How Jesus Overcame The Powers Of Demons
Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jan 28, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus knew that some of the greatest battles are fought with demonic powers.
Jesus knew that some of the greatest battles are fought with demonic powers. The Bible promises us victory in advance if we appropriate Christ's truth. "Greater is He who is in us than He who is in the world." (I John 4:4) When Jesus healed the demon possessed man in Gerasenes, He gave us a demonstration of how to overcome the powers of darkness that has taken control of people. Many people do not understand how subtly demonic forces influence people's thinking. Jesus goes directly to the source of the problem when He says, "Come out of this man, you evil spirit!" (Mark 5:8)
1. Demons recognize they are powerless to resist the Almighty will of Jesus Christ. Christians simply need to take advantage of the power within them in the person of the Holy Spirit.
2. Jesus encourages the men who He delivers from demons to return to give witness to the power of God to change lives. The Lord wants us to plan to move beyond our battles to building new lives.
3. Jesus is able to overcome any obsessive force with the power of His word. Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and earth has been given to Me. Go in all nations and make disciples." Do not think that the Lord gives you the power to overcome demonic forces for selfish reasons.
4. Do not try to confront demonic powers with your own strength, cunning or methods. It is not by power or by might that you will experience victory, but it is only by the strength of God's Spirit
5. Do not get weary if you are not able to exorcise the demons immediately. Often a power encounter to loose people from their demonic influences takes hours and several sessions.
6. Realize that demonic influence can come in large and small amounts. Some people are experiencing emotional anguish on a low level and may not even recognize it. For this reason ask the Lord to cleanse everyone involved from all sins of commission, omission and assumptions.
7. Know that everyone has the ability to be freed from demonic influence if they have the desire to be delivered by Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "If anyone is willing to do my will, they will succeed."
8. Most demonic powers are not quick to admit their own subjection to God's power. Do not negotiate with them about leaving - command them in the name of Jesus Christ and through the blood of the cross of Calvary. "What can make us whole again, nothing but the blood of Jesus."
9. Be confident that no matter the quantity or quality of the power of evil forces, Jesus Christ is greater than all human or demonic forces and through great faith with accomplish miracles.
10. Do not become obsessed with confronting demonic forces. Do not think that there are demonic forces behind every problem. Jesus said, "It is not what is on the outside of a person that defiles them, but what comes out of their hearts - one's own evil desires."
11. Be especially patient, caring and understanding with people who have come out of demonic bondage. They have a long road of recovery ahead of them. They should be prepared for counter-attacks from demonic powers that will try to beckon them back into their dominion and power.
12. Do not spend a great deal of time and effort analyzing why people became controlled by demonic powers. Help people to grow in all aspects in Christ so that they become doers of God's word.
13. Understand that those who coming out of demonic control may still manifest some of the symptoms of their previous problems. Encourage all people that God's Spirit and word will gradually transform them through the renewing of their minds through Christ.
14. The mind is the field of battle in power encounters. Help those loosed from demonic powers to memorize, meditate, study, read and speak the word of God to those around them.
15. Help people learn preventative measurers from becoming influenced by demonic powers. Teach them that the goal of our instruction should be love from a PURE heart, and a GOOD CONSCIENCE and a SINCERE FAITH. (I Timothy 1:5)
16. Do not begin a spiritual encounter unless you are ready for a protracted battle. Make sure you are spiritually pure, spiritually fit and spiritually wise in dealing with the powers of darkness. You may have to call for the help of a more experienced person in dealing with various types of spiritual warfare.