
Summary: Moses was shocked by how God was going to use him. God sees more in us than we see in ourselves. God has a plan to bless us.

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January 13, 2008 Jay Davis Robison EXODUS 3:9-14 & 4:1, 10

Isn’t it unusual who God uses to do God’s work?

Jacob the brother to Esau was a deceiver

David was a great king but committed adultery and murder

Paul was a peg leg w\coke bottle glasses, sorta ugly reached world

Mary mother of Jesus from an obscure place, afraid

Maybe God uses those kinds of people to remind us God can use us

As we see their warts\weaknesses take seriously God’s call on us

Exodus tells a dramatic story of Moses and his call to work for God

God used Burning bush that is not consumed, to get his attention

Ch 3 and 4 we eavesdrop on conversation they have

Clues when think of how God can use you and me

1. Realize that God sees MORE IN US THAN WE SEE IN OURSELVES

God lays out for Moses a great vision God’s people slaves

Go to king of Egypt Lead the children of Israel to freedom

Moses has a serious self-confidence problem

Sure great idea, but can hear Moses looking for outs

Who am I that I should go to Pharoah and

Bring the Israelites out of Egypt Vs 1 TNIV

Throughout the Bible when God gives vision

Those who see it often doubt and question

So no surprise when same thing happens to us

Gideon be a great warrior, said oh no not me

Jeremiah to be spokesman for God oh no not me

Beware of EXCUSES, listen Moses sounds like us

Moses said not me I’m not fit 3:11, don’t know what to say 3:13,

Don’t have the authority 4:1, nervous before people 4:10

Then gets to bottom line, I really don’t want to go 4:10

Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure Don Wilder

God has a greater GOOD FOR US

God wants to use us in ways that will blow our minds

We are called to touch the world for Jesus Christ

We are about transforming lives, Showing that Red, and Yellow, Black, and white All are precious in his sight

Could we be the beginning of the end of prejudice in Lexington?

Used by God to unite families help emotional health & heal hurts?

2. Remember who GOD IS

The job before us is HUGE

As long as there is one person who is lost we have a job to do

As long as there is 1 inactive member of TBC we have a job to do

As long as 1 person not living abundant life we have a job to do

So in Vs 13 TNIV Moses asks "Suppose the Israelites ask me,

’What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?" Vs 13 TNIV

Name is something to invoke power

Name something to have power over it

Moses is looking for authority

Good Question: Why do we do what we do?

Because we believe it is so? NO

Because we have $$ power or prestige? NO

We serve in God’s name what is that name? Vs 14 TNIV

God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are

to say to the Israelites: ’I AM has sent me to you.’ " Vs 14 TNIV

eh heh ah eh heh=Yahweh

In many ways defies translation, beyond humanity

Self existent, eternal,

God of your fathers and mothers, connected with what Moses knew

Yet Moses had a fresh experience with God


Whenever you and I try to do something have to face doubt

When the old tapes in our heads say It’ll never work

Are you kidding you will fail and look like a fool

Its crazy, you are not good enough

Same thing Moses dealt with Exodus 4:1 TNIV

"What if they do not believe me or listen to me

and say, ’The LORD did not appear to you’?" Vs 1 TNIV

Looking for some objective proof

All of us can think of reasons we cannot or should not serve

Too old, or too young, too busy, don’t know enough

Someone else would be better at this,

Christians are not called to be successful only faithful

Moses had a Low self image, low view of God

If we are going to move on refuse to accept discouragement

Do you hear the music? January 12, 2007 youngish white man

In jeans, long sleeve T-shirt & Wash. Nationals baseball cap

Started playing violin in L’Enfant Plaza or Wash DC subway

He positioned himself against a wall beside a trashcan case for tips

Start at 7:51 a.m. for 43 min violinist played, 1,097 folks walked by

Guy did pretty good collected $32

Was Joshua Bell one of world’s best violinists three days earlier Bell sold out Boston Symphony Hall ordinary seats cost $100

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