
Summary: Written in the wake of Katrina’s aftermath to encouage the Church.

I. God is still in control. vs. 1

A. Thou art MY God.

B. He Knows what He is doing Isa. 55:8

C. I will exalt and praise Him.

D. He had done things of wonder.

E. His counsels (purpose) is Faithfulness and Truth.

II. God is Glorified Vs 3

A. Many are grateful for their lives.

B. Many will learn what is really important. (not possessions)

C. A disaster causes people to pay attention. vs 3b

Ill. A reported pointed out two standing steeples in New Orleans and commented. "It makes you wonder".

D. God knows the final outcome and will receive glory in the end.

III. God is good. vs 5

A. He gives strenth to the poor

B. He gives strenth to the needy in distress

C. He gives refuge from the storm

D. He give protection from the "terrible ones"


Just keep trusting

Just keep Praising

Just keep praying

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