In Last Place
Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: the last chapter says we win
Intro: EBS—last place team—0-10—coach had other coaches pick his team during draft picks. Last place is a tough place to be, except in one place, the Bible. Because today, we can rejoice in that Jesus is in last place.
Background: John had been banished to the Isle of Patmos, tradition holds that they boiled him alive, but it didn’t affect him, so they placed him in this island prison. Now Jesus appears to him with this mighty Word for the church. But the way in which Jesus introduces Himself to John is so exciting, that today, I want to encourage you, no matter where you are, no matter what your facing, Jesus is in last place.
I. Alpha and Omega—1:8 Jesus tells John, I am the start of the alphabet and the end, I am A-Z. Omega---the ending place, the last letter, the conclusion of it all.
· One day on the paint crew at Central Bible College, one of the guys working made this statement, when it’s all said and done, it will all be said and done. Jesus basically tells John, I am the final word, I have the last say. Today, Jesus has the final say over your life, not circumstances, not opposition that you face, but Jesus stands today to say, I am in last place, and I have the last word.
· Jesus said it, that settles it—when Jesus says he has the last word, you can believe it. He said, not one dot, not one comma, not one thing will be moved from the word, till everything be accomplished.
Ill) when archaeologists discovered King Tut’s tomb, they found many great artifacts that were toured over the world. There was one thing discovered, a sealed box that the Smithsonian institute wanted to open, but Egyptian officials wouldn’t approve opening this box. Finally after years, they were granted permission to open the box, it contain 3800 year old seeds. So it was decided that the seeds should be planted. To everyone’s amazement, it produced the healthiest, strongest strain of wheat that had ever been grown. Today, we have the seed of God’s Word, and when you plant it in your heart, it will produce the strongest strain of harvest your life will ever see.
II. Beginning and End—1:8b Jesus says, not only do I have the last word, but I was at the start, and I will be there at the end.
· John, no matter what you go through, always remember this, I am at the end. When you have gone the last mile of the way, It will be me standing there waiting for you.
· Solomon wrote, the end of the a thing is better than the beginning, and to know that Jesus was in first place is wonderful news, but to know that he will be standing in last place is even better.
· Nascar races—the last 20 laps is all you need to see.
Ill) years ago I learned from a professor the significance of Jesus saying he was the start and finish—it was reassurance that he had every thing in between covered also.
III. First and Last—1:11 Here again Jesus gives another introduction to John and says, I am first and last. I don’t think Jesus is just repeating himself, I believe He is giving us great encouragement on His position in this world.
· His position in first means, when things were started, I was there. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God.
· His position at the last means, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid, ye believe in God, believe also in me, in my fathers house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you.
· As I have been with you before, I will be with you again. It is the blessed hope of the church. Jesus states, at the last trump of God, death will be swallowed up in victory, and we will rule and reign with Christ in a kingdom that will not end.
IV. Which is, Which Was, And Which Is To Come, the Almighty—1:8c
· John write this all down, the next time I Come, I won’t come as a baby in the manger, the next time I come, I won’t hang on an old rugged cross, the next time I come, I won’t spend time in a borrowed tomb, the next time I come, I am coming for you.
· The Almighty—we always must remember, that the disciples had feelings and emotions just like we do. I imagine that John was feeling like Rome was so powerful, in control, that he probably saw the Caesars as ruling the known world. But then Jesus shows up, with eyes like a flame of fire and his voice like the sound of many waters—his countenance was like the sun shining in his strength. When I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. John was reminded in a powerful way, Rome isn’t in last place, the Anti-Christ isn’t in last place, the kingdoms of this world are in last place, but the Almighty is in last place, and when the battles over we shall wear a crown in the new Jerusalem.