
Summary: The resurrection bings his Risen presence, peace, purpose and faith into our lives.

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The 1st day of the week it all started normally with the disciples locked away in a house in Jerusalem in despair of their long expected Messiah dead & the subsequent fear of reprisals from their fellow countrymen who sought to crucify Jesus. Earlier Jesus had been taken falsely accused and crucified, a heart thumping period for the disciples, they had taken the flight principle when in trouble run, they scattered.

1. Early on the Friday under the orders of Pontus Pilate Jesus was crucified, it was here Jesus died, to speed up the deaths they would break legs, but Jesus was already dead, so they never broke his legs (fulfilling scripture psalm 34:20) But a solider rammed a spear into the rib cage and punctured his side out gushed blood and water (Jhn19: 34) confirmation that death had set in .

2. Later on the Friday evening his body was taken down because the Jews didn’t want the bodies up on a Sabbath (19: 31). And so his body was prepared for burial and placed into a tomb by Joseph of Arimathea & Nicodemus (v38 -42) who were secret believers, placed in a nearby garden in an unused tomb. .

3. Now it’s the third day (not a full 24hrs) but the third day since his burial, the disciples were laying low, if they weren’t careful they would be next, their only hope, now was that things would begin to settle down –now they’ve killed their leader the authorities will just leave us all alone, lets lay low. But throughout that first day of the week from morning till evening rumours had began to break into their confined space where the disciples were self imposed prisoners something unusually was taking place:

4. Early Sunday morning the women had gone to anoint the body of Jesus with oils to pay their respects to the deceased John 20:1 but on their arrival they were in for a shock.... In awe they return to the disciples.... let’s remember these women were close to Jesus and the disciples they were disciples of Jesus themselves and they returned to the men with amazing news... “the tomb stone had been rolled away and they believed that the body had been stolen (initially) later two angels had appeared to them proclaiming that Jesus had actually risen! John 20:1.

5. The disciples did not believe it, all seemed to them like nonsense Luke 24: 9 – 11. Yet Peter and John decide to break out of their confide, slipping out the back door and run as fast as their legs will carry them to the tomb, on arrival they find the tomb just as the women had said, Peter comes away wondering what’s going on? Luke 24:12 and John believes but doesn’t fully understand the scriptures John 20:8 as both witness the tomb stone rolled away the grave cloths folded and the body missing, you can imagine them asking themselves “ Is Jesus actually alive?” They both return to their self imposed prison, conveying what they had seen to the others . John 20:10-11.

6. Meanwhile Mary who had been left behind in tears believed she saw a gardener it turned out to be her TEACHER Jesus, with her heart pounding she returns to the disciples with an amazing testimony that he who she thought was a gardener was the risen Lord Jesus she exclaims! John 20:18 I have seen the Lord!

7. Prior to her return, On the road to Emmaus to other disciples, not of the eleven were leaving Jerusalem , with all their hopes shattered, yet as the two walked along the road to Emmaus a strange travelling companion comes alongside them Luke 24:22 - 24 : and asks them why they are downcast? So they recount the story of the death and so called sightings of his resurrection yet it all seemed like utter nonsense to them Luke 24:1.1 Then this man opens up the teaching of the prophets say all this had to take place: On arrival they invite the stranger to share a meal together as they do so in Emmaus the eyes were opened to their mystery guest as he broke bread with them, it was JESUS! That evening they too hurry back to Jerusalem and confirm the presence of the risen Lord was with them to the eleven disciples.

8. The Lord also appears to Peter in Jerusalem Luke 24:34. These two disciples confirm it .

9. Finally as they are sharing the awesome news of meeting Jesus with the others, Jesus himself appears to them all. Luke 24:36.

Ever since this day ordinary people have been encountering the presence of the Risen lord!

1. The resurrected Lord replaces absence with his presence. V19 -20

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