Is It A Sin To Doubt? Series
Contributed by Jon Daniels on Oct 23, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Based on John 20:24-29 - Encourages hearers to recognize how doubt enters our lives & how to respond to it.
“IS IT A SIN TO DOUBT?” John 20:24-29
FBCF – 10/22/23
Jon Daniels
INTRO – State nicknames:
- MS – The Hospitality State
- AL – The Heart of Dixie
- TN – The Volunteer State
- LA – The Pelican State
- AR – The Natural State
- FL – The Sunshine State
- MO – The Show Me State
o At an 1899 naval banquet in Philadelphia, Missouri Congressman Willard Duncan Vandiver stated, “frothy eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me. I am from Missouri. You have got to show me.” Even with other competing origin stories, the nickname has stuck and today refers to the “stalwart, conservative, noncredulous character of Missourians.” (https://www.rd.com/list/how-every-state-got-its-nickname/#)
o I don’t think the disciple, Thomas, was from Missouri, but he definitely had a “Show me” attitude.
Back to “DEEP-Construction” series after departing from it last week to talk about all that’s going on in the world after the attacks on Israel. Reminder of what this series has been about: Phenomenon called deconstruction that’s happening in our society now.
- “For some people, deconstructing means losing their faith altogether—becoming atheists, agnostics, or spiritual-but-not-religious nones. For others, deconstructing means still believing in Jesus but struggling with how religious institutions have failed.” (https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2022/february-web-only/russell-moore-deconstruction-faith-church-dangerous-form.html)
Some who’ve deconstructed remain civil & respectful toward Christians. Others cross the line & become disrespectful & disparaging toward Christians, ridiculing their beliefs & practices (that they themselves used to believe & practice.)
- Picture of Derek Webb, Matthew Blake AKA Flamy Grant, & Grace Baldridge AKA Semler
- Flamy Grant video
Different reasons for this process:
- Church hurt – wounded by abusive or manipulative church leaders, or just an unhealthy church culture.
- Hypocrisy in the church – “If THAT’S what a Christian is…” was going to be sermon last week.
o Kat Von D – Tattoo artist who recently got baptized & has left the occultic practices she was involved in. Young Christian. Lot of her followers not Christians & she expected to get negative response from them & she did get some. But the criticism that surprised her the most in her fledgling faith was, in her words, “it was the Christians who really were the worst.” Surprised that certain Christians would “come at me in such a public way.” (https://churchleaders.com/news/460881-christians-worst-kat-von-d-criticism-baptism.html/2)
o Ben Fuller – Christian musician who battled drugs, alcohol, immorality - “I’m going to be straight up honest with you: I have been treated more like Jesus from people that don’t know Jesus out on the road—homeless people, people dealing with drug addiction, and people helping with the production crew at the end of the night loading the trucks.” (https://churchleaders.com/news/461029-christian-artist-ben-fuller-encourages-the-church-to-be-authentic-ive-been-treated-more-like-jesus-by-those-who-dont-know-him.html?utm_source=cl-today&utm_medium=email&utm_content=button&utm_campaign=cl-today-2023-10-20&mumara_id=13815264)
- Poor Biblical teaching – questions about faith struggles are not answered or even ignored or pushed aside.
- An underlying desire to sin – Pastor Josh Butler in AZ: “I minister in a college town (go ASU Sun Devils) where students regularly deconstruct when they’ve started sleeping with their girlfriend or boyfriend. Convenient timing. Others deconstruct while harboring an addiction (drugs, alcohol, porn), to release their guilt.” (https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/4-causes-deconstruction/)
- It’s the popular thing to do in many circles.
- Don’t want to have to deal w/ the stress of living a genuine Christian life in a world that is rapidly becoming unchristian & antichristian.
These reasons are either caused by doubt that has taken root in a person’s mind. Or these reasons cause the doubt to surface. Sometimes the doubt comes first & is the cause of deconstruction – sometimes the deconstruction starts & then doubt is one of the consequences.
Today we are going to look at the most famous doubter in the Bible, the disciple named Thomas.
EXPLANATION – John 20:24-29
Setting: Jesus has been crucified, buried, & has risen from the dead. He has conquered sin, death, & the grave & purchased our salvation. He appeared to most of His disciples, appearing out of nowhere after they had gathered behind locked doors b/c of their fear of the Jews. His appearance & His speaking peace to them made them glad (v. 20). Then He told them that He was sending them out into the world in the power of the Holy Spirit. What a moment for them!
- But Thomas wasn’t there (v. 24) & we see his reservation (v. 25).
o Thomas sometimes gets a bad rap – “Doubting Thomas.” But earlier Thomas was prepared to go into dangerous territory w/ Jesus & even die w/ Him if necessary (John 11:7-8. 16).
- Then see Jesus’ revelation (v. 26-27).
- Then we hear Thomas’ proclamation (v. 28).
APPLICATION – Doubts become sinful when they lead to unbelief. So, keep working through your doubts until you get back to Jesus.
If we think about all the Thomas & the disciples had gone through, I believe we can see some causes for doubting: