & descent)!

Contrast Biblical Genealogies!!! Genealogies anchor the entire O.T. into eyewitness history! [Buy a 27ft. “Adams Chart of History”]. What an astonishing contrast of the unbroken Biblical genealogies & the fragmented fairy tale genealogies of atheistic evolutionists. The 1st is a record of life: Real names of living People. The 2nd is a record of death! Made up names of fossils! (read Deuteronomy 30:19)

Evolution is ‘materialistic philosophy’ & soft science masquerading as hard empirical science. Their “theories have often said far more about the theorists than they have about what actually happened” (Roger Lewin, Bones of Contention: Controversies in the Search for Human Origins, 1987, p. 43). First they construct a story (narrative) about what they believe happened in the past (i.e.Darwinism). The historical narrative then becomes the framework for interpreting the evidence. “Everybody knows fossils are fickle; bones will sing any song you want to hear.” (Jim Shreeve, Argument over a woman, Discover 11(8):58, 1990)

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