
Summary: God listens to our prayers and answers them justly. Sometimes it might be irrelevant to the expectations of the one who prayed, but never a prayer is unanswered.

In times of difficulty, it is natural to lament, or blame somebody. But a disciple of Jesus Christ would react otherwise. Since his life is devoted to Jesus Christ, he is well informed about his savior. And nothing shakes his faith even in midst of darkness around. For instance, take prophet Jeremiah, who was tied to a wooden stock and placed in an inner dark cell. The only reason is that he preached what the Lord has commanded him.

Even in that situation, he exalted who God is and gave glory to him. When we read, Jeremiah 20:11, But the Lord is with me as a mighty, awesome One. (NKJV). Don't we wonder how in the painful twisted situation he is at rest and gives glory to God? How many disciples have such strong faith today? The HolySpirit wanted us to rethink our stand in times of challenges.

Confess faithful Words, like this prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 20:11) - His confession saved him and encourages other to do the same.

Confess who is the Lord to You (Psalm 145:1)

Confess what he has done to you (Deut 8)

Confess how God saved you (Rom 10:9)

Your confessions are pleasant words, in turn, it would be sweet to your soul, and healing to your bones. (Pr0 16:24)

Secondly, Hold fast to him, (Deut 30:19) God led Israelites for forty years in the wilderness. The longest journey has ever taken in the whole history of humankind. Only those who practiced what Moses said in Deut 30:19 survived the harshness of the wilderness journey.

Would like to hold fast and confess the victory words to live a life of victory or live in loneliness and give up on your life? the choices are yours.

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