
Summary: Oh Victory in Jesus, my Savior forever! You see, a lot of people know the words to that song, but where’s the Victory, very few are experiencing the Victory in their lives! It is way past time that we took back, what the enemy has stolen from us, from all

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I Can, I Did, and So Can You

As I set back, reflecting on what I was going to talk about this week,

I was thinking, in the past few months we have seen 4 Americans murdered in Ben Gazzi,

One of the most damaging hurricanes on record and as a result, homeless families by the thousands.

Innocent children murdered in their own classrooms, where their suppose to be safe and protected,

A Methamphetamine and drug epidemic, that we probably won’t know the full ramifications from, for years to come and all the deaths as a result from it,

You would think, with everything thats going on in the world, that there would be a stampede of people, stepping on one another, running in droves towards God and the church, but their not!

Oh people are quick to say, where was He in all these things, forgetting all about that word in the dictionary called "free will", like its all His fault.

And I wonder where is the outrage, where is the anger, not towards God, but towards the accuser, towards the lowlife piece of work he really is!

Its like we acknowledge all the things that happen on the nightly news and then its like “oh well” ain’t nothing we can do about, except pray.

Not even realizing the true potential that we could unlock in the heavenlies, if we were serious.

Oh Victory in Jesus, my Savior forever!

You see, a lot of people know the words to that song, but where’s the Victory, very few are experiencing the Victory in their lives!

It is way past time that we took back, what the enemy has stolen from us, from all of us, for far to long!


Most Christians know what they ought to be doing! They have been told so many times,

They know, but their like the rocky soil in the book of Matthew.

Matthew 13:3-8 MSG.

3-8 “What do you make of this? A farmer planted seed. As he scattered the seed, some of it fell on the road, and birds ate it. Some fell in the gravel; it sprouted quickly but didn’t put down roots, so when the sun came up it withered just as quickly. Some fell in the weeds; as it came up, it was strangled by the weeds. Some fell on good earth, and produced a harvest beyond his wildest dreams.

The NIV says, Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Whoever has ears, let them hear.”

Would you agree, that the Lord, by that statement, meant everyone?

You see, a lot of people have read this scripture, but few believe that it pertains to them.

Church, were the soil, and God has planted into us, He has invested heavily into each one of us, and its time we stood up and helped produce a harvest.

How many more times, will we think or say, this world is going to hell in a hand basket,

Before we are willing to draw a line in the sand and finally do something about it?

Everyone is so concerned about our right to bare arms and I believe everyone should have the right to own a gun if they want to

and they are standing in lines all across America, because they believe that right might be taken away.

But more importantly, what about our right to bare Jesus!, where’s the line to protest about our religious rights?

the very thing that possessed a group of men and women,

To forge an ocean into the unknown,

not to be debated in courtroom after courtroom and be whittled away to nothing, on a daily basis

But to be a God given inalienable right, to have a relationship with your creator,

anytime you want,

anywhere you want,

anyway you choose and not worry about what the politically correct thing to do is!

Everybody says, what in the world would possess people to do, what they do?

Since no one else wants to tell you, I’ll tell you, lack of Jesus in their life, that’s what possesses people to do the barbaric, heinous things they do.

Andre Crouch hit the nail on the head more than 40 years ago,

Jesus Is The Answer For The World Today / above Him There’s No Other, Jesus Is The Way / Jesus Is The Answer For The World Today / above Him There’s No other, Jesus is the way!

He didn’t come up with some new found revelation though, the answer always was and always will be Jesus!

The world needs to know this, everyone thinks they know about it, but clearly they don’t, someone needs to tell them about Jesus, before its to late.

2 Tim 3:1-5 NKJ.

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