
Summary: Let’s talk about temptations. In what way should we handle them? Can I really defeat satan? Some surprising answers!

"For our High Priest (Jesus Christ) is able to understand our weaknesses. When He lived on Earth, He was tempted in every way that we are, but He did not sin." (Hebrews 4:15)

Will we be tempted? Yes.

Do we HAVE to give in? No.

I’ve read many kinds of "lists of things to do" when we are tempted.

We are told to "read the Bible" when we feel tempted. That’s easy to

say,.. but, not so easy to do! Others say, Pray Hard, when you are

tempted! But, what if I don’t feel like praying at that time?

The Bible tells us to "resist the devil".. and it sounds right, but it’s

NOT that easy to resist sometimes, when you are "under the gun."

It’s hard to even THINK correctly, when you’re being tempted!

The one thing that I had been over-looking,... the One thing that MOST

people overlook, or forget about,... is The Person of Jesus Himself! He

lives inside of me, through His Spirit, for a very good reason: He never

gave in to temptations and He is the ONLY one who can do it again,

through me, and through you!

For example: Jesus is my peace. I don’t get peace by praying for it, or

by running after it, or by asking for "it". I get Peace ONLY from the Prince

of Peace. Peace comes from nowhere else.

What I’m saying is this: Jesus truly IS my victory! I don’t get victory by

praying for it,.. or by running after it,.. or by asking for it,.. Victory is MINE

because Jesus lives inside of me! It’s the same with True Joy! HE is my

Joy! It’s the same with Salvation! HE is my salvation! I’m saved NOT

because of something which I do,.. I’m saved because of what Jesus did,

and HE IS LIFE ETERNAL! Since He lives inside of me, I posess it, too!

It’s the same with Forgiveness. Only HE can forgive sins. I’m forgiven

because HE’s inside of me! I’m justified because HE’s inside of me! I used

to try to break this all down, and I usually ended up trying to do all the "right

things".. like Praying,.. and Reading my Bible,.. and resisting,.. and all the

other things we are told to do when we are being tempted.

But, I wasn’t having much success! Resisting temptations, or fleeing from

temptations, or any of the other things we are supposed to do,... (like following

a list of "do’s") but, in doing "all those things"... Am I trying to do them,..

without Jesus? HE wants to do it,.. IN me,.. and THROUGH me!

He wants to BE the victory inside of me! It’s NOT about me trying to please

God, by resisting desires, or by shouting at the devil! Victory is mine because

of Who it is that lives inside of me!

We all get REAL good at following lists of rules (or laws).. and hoping that

THEY will keep us safe,.. and in the process we forget about The One who truly

saves us from sin! He is the One who IS our victory! He is the One who’s

already defeated the enemy!

So, what does this mean for me? I have discovered that I can’t fight the devil!

And neither can you! Why should we even try? Jesus has already defeated him!

We just need to rest in the victory that Jesus has already won for us!

What is it that I should do? Ours is a life of faith. It’s not by my trying,.. it’s not

by my resisting,.. it’s not by my words, or because of my actions. It’s a victorious

life because of Jesus! We need to rest in HIS victory, by BELIEVING that I have

the victory,.. all because of Jesus did (and does) for me!

How do I do that? I trust HIM to keep me from the evil one! I give HIM the right

to answer the door, when satan comes knocking! When satan whispers, I hear

Jesus speaking words of comfort, giving me HIS strength, and HIS power to resist.

It’s a life of faith,... Trusting in HIM to guard me, to protect me, to lead me away,

to guide me through the devil’s mine field!

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