
Summary: Your name and mine will not be remembered a hundred years from now but His Name shall be called Wonderful because...He was my ATONEMENT, He is my ADVOCATE and He will be my ADVENT

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· The Word of God repeatedly magnifies the precious Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ:

o Luke 1:31 “…and shalt call his name JESUS.”

o Philippians 2:9-11 “Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of [things] in heaven, and [things] in earth, and [things] under the earth; And [that] every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ [is] Lord, to the glory of God the Father. “

o Hebrews 1:4 “Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.”

o Revelation 19:16 “And he hath on [his] vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”

o Jesus is the central theme of the Bible. ILL] “The Person of the Book”

· The Songwriters of days gone by understood the awesomeness and Glory of the Name of Jesus:

o “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”

o “Jesus, Oh How Sweet The Name”

o “Take the Name of Jesus With You”

o Jesus is the Sweetest Name I Know”

o “Oh! How I Love Jesus!”

o “There’s Just Something About That Name”

o “His Name is Wonderful”

· Your name and mine will mean very little a hundred years from now but His name shall be called Wonderful because….


I. HE WAS OUR ATONEMENT—Hebrews 10:1-14

A. Sin separated us from God

B. Something had to be done to bring us back into fellowship--John 1:29

1. Blood of animals could cover sin.

2. Blood of Jesus can take away sin.

II. HE IS OUR ADVOCATE—1 John 1:8-2:2

A. Satan accuses us daily—1 Peter 5:8

B. Our “Defense Attorney” intercedes

C. ILL] “Court is in Session”

III. HE WILL BE OUR ADVENT—Revelation 19:11-16

A. Jesus is coming again

B. ILL] “The Trumpet”



GENESIS: Promised Seed EXODUS: Passover Lamb LEVITICUS: Scapegoat NUMBERS: Brazen Serpent DEUTERONOMY: Great Lawgiver JOSHUA: Prophet, Priest and King JUDGES: Judge of All the Universe RUTH: Kinsman Redeemer SAMUEL: Anointer of Kings KINGS: King of Kings & Lord of Lords CHRONICLES: Great Historian EZRA: Rebuilder of the Temple NEHEMIAH: Rebuilder of the Wall ESTHER: Saviour of the Jews JOB: Friend that Sticketh Closer than a Brother PSALMS: Song of the Ages PROVERBS: Truth ECCLESIASTES: Great Preacher SONG OF SOLOMON: Wonderful Lover ISAIAH: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and The Prince of Peace JEREMIAH: Weeping Prophet LAMENTATIONS: Street Preacher EZEKIEL: Rebuilder of the Kingdom Temple DANIEL: Stone Cut Out Without Hands That Will Someday Come Back to Earth and Establish a Kingdom as Supreme Ruler and King HOSEA: Forgiving Lover JOEL-MALACHI: One Coming in Bethlehem Judea

MATTHEW: King of Kings MARK: Suffering Servant LUKE: Son of Man JOHN: Son of God ACTS: Power of the Church ROMANS: Dynamite of the Gospel CORINTHIANS: Restorer of the Carnal Nature GALATIANS: Rent Veil and Overcomer of the Schoolmaster EPHESIANS: Heavenly One PHILIPPIANS: Our Sufficiency COLOSSIANS: The Shadow THESSALONIANS: The Great Coming Christ TIMOTHY: Our Great Appearing God TITUS: Blessed Hope PHILEMON: Great Master HEBREWS: Best of All JAMES: Fulfiller of the Law PETER: Rock of Ages Cleft For Me, Let Me Hide Myself in Thee JOHN: Assurance of our Salvation JUDE: One Able to Keep Us From Falling and Present Us Faultless Before Christ in Glory REVELATION: One Saddled on a White Horse Coming Back to Set Up His Kingdom



“Court is in Session”

The scene is of a Divine courtroom. Satan, the accuser of the brethren, stands before the ultimate Judge, God the Father, and argues that you should be sentenced to eternal damnation. He enumerates all of your transgressions with the utmost eloquence. Sweat pours off his brow as, one-by-one, he names your offenses. It doesn’t look good for you as you sit defenseless listening to your “crimes”.

Just as the Judge is about to pass sentence, the doors at the back of the courtroom burst open and a bright light appears that illuminates the entire room. A celestial voice booms out as though coming from the midst of the light: “WAIT A MINUTE…..I HAVE EVIDENCE THAT WILL CLEAR THE ACCUSED!!!”

“Say on!” the Judge declares.

Out from the light emerges the Lord Jesus Christ, your Advocate. He advances toward the front of the courtroom and begins to raise His hands. “This man is innocent because the sentence has already been served. He deserved death for his crimes but I have already gone to the cross to pay the penalty for his sins. See here. These nail prints in my hands…. the nail prints in my feet. See these wounds on my side. They are there as evidence that this sinner cannot be condemned! I have already suffered the consequences so that anyone who believes may have everlasting life in Heaven. This man must go free!”

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