
Summary: This is a sermon preached the week of Vacation Bible School that had the theme "Hooked on Jesus."

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Hooked on Jesus

John 21: 1-22

A pastor woke up one Sunday morning ready to preach one of the best sermons he felt like he had ever prepared....then he noticed what a beautiful day it was outside and he started to get a bit ambivalent about ....

- what a great day it would be to go fishing

- bright idea - assistant Pastor

- called - “Do you have an old sermon in your files that you could preach this morning?”

- being the great associate that he was “YES”

- so the pastor went off.... fishing

- caught biggest bass

- again - caught the biggest rainbow trout

- angel sitting on the shores of heaven watching

- God - he’s looking might proud of himself - look at him there.....

- God: I’ve got things under control - “Who’s he going to tell.”


Little Eddie came several minutes late to Sunday School, and the teacher asked why he was late. He said, “I wanted to go fishing, but my dad wouldn’t let me, so we argued, and that’s why I’m late.” The teacher said, “Good for your father! Did he explain to you WHY you needed to come to church instead of going fishing on a Sunday morning?” “Yes ma’am,” replied the boy. “He said there weren’t enough worms for both of us.”

Pray: Lord, whether we’re here because we want to be or not, change our hearts. Teach us what we need to hear today - guide us by your Holy Spirit and may everything we think and say be honoring to you. Amen.

* * * *

You’d have done it yourself. Jesus was dead and gone. He had told them before he died to go north and so they had. Now here they were, by the sea of Galilee, their home turf. They were waiting for Jesus to appear to them again. He had appeared already, twice, but with his cruel death burning in their minds, did they really yet believe that Jesus was alive? Did they really assume that he would appear to them again? Why had he told them to go north? It was back to their old stomping ground - back beside the lake. And yet Jesus told them to go there and wait for Him.

What would you have done? Here they are waiting for something to happen that may or may not happen and finally the tension gets to be too much. Maybe they’re sitting around by the lake, stringing a few nets just to pass the time, talking, and laughing together to cover up their obvious sorrow.

Then Peter, impulsive Peter, - he can’t stand it anymore. That old urge of doing what he knew he could do, gripped him. “Well, I’m going fishing,” he says, and the others come right along - “We’ll go with you.”

Now notice, the disciples were in the will of God when they made their way back from Judea to Galilee. But they were restless. They weren’t sure of the meaning of Christ’s appearances, they weren’t sure of their place in evangelizing and carrying on the work of Christ in the world. So they go fishing. They go back to their old occupation.

Now there’s nothing wrong with fishing, but it does seem that going fishing at this particular time, when they should have been waiting for the manifestation of the Lord, implies the activity of the flesh.

It’s so much easier to go fishing than to give yourself to prayer and patience!

They wanted to get up - they wanted to do something!

- aren’t we like that - we just have to do something - I know I do - when God says wait - it’s just about all I can do to WAIT! - especially if I have failed - I want to do something to “make it better”

-Remember Peter? He had failed his Lord miserably. In his greatest hour of need, he cursed and denied even knowing that Master. Now here he was, back on the shores of Galilee where Jesus had first called him to be a “fisher of men.” Peter probably thought, as the memory of the denial around the campfire at Jesus’ trial burned in his mind, “There’s not much chance of me being a ‘fisher of men’ now.. It might have been different if I had proved true when that girl asked me if I knew Jesus. Oh, and I can’t get the sound of the wretched rooster crowing out of my head. So much for being called Peter, So much for being “the Rock.” I can hardly expect Jesus to trust me now, so I’d better get back to what I can do.”

Is that what it’s like for you? When you make a mistake. When you fail the Lord. When you sin and then you ask forgiveness but you still feel horrible inside. Do you go back to what you know.

