
Summary: We and the people in our ministries are not our property. we are children of GOD, the sheep of HIS pasture.

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Hey Pastor, What kind of sheep do you have?

Ezekiel 34

Pastor, The people who come to your church or ministry do not belong to you. They belong to The MOST HIGH and HE has strict requirements of how you are to care for them. They are not pew fillers, cash machines, wedding material, numbers in a register, social media followers, church workers or whatever other title you have given them. They are children of The M|OST HIGH. And you will give account for what you do with each and every one of them.

This sermon is written in the hope that you will make an effort to understand the people who come to your church or ministry and in the hope that you will align your service to the MOST HIGH in accordance to HIS dictates and that you will care for HIS children, these children who are so dear to HIM, HE gave HIS life for them. So, quit the theatrics , selfishness, get some love and compassion from The HOLY SPIRIT and start caring for the sheep, the ones you wounded , the ones others wounded. The ones you chewed and spat out. The ones you drove from the fold. The ones you killed and ate. You keep on behaving like a monster towards the sheep and lambs of The MOST HIGH, a David will come and pull them out of your mouth and kill you. Remember, that there is a day when you will have to account for all who came your way as HIS sheep.

I have even had the misfortune of seeing pastors who curse, threaten and pray against the people in their ministries. Maybe its lack of understanding. Maybe you were never called. Let's learn from The MASTER, JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF, HE did not pray against or curse Judas, as it was written about Judas so it became.

So, let’s get to understanding the children of GOD. It’s not hard. We will use the template of the children of GOD and some people in the Holy Bible.

Category 1- The Elishas , Elijahs, Daniels and Sarahs

? You may wonder why they are so special. Believe me, these sheep may not feel that special contrary to appearances. They have real fears (Elijah) and could lash out. (Sarah and Hagar) . But GOD loves them, uses them, favors them and is known to zealously defend them.

? The MOST HIGH is with these at all times even when they make what we may see as mistakes. Remember, The MOST HIGH does not see as man does.

? They are lone rangers but the armies of heavens and angels are always around them, hovering.

? Annoy them at your own risk

? Let them be

? Can be called for purposes of understanding “ the brats of heaven”

? When they cry, cakes are baked, fiery chariots are prepared not to mention fire and bears coming out of the sky and forests. When they laugh, know that GOD is in their house eating lunch, preparing to add to their laughter.

? Don’t be jealous of these, even you love your children differently for different reasons and purposes

? Benefit from these and their unique relationship with The MOST HIGH and their unique purposes

? They do not want anything in return from you

? They are prone to bouts of depression

? Lead them carefully

? They do not want much maybe just to be understood

? They eat strange diets, not your average pizza loving church member

? They are pillars and very reliable

? Don’t cross them or you will be lion food or The MOST HIGH HIMSELF will visit you with a message saying, “ you are dead!”

? Better restitute where you have crossed the line, maybe that’s why you are barren, like the kings who tried to take Sarah. Hmm! Just saying.

Category 2-The Peters and Joshuas

You have these , you are blessed.

? Zealous, faithful and dependable

? They abandon you when it seems like you are not delivering them and yourself

? However, when they return, wow! They will die for you

? Have a penchant for violence and will willingly carry arms and use force.

? Great impactful leaders

? Note: Both their predecessors have books in the Bible. In fact Peter has two.

Category 3- Judases

? Very handy

? Love money but work very hard not to show it, usually in the finance and serve as treasurers

? Always bright ideas that go nowhere, church bills still the same and in some cases wasted

? Suicidal

? Never ready to do their work always looking out for ‘opportunity’

? Always hanging out with strange and wicked people , sometimes people more wicked than them

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