
Summary: This sermon deals with recognizing that the sun does not always shine, but God will build our lives to stand the tests of time.

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June 10, 2007 Jay Davis Robison MATTHEW 7:24-29

It was just over 38 years ago that an arsonist burned church to ground

Wedding had happened here night before, youth on lock in

About 4 a.m. Amy Brown thought Jeff playing tattle on him

What she heard stained glass popping out entire building engulfed

Thinking about how we are building your life

Jesus shared an illustration about it

Today we are looking at weathering storms in life

1. Everybody is BUILDING A LIFE

Jesus told of 2 builders who put up a house

Houses look the same when sun was shining,

Have you ever said, “That person doesn’t go to church or give any

thought to God and he seems to get along as well as I do.”

Just like from all indications know people who seem to be getting

along fine. They have no major problems, good job, no $$ trouble

or problems in family, seem happy living the “good life.”

All this with no time for God. Have other priorities.

Weekends are spent doing other things.

Sure I BELIEVE in God, I’m a basically GOOD person.

Don’t have time for church God Maybe will get to it some day.”

So does it really matter how we build our lives?

Does it really matter if serve God? Matter if we receive Jesus?

Why should I bother anyhow? Getting along fine building life

How build life Man ordered blueprint for building birdhouse online.

He gets blueprints but they were blueprints for a sailboat.

Sailboat keeps blowing out of the tree. Wrote letter to company

demanding his money back, they sent $$ w\note.

We are sorry about mistake, but you aren’t near as mad as the guy

who tried to go sailing in a birdhouse.

Can you build one more house . .

Elderly carpenter was ready to retire.

Told employer-contractor of his plans; would miss the paycheck,

but wanted to be with family. They could get by.

Contractor was sorry to see good worker go asked if he’d build

one more house as a personal favor.

Carpenter said yes, but in no time easy to see heart was not in it.

He resorted to shoddy workmanship used inferior materials.

Was an unfortunate way to end his career.

When carpenter finished work builder came to inspect the house,

contractor handed the front-door key to the carpenter.

"This is your house," he said, "my gift to you." What a shock!

If he’d only known building own house, he would have done it

differently. Now had to live in home he built none too well.

Like the plaque on the wall says, "Life is a do-it-yourself project."

Your life today is result of your attitudes and choices in the past.

Life tomorrow will be result of attitudes & choices make today.


Jesus probably speaking to vast crowds of people on a sunny day.

As they gathered may have been no hint of a storm coming up.

But Jesus is warning them, “The sun doesn’t always shine,”

So tells us of 2 houses 1 built carefully on solid rock 1 on sand

Both look good. Both houses faced TERRIBLE STORMS

Rain & wind blew. storms reveal quality of workmanships.

Storm was coming in from all directions not just a little bit of rain.

Storm is a threat to our safety, shakes all we are

When sun doesn’t shine how do we handle the storms?

Rock to w\stand anything.

Some storms sure to come: “I found a lump.” “We’re downsizing.”

“I’m leaving.” “We’ve chosen someone else.” “Your car is totaled.” Maybe it’s depression, grief, $$ troubles

Sooner or later ALL of us go through a storm in our life.

None of us is immune rain fell on both houses.

Storms may blow the church off course.

In all of life’s storms, we must…..Be sure of our foundation,

What storms are in your life today?

Jesus taught us that we can trust God through storms


3. Your foundation WILL SOON BE APPARENT

When rains and storms come foundation will show

A lot harder to build on a rock than to build upon sand

The foundations are not readily apparent before the storm

Why would people build on the sand?


Maybe thoughtless, find out about self when storms come

Just too much effort. Don’t have the time.

Maybe waterfront scenery is more attractive to others.

Beach houses have higher social status than cliff houses.

Foolish builder built on sand. Just threw it up

And the house collapsed And great was it’s fall Vs 27 NKJV

Ever seen anybody lose it all, to addiction, or gambling

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