
How to Enjoy it All

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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Learning to enjoy earning, saving, and giving money from a biblical perspective, and understanding the importance of contentment and rest in our financial lives.

How to Enjoy it All

Youth Group Plan: How to Enjoy it All (1 Timothy 6:17-19)

Youth Sermon: How to Enjoy it All


Imagine you're baking a cake. You need flour, sugar, eggs, and butter. If you leave out any of these, your cake's gonna flop. It's the same with our finances. We need to earn, save, give, and enjoy money. If we miss out on any of these, we're not gonna have a balanced financial life. Let's dive into what 1 Timothy 6:17-19 says about this.

To appreciate God's gifts, we need to see things from His point of view. Our plans about money can be shaky, but we can be chill knowing God's got a plan for us. Every time we trust Him and do what's right, it counts, even if it doesn't feel like we're getting anywhere. It's like when you're on a long car ride, and it feels like you're not moving, but you're actually making progress.

We need to earn, save, give, and enjoy money. If we miss out on any of these, we're not gonna have a balanced financial life.


Being content is a big part of appreciating God's gifts. We often feel like we don't have enough, even when we have more than most people in the world. We always want more. To fight this, we need to stop comparing ourselves to others and focus on our own journey. We should manage our money wisely, without feeling guilty, and be thankful for what we have.


Taking time to chill is important for appreciating God's gifts. Taking a day off is like saying, "God, I trust you to handle my stuff." It reminds us that Jesus has already done everything for us. When we rest, we can fully enjoy the good things God gives us.


Life can be tough, but God has given us so much to enjoy. Let's balance our financial life by earning, saving, giving, and enjoying God's gifts. We have the chance to serve Him and show His love in everything we do. Let's make the most of our time here, trusting God, and enjoying the awesome life He gives us.


This week, try to take a day off from worrying about money. Use that time to do something you enjoy and thank God for it. See how it changes your perspective on your finances.

Let's close with a prayer: God, thanks for all the good stuff you give us. Help us to trust you with our money and our lives. Show us how to be content and enjoy the life you've given us. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. How does our culture influence our attitudes towards money?

2. How can we cultivate contentment in our lives?

3. What does it mean to trust God with our finances?

4. How can we practice the principle of rest in our busy lives?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Money Matters

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