
Summary: Job faced struggles and pain in life that most will never encounter, at least in that magnitude. No doubt, he had more questions than answers. However, in the midst of his uncertainty, there were e few things of significance that Job knew without doubt.

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I know my Redeemer Lives

Job 19: 25-27

Job is an interesting and somewhat mysterious character in the Bible. While most Bible readers are familiar with Job and the great trials he faced in life, little is known about his background. He is believed to have lived around the time of Abraham, with the book of Job being possibly the first written portion of Scripture. The book opens with a description of Job being from the land of Uz, a man who walked upright, feared God, and sought to avoid evil. As we are introduced to Job, we immediately discover a man who was committed to the Lord.

Often when we consider Job, the emphasis is placed on his suffering. No doubt, Job has brought great comfort and hope to many down through the ages facing trials and adversity in life. His integrity and commitment during a season of great loss is to be admired and imitated by those who walk with the Lord.

While I too have received great comfort and guidance from other portions of this precious book, our text verses may be the greatest passage within the entire book. Clearly as one reads the book, Job had many questions that he was unable to answer. He was dealing with a season of loss and great uncertainty. However, in the midst of his pain, Job remained certain of the Lord he served and the relationship he shared with Him. I believe this passage is key to Job’s survival during this horrific trial in life. His awareness of the Lord should serve as a reminder to every believer, bringing hope and comfort, even in the midst of our greatest trials.

As we discuss the certainties in Job’s life during a difficult season, I want to consider his profound statement: I know my Redeemer Lives.

I. Job knew the Redeemer (25a) – For I know that my redeemer liveth. We haven’t discussed the context of the passage, but this profound statement followed a long discussion Job had with friends who had supposedly come to comfort him in his trial. Unfortunately for Job, they offered little comfort. The friends sought to convince Job that there must have been sin in his life that brought the suffering and great loss he had endured. They believed God had punished Job, and surely Job needed to repent and return to God.

By reading the book of Job, we know that God had permitted Satan to attack Job. He had lost his family, his wealth, and during a second attack, Job had lost his health. From an outside perspective, Job had lost it all – his life lay in ruins. I am sure Job wondered why all of this had come upon him. He questioned the events in his life. There was much he did not understand or know, and yet he was certain of one thing of preeminent importance – Job knew the Lord. He had a personal relationship with God. He walked with the Lord, striving to honor and serve Him daily. Job had lost much that pertained to this physical life, but he had not lost his relationship with God.

As I studied this passage, I came to a profound realization – not only did Job know the Redeemer, the Redeemer knew him. Consider the words of God in Job 1:8 – And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? Job was unaware of this conversation. He had no idea what was about to happen in his life, and prior to all of that, the Lord was mindful of Job and the life he lived. Those who are in Christ not only know the Lord, we are known of Him. He is aware of our lives and mindful of us! John 10:14 – I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. 2 Tim.2:19a – Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his.

II. Job knew the Redeemer Lives (25a) – For I know that my redeemer liveth. This may not have meant much to the friends who questioned Job and his integrity. Their lives had not suffered such loss; they were not in such dire straits. However, this single statement sums up the commitment and focus of Job at this moment in his life. He may have lost it all, with no way of knowing where his life was headed. At this point in life, he would have to start over. Job knew very little at this moment, but he knew one thing for certain – His Redeemer lived. His hope was not in an idol made of men’s hands, one which had no power. He did not worship a monument that lacked the ability to see, hear, or move in his situation. Job knew he served the Lord God. He served the eternal, omnipotent Lord. His God was aware of his situation. He was alive and well, able to meet whatever need Job faced. Life had not been kind to Job in recent days, but his misfortune had not altered the existence or power of the God he served.

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