
Summary: The effective church praises God no matter what the circumstances.

Is it Worth It?

Psalms 118 and Romans 8

This week all we heard in the news was bad. Japan has been overwrought with a devastating Earthquake and Tsunami. Everyday we heard of the death toll climbing, then news of a nuclear meltdown similar to Chernobyl. Fear and devastation, hopelessness and death filled the news. The atheist screaming:

1. Where is your God?

2. Why did He allow this to happen?

So the question today is “Why praise God when all that is around us is sin, death, destruction, disaster, and death? Is it worth it”?

Obviously the answer for us is YES!

Why should we praise God?

1. Because He IS.

In light of the tragedy in Japan, there is hope. There are Christians reaching out, not just spouting off spiritual cliché’s and catchphrases. They are out there doing what they can to minister to the people. Organizations like IDES are there supplying:

1. Food

2. Clothing

3. Shelter

4. Generators

5. And anything else that is needed

They are doing this without fanfare, without recognition, just because God has called them to do this and they are ministering for HIM.

This is actually the 1st step in Evangelism, it is showing people who God is and what He is doing in our lives to His glory.

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In the Church His praise should be first and foremost.

Real Christians Praise God because (Ps 118:1-14)

1. He is Good

2. His Love Endures

3. He hears us in our anguish

4. He is our Helper

5. He is our refuge

6. He is our Song and our Strength.

So we praise Him for who he is, we also praise him for what he has done.

1. He delivered Israel from Egypt

2. He brought Hope to the hopeless

3. He gives strength to the weary

4. He has brought healing with Him

5. He brought life where there is death. (Sarena Tasker).

a. In the wake of Sarena’s accidental/tragic death comes life

b. Two of her kidneys saved two lives

c. She teaches us how fragile life is.

Romans 8:31 tells us to praise Him because He is with us.

David knew this, even though he was surrounded by death and threats of death, he states Even though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death I will fear no evil because you are with me.

We praise Him because we understand the power of Prayer.

#3. We praise him for what He will do.

a. He will never forsake us.

b. He will never stop loving us.

The bad news is that Earthquakes have rocked Japan, many are dead, they are without power, heat, food, and shelter, yet God is calling, He is real, and he deserves our praise. A church on fire, an effective church Praises God for who He is, for what He has done, and for what He will do, no matter what.

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