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Michael Rivalsky

commented on Nov 28, 2017

BELIEVE IN JESUS! † LOVE EACH OTHER! BELIEVE IN JESUS! † LOVE EACH OTHER! Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near! The gospel of Jesus Christ is of 1st importance to hear! Jesus Christ the Son of God Almighty our Father & creator of heaven & earth was born of the Holy Spirit & the Virgin Mary into the world over 2000 years ago to live a perfect, sinless, life of love! He went around forgiving all sin, healing all sickness & even raising the dead! The blind received sight, the deaf heard, the lame walked, those with leprosy were cleansed & he preached good news to the poor! He drove out demons, fed thousands & performed many other miracles, signs & wonders! He discipled his followers to do likewise & even greater works than he in love for God & Jesus’ commandments especially to “Love each other as I have loved you” & “Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” Then as the Law & Prophets testified he was condemned to suffer crucifixion to pay the death penalty for our sins on the cross! After his burial, three days later, God raised Jesus to life forever as Lord & Savior over all creation! He then ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God promising everlasting life in his kingdom to all who believe in Jesus’ name to be saved from death & hell! Soon Jesus Christ will come back from heaven to earth in the clouds & will judge the living & the dead for every word & deed! Believe, be baptized & repent! Turn to & trust in Jesus today who is worthy of eternal praise, glory & honor! Forsake evil, follow Jesus, & become his disciple by reading & obeying God’s Word, the Holy Bible! Seek & you shall find and ask for free Holy Bibles with just the Old & New Testaments to give the words of eternal life immediately to everyone at your 1st opportunity! We must preach & teach the good news of God’s kingdom as Jesus Christ commanded us to do! Pray “Our Father’s Prayer” daily! Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever and ever. Amen. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you! Freely receive & give! God is Love! Follow me as I follow Jesus! Michael Rivalsky A Christian! Grace & peace to you from God our Father & the Lord Jesus Christ! If it is the Lord's will, the services listed hereafter in this letter will be available to help you in the great commission to go & make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit & teaching them to obey everything that Jesus commanded us including the two greatest commandments to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind & strength!" & to "Love your neighbor as yourself!" A free "BELIEVE IN JESUS! † LOVE EACH OTHER!" website last updated 1:27 PM 10/9/2017 may be seen by selecting the following link! A free "BELIEVE IN JESUS! † LOVE EACH OTHER!" gospel letter & tract may be downloaded by selecting the following link & afterward you may select the arrow above the document & save it to your computer! You may then open it with Microsoft Word, put your own name in place of mine everywhere it is shown in the letter & print double sided pages & cut each page printed into four gospel letters & tracts & try to keep an ample supply to give freely to people as you obey the gospel of Jesus Christ! You may also cut out white squares of paper & write the gospel letter & tract title & your website on one side & on the back "JESUS DIED & ROSE AGAIN!" at the top "IN GOD WE TRUST" under that, "REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS NEAR!" in the middle & "BE BAPTIZED," above "READ & OBEY THE HOLY BIBLE!" at the bottom & keep these as spare tracts to sow! After presenting the gospel you may ask for & reap support such as disciples to follow you as you follow Jesus, Holy Bibles to give freely to people & money, spare change, etc. for support in God's ministry! A free "HOLY BIBLE" website may be found by selecting the following link & afterward you may select a chapter number of a book title to read & obey God's Word, the Holy Bible! A free "HOLY BIBLE" DOCX file may be downloaded by selecting the following link & afterward you may select the arrow above the document to save it to your computer! You may then open it with Microsoft Word to read, print & make Holy Bibles to give freely to people with pages 1-3 & 368 as single sided & pages 4-367 & 369-495 as double sided! You may also listen to the Holy Bible using Word & it's "Speak" amenity! A free "HOLY BIBLE" PDF file may be downloaded by selecting the following link & afterward you may select the arrow above the document to save it to your computer! You may then open it with Adobe Reader to read, print & make Holy Bibles to give freely to people with pages 1-3 & 368 as single sided & pages 4-367 & 369-495 as double sided! You may also listen to the Holy Bible using Reader & it's "Read Out Loud" amenity! A free "HOLY BIBLE" TXT file may be downloaded by selecting the following link & afterward you may select the arrow above the document to save it to your computer! You may then open it with Microsoft Notepad to read, print & make Holy Bibles to give freely to people with double sided pages! You may also listen to the Holy Bible using AlReader & it's "Text-to-Speech" amenity! A free "BELIEVE IN JESUS! † LOVE EACH OTHER!" zip file may be downloaded by selecting the following link & afterward you may select "DOWNLOAD ALL" above the files to save them to your computer! It has all the "HOLY BIBLE" files & other data for building my website & social media that you may unzip & edit appropriately to create your very own evangelism extravaganza like mine! A free "BELIEVE IN JESUS! † LOVE EACH OTHER!" Recorded Audio & Video folder may be found by selecting the following link & afterward you may download files for preaching & teaching from me! WILL YOU PLEASE HELP GOD'S MINISTRY BY GIVING A GIFT OF MONEY TO ME HERE IN SAINT AUGUSTINE, FL? If yes, you may give using Western Union by selecting the following link & then following the instructions there or by going to a Western Union Agent! A "Money Transfer Control Number" or (MTCN) should be given to you to send to me after your offering is made! You may also give using MoneyGram by selecting the following link & then following the instructions there or by going to a MoneyGram Agent! A "Reference Number" should be given to you to send to me after your offering is made! You may also give using GoFundMe by selecting the following link & then following the instructions there! WILL YOU ALSO PLEASE HELP BY OFFERING ME SHELTER AT YOUR HOUSE? A message may be sent to me using the following services! Cell Phone 904-714-5572 Email Facebook Google+ LinkedIn Twitter YouTube Thank you & God bless you all!

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