
Summary: The church is being attacked today.

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A) Whether we realize it or not, our churches are under attack this morning.

* You see, the devil and the world hate what is happening here, and they’ll stop at

nothing to destroy this place of worship.

* How many times have we heard of some church or the other that was going

through some time of great crisis?

B) A few years back, there was a church in Canton, NC in which a fistfight

broke out over someone sitting in another person’s pew.

* I heard of one church in the mountains that literally split over the color of the

song books – What a testimony to the glory of God, huh?

C) While we hear of these things and we say, “How foolish,” never think for

a minute that something similar can’t happen right here.

* Some of you may have felt like nothing that terrible can happen in our church,

but do not deceive yourselves.

D) This church, and any other church that has human members is a time

bomb that can blow up in your face at any moment.

* After all, we’re nothing more than just a collection of old sinners who have been

saved by grace.

* We are indwelt by the Spirit of God and He brings peace, but we each possess a

sinful nature and that sinful nature will always bring fighting and division.

E) Now, I don’t know about you all, but I don’t want that for our church,

and I’m sure that you all don’t want that here either.

* All I’m saying is that, at any moment, a word can be said out of turn and taken

the wrong way.

* A deed committed and misunderstood by some, or some action may be taken the

wrong way and trouble can and will rear its ugly head.

F) I guess you could say that I’m attempting to do a little preventative

maintenance this morning.

* You see, our churches can be in one of two places .......

* They can be places where the Spirit of God manifests Himself in power and where

there is unity and love among the brethren .......

* Or they can be places of strife, conflict, and division.

G) God can bless the church where He manifests Himself in power and where

there’s unity.

* He can do nothing for the one where there’s strife, conflict, and division unless

they’re willing to repent and change.

H) While I want you to know that trouble is always a possibility, it doesn’t

have to happen – And I mean never.

* While it’s always possible that problems will come, there is nothing written in

stone that says that they have to.

* And they won’t, unless we, the members who make up the church, allow them to.

I) This is Paul’s intention in preaching these words of warning to the church

at Ephesus.

* He wants them to know that trouble can be avoided and that the church can dwell

in unity and blessing if they’re willing to listen to what he has to say to them.

* In the great Apostle’s words, we can find some truths that will help our churches

as we strive to serve the Lord.

J) This morning I’d like to address the thought, “Help Your Church,

Don’t Hurt It.”

* First, I would like to speak about:

(1) THE VALUE OF THE CHURCH – v. 28 * Three Things:

A) One: It’s Inception.

* This verse says the church was purchased by the precious blood Christ.

* Rev. 1:5 “Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,”

B) Think about the awful price Jesus paid for the church.

* He was crucified, and He shed His blood so that the church could be bought from

the slavery of sin and redeemed to Almighty God.

* He paid the price of laying down His life so that the church could be born.

C) His blood hasn’t lost any power this morning.

* He is still saving all who will come to Him by faith and who’ll receive Him into

their hearts and lives. (Rom. 10:13; Acts 16:31)

D) Two: It’s Impact.

* Since the day of Pentecost when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit .......

* The church has been used of the Lord to change individuals, families and

whole societies.

E) The true church has always stood for righteousness, holy living,

and godliness.

* The church has always been an instrument for change in the world.

F) Because of the church, people’s lives have been changed .......

* Families and communities have been strengthened and the message of Jesus

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