Introduction On The Church Covenant Series
Contributed by Tim Byrd on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Part 1/introduction in a study of the church covenant
Date: May 19,2002
Place: Allendale Baptist Church
Text: Psalms 25:8-14
I have made mention of growing up in a Missionary Baptist church many times and I recall fond memories of Langley Road Baptist Church; sitting on the hand churn ice cream makers while Dad turned the crank; Vacation Bible School, red punch and cookies; Rusty Sands sitting on the tack while we sang “If the devil doesn’t like it he can sit on a tack”; Volleyball and skating fellowships; Preachers conferences and revivals and hearing great hellfire & brimstone preachers preach God’s Word.
One thing I remember in that wonder church was a large document that hung in a very predominate place in the church. CAN ANY ONE TELL ME WHAT THEY THINK THIS DOCUMENT MIGHT BE?
Some one asked me recently “why do churches not display or even make mention of the church covenant anymore? I believe I can answer that question and will do so at the end of this morning’s message.
I have placed in the bulletins this morning for your use a copy of the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message. This is not the Bible, nor do I believe this to be a creed, but is a written statement of the doctrines we hold and find to be true from God’s Word. AND EVERYONE SAID AMEN!!!
I have also placed in the bulletin a copy of Allendale Baptist’s Church Covenant. In the next few Sunday mornings we will be looking at both an on Sunday evening May 26 we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper, and have a “Recommitment Sunday Service”.
This morning, let’s look at what a covenant is…
I. The Definition of a Covenant.
A. Webster defines the word covenant as an agreement between two parties; a binding contract.
B. The Hebrew word used in the Old Testament is “berith” which comes from the root word meaning “to cut”
1. In our day we may sign a contract or make a verbal agreement with someone. In days past a mans handshake was all that was needed.
2. Ancient custom was when two entered into a covenant agreement an animal was taken and cut down the middle placed end to end and the two people entering into covenant agreement and they would join hand and hand and pass through the carcass of the slain animal together.
C. We need to understand the difference between a contract and a covenant.
1. Both are binding agreements and promises made by both parties i.e. a car sales contract. I agree to make monthly payments and the bank agreeing to let me drive the car as long as I make monthly payments.
2. A contract usually has a time constraint where a covenant usually does not. i.e. a marriage covenant
II. The Demand of God’s Covenant.
A. I have found at least eight covenants God has made with an individual or a particular nation or people. In the Bible
1.The Edenic Covenant (Gen. 2:16)
2. The Adamic Covenant (Gen. 3:15)
3. The Noahic Covenant (Gen. 9:16)
4. The Abrahamic Covenant (Gen. 12:2)
5. The Mosaic Covenant (Ex. 19:5)
6. The Palestinian Covenant (Dt. 30:3) This is a recommitment
7. The Davidic Covenant (2 Sam. 7:16)
8. The New Covenant (Heb. 8:8)
B. God has made a covenant all through the ages with his chosen people.
1. I will be your God and bless you and keep you.
C. The demand has always been obedience and faithfulness on behalf of the people to God’s commands.
III. The Difference of the New Covenant.
A. These covenants could never be fulfilled because of man’s disobedience.
***God never breaks a covenant agreement, man does.
B. These old testament covenants a sacrifice was always required, to seal the covenant
D. Read Hebrews 8:1-6
This is still God’s covenant and promise today to all who turn to Him in repentance and faith.