"I Am The Good Shepherd” – He Laid Down His Life - John 10 – Part 2 Series
Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Sep 3, 2022 (message contributor)
Summary: Part 2 of "I am the Good Shepherd" looks at what the good shepherd does and then Jesus as the Good Shepherd. Then we examine Jesus as The Sacrificial Shepherd who gave His life to save the sheep. To close, Jesus is the Chief Shepherd.
The study of the great “I AMs” of John’s Gospel is so lovely as we look at the Person and Ministry of our Lord Jesus. In all His offices He is serving His Church and all the individuals in the Church. Those are termed sheep, and in the current “I AM” we are considering Jesus as the Good Shepherd of the sheep. We continue with the Good Shepherd and will look at His sacrifice for us all.
Psalm 23:1 The LORD is my shepherd. I shall not want. Psalm 23:2 He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters. Psalm 23:3 He restores my soul. He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You have anointed my head with oil. My cup overflows. Psalm 23:6 Surely goodness and loving-kindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
The term “Good Shepherd” implies there are not so good shepherds, and bad shepherds and we have looked at that at the start of the talk. The most famous shepherd psalm is the one we have mentioned earlier, Psalm 23, which outlines the connection between Jehovah and Israel. David wrote it from a personal experience but it is true also for Israel. Let us look at the salient points that apply to a good shepherd;-
Verse 1 – The shepherd provides what is needed, so there will be no want. The sheep in the good Shepherd’s care will never lack any good thing. I said “good thing” not “material things”. If it is taught that a Christian must be rich and healthy, “wealth and health doctrine” as it is called, it is satanic. There is no spiritual want for us that the Good Shepherd will not supply.
Verse 2 – The shepherd feeds the sheep the best possible pasture. The green pastures are the places of contentment, and the still waters are the places of peace and excellence, for it is said sheep drink from still waters, not turbulent waters. It is the True Shepherd who knows where the pastures and waters are located. Did you know there are pastures in the bible and that your Shepherd will lead you to them in times of spiritual hunger and need?
Verse 3 – The shepherd leads to contentment and the water of life, and he cares individually by restoring the needy sheep. Yesterday’s memories are not relevant for he renews and restores all our walk, in other words, gives us a fresh walk all the time. The paths of righteousness are so important, so it is the Shepherd who controls us. His guidance is essential.
Verse 4 – The shepherd protects always through the rod and staff of his power. The shepherd’s tools will guide and correct us. He uses them correctly. The Shepherd accompanies His own dear sheep in the time of trial and danger and when the shadow of death comes.
Verse 5 – The shepherd provides the table of fellowship and contentment in the presence of enemies. A table of fellowship is prepared in the enemy’s very presence. The head is anointed in honour, an expression of grace and love by the Good Shepherd. The cup of provision overflows with the Lord’s blessings. These are expressions of the fullness of God for His own.
Verse 6 – He wraps up all he does in goodness and mercy as the sheep are in his control. This verse is the voice of assurance, for all that the good Shepherd does will mean His continual presence, and future security forever.
We see in that Psalm that the Shepherd is gracious, all-giving, all-righteous, and all-caring. That is the Good Shepherd, our Lord Jesus Christ. The bad shepherds were the opposite, and maintained themselves at the expense of the sheep. The not so good shepherds were confused with commitment and care, and time and effort, and with their calling. They did not think to anticipate the needs of the sheep. They had one foot in God’s camp and another in the world.
In the New Testament churches, the word shepherd and pastor are the same. All pastors are shepherds but how do they fulfil the role of shepherd in the church today? Are the hearts totally given to feeding and protecting and advancing the sheep. I find it very strange when a pastor requires two days for the purpose of preparing a 20 minute sermon. My mind goes to the readiness of Peter at Pentecost. Those who walk with the Lord have the Lord’s message right at hand when it is required. It is the Lord who readily gives His word.