
Summary: We get weary sometimes in waiting for the promises of God to materialize. Our faith must have the right direction, because the results of our faith will always be determined by the direction of our faith.

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Intro: So far in the last two weeks we have talked about the importance of our faith. We started our study back in Romans chapter 4 dealing with one of the most incredible examples of faith, Abraham. While looking at him we discovered in week 1 that our faith must have duration, because we get weary sometimes in waiting for the promises of God to materialize. We also learned that our faith must have the right direction, because the results of our faith will always be determined by the direction of our faith. We said that our faith must have determination. In other words, we must have hope against hope. We can’t allow ourselves to focus on our circumstances, we must refuse to dwell in the negative, because real faith never gives up but it always rest in the knowledge that God will do what He said He will do.

In week 2, we learned that we must be strong in our faith. We said the only way that we can strengthen our faith is with the Word of God. Because when I read and study His word, that’s when I discover Gods plan, purpose, and promises for me. We learned that when we grow strong in our faith - when we don’t waver in unbelief - when we are fully convinced that God is able to do what He promised, that’s when we give God glory. Then finally when we are strong in the faith, we are declared righteous by Him or we are approved by God.

And so we have seen that we are totally dependent upon faith to bring us into a right relationship with the Lord. It all comes down to realizing that it is not what we do that makes the difference in the saving of our souls, but it is all about Who we know. When we know Jesus, we have salvation, when we do not know Jesus, then we are lost.

Now in chapter 5, Paul moves forward in his discussion of the doctrines of salvation. Now, Paul begins to tell his readers the benefits of being saved by grace through faith. In these first few verses of chapter 5, Paul tells us Why True Believers Can Rejoice in their salvation. It is that theme that I want to spend some time looking at today as we continue this sermon series “Holding on to my Faith”. I want to tell you Why True Believers Can Rejoice. If you haven't been in a rejoicing mood lately, today I want to show you why every child of God has the right to praise the Lord and be filled with "joy unspeakable and full of glory".


(Ill. The first reason we have for rejoicing is that of our position in Christ Jesus. Paul says “Having been justified by faith”.)

A. Our Position Declared - Paul says that we who have believed have been "justified". This is a word that many do not fully understand. Basically, it means "to count someone righteous." It means "to reckon, to account, to judge, to treat, or to look upon as righteous." It does not mean to make righteous! It means that we are treated like we were righteous. Some versions read as “having been declared righteous by faith”.

(Ill. We are all sinners! Even though most of us claim to be Christians, we are still sinners! Justification does not mean that God is not aware of our sins. But it does mean that in spite of our sins, God treats us as though we were not sinners.

(Ill. How is this possible? Well it happens because when Jesus died on the cross, He paid for ALL of our sins. So when we receive Him as our Savior, God gives us the righteousness of Christ, 2 Cor. 5:21 “for our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him (In Jesus) we might become the righteousness of God.” Justification does not mean that we are perfect, it just means that God sees us as though we were!

(Ill. Let me make it plain for you. Imagine a man on trial for murder. The prosecution knows he is guilty, the defendant knows he is guilty and even the judge knows he is guilty, but the jury finds him not guilty. Even though everyone in that courtroom knows the man is guilty of murder, he is treated like an innocent person because he has been declared innocent. When I stand before the Lord, I know I am guilty, the devil knows I am guilty and God knows I am guilty. However, because I believe in Jesus, because I have faith in His finished work on the cross, I have been justified, and God treats me as though I am innocent because He has declared me righteous by faith!

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