
I Am The Light Of The World

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Oct 5, 2023
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Jesus is the light that guides us through life, revealing truth, teaching us how to live, and promising eternal life. His light is transformative, changing us from the inside out and filling our lives with love, grace, mercy, and peace.

I Am The Light Of The World

Youth Group Plan: I Am The Light Of The World (John 8:12)

Youth Sermon: I Am The Light Of The World

Jesus as the Light of the World

Imagine you're in a pitch-black room, and you can't see anything. You're stumbling, tripping over stuff, and you're totally lost. Then, someone flips on a light. Suddenly, you can see everything clearly. That's what Jesus does for us. He's not just a tiny flashlight; He's like a massive spotlight, showing us the way in life.

His light helps us see the truth in a world that's full of lies and confusion. It helps us figure out what's right and wrong and make smart choices. It shows us how to live - how to love, forgive, stand up for what's right, and be kind. By following His example, we can navigate life with wisdom and grace. His light also helps us discover our unique purpose and calling in life.

He's not just a tiny flashlight; He's like a massive spotlight, showing us the way in life.

The Transformative Power of Jesus' Light

But here's the thing: Jesus' light doesn't just show us the way. It changes us. It's like a super-powered UV light that reveals all the hidden stuff - our mistakes, our bad habits. But it doesn't just leave us feeling guilty. It leads us to say sorry, to be forgiven, and to change for the better. Jesus' light brings life - real, full, exciting life. It beats death and promises us eternal life.

And that's not just about life after we die. It's about the quality of life we can have right now. When we follow Jesus, we get to have a deep, personal relationship with God. His light fills our lives with love, grace, mercy, and peace. We get to be part of God's plan, reflecting His love and grace to others. Living a life guided by Jesus' light means living a life of purpose and aligning our will with His. It's about giving, not just receiving.

Reflecting Jesus' Light

So, let's be like mirrors, reflecting Jesus' light to others. Let's shine His light in our actions and words, so that others can see and glorify God. Let's live lives that are lit up by Jesus.


Jesus, thank you for being the light in our lives. Help us to follow your light, to let it change us, and to reflect it to others. Fill our lives with your love and peace. Help us to live lives that are lit up by you. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How does Jesus' light guide you in your daily life?

2. Share a time when Jesus' light revealed something to you or changed you.

3. How can you reflect Jesus' light to others?

4. What does it mean to you to have eternal life in Jesus?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Light in the Darkness

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