Summary: The church is being attacked today.


A) Whether we realize it or not, our churches are under attack this morning.

* You see, the devil and the world hate what is happening here, and they’ll stop at

nothing to destroy this place of worship.

* How many times have we heard of some church or the other that was going

through some time of great crisis?

B) A few years back, there was a church in Canton, NC in which a fistfight

broke out over someone sitting in another person’s pew.

* I heard of one church in the mountains that literally split over the color of the

song books – What a testimony to the glory of God, huh?

C) While we hear of these things and we say, “How foolish,” never think for

a minute that something similar can’t happen right here.

* Some of you may have felt like nothing that terrible can happen in our church,

but do not deceive yourselves.

D) This church, and any other church that has human members is a time

bomb that can blow up in your face at any moment.

* After all, we’re nothing more than just a collection of old sinners who have been

saved by grace.

* We are indwelt by the Spirit of God and He brings peace, but we each possess a

sinful nature and that sinful nature will always bring fighting and division.

E) Now, I don’t know about you all, but I don’t want that for our church,

and I’m sure that you all don’t want that here either.

* All I’m saying is that, at any moment, a word can be said out of turn and taken

the wrong way.

* A deed committed and misunderstood by some, or some action may be taken the

wrong way and trouble can and will rear its ugly head.

F) I guess you could say that I’m attempting to do a little preventative

maintenance this morning.

* You see, our churches can be in one of two places .......

* They can be places where the Spirit of God manifests Himself in power and where

there is unity and love among the brethren .......

* Or they can be places of strife, conflict, and division.

G) God can bless the church where He manifests Himself in power and where

there’s unity.

* He can do nothing for the one where there’s strife, conflict, and division unless

they’re willing to repent and change.

H) While I want you to know that trouble is always a possibility, it doesn’t

have to happen – And I mean never.

* While it’s always possible that problems will come, there is nothing written in

stone that says that they have to.

* And they won’t, unless we, the members who make up the church, allow them to.

I) This is Paul’s intention in preaching these words of warning to the church

at Ephesus.

* He wants them to know that trouble can be avoided and that the church can dwell

in unity and blessing if they’re willing to listen to what he has to say to them.

* In the great Apostle’s words, we can find some truths that will help our churches

as we strive to serve the Lord.

J) This morning I’d like to address the thought, “Help Your Church,

Don’t Hurt It.”

* First, I would like to speak about:

(1) THE VALUE OF THE CHURCH – v. 28 * Three Things:

A) One: It’s Inception.

* This verse says the church was purchased by the precious blood Christ.

* Rev. 1:5 “Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,”

B) Think about the awful price Jesus paid for the church.

* He was crucified, and He shed His blood so that the church could be bought from

the slavery of sin and redeemed to Almighty God.

* He paid the price of laying down His life so that the church could be born.

C) His blood hasn’t lost any power this morning.

* He is still saving all who will come to Him by faith and who’ll receive Him into

their hearts and lives. (Rom. 10:13; Acts 16:31)

D) Two: It’s Impact.

* Since the day of Pentecost when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit .......

* The church has been used of the Lord to change individuals, families and

whole societies.

E) The true church has always stood for righteousness, holy living,

and godliness.

* The church has always been an instrument for change in the world.

F) Because of the church, people’s lives have been changed .......

* Families and communities have been strengthened and the message of Jesus

Christ has been given feet in the world.

G) Three: It’s Importance – What makes the church so important today?

* It is God’s arm in the world – The church is the only organism in existence

that God has designed, called, and blessed .......

* To be the vehicle through which He will work in this world.

H) The church is important because it’s the only boat afloat.

* There are numerous church ministries out there today, but any group that doesn’t

operate under the umbrella of the local church .......

* Any group, regardless of their influence or their outreach that doesn’t promote

the local church is not operating for the Lord.


A) I say the church is important because our families need it – Our communities

need it – The lost around us need it – And the world as a whole need it.

* The church and her righteousness is absolutely essential to our world.

* Matt. 5:13 “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour,

wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast

out, and to be trodden under foot of men.”

B) Many Christians live as though the church were unimportant.

* Haphazard attendance by those who claim to love Jesus is a blight on the

name of the church.

* If those who are saved do not demonstrate the importance of being faithful to the

House of the Lord, then why should we expect sinners to ever darken the doors?

C) It’s easy for Baptists to show up for the 3 F’s – Funerals, Feasts and Fights.

* One fellow was asked why he didn’t go to church more often than he did.

* He replied that every time he went, they threw something at him.

D) When he was a baby, they threw water.

* When he got married, they threw rice.

* The other fellow replied, “Yea, and if you don’t get in there pretty soon, the next

time you go, they’ll be throwing dirt on you.”

E) We place less value on the church than we do on worldly pursuits.

* Many see no need to be there every service – Others see no need to arrive on time.

* Others see no need to arrive prepared to perform their duties before the Lord.

F) If you treated your secular employment like you treat the House of God,

you’d be out of a job in no time flat.

* Yet the church and the work that goes on here is far more important, and deserves

far greater preparation and dedication than any job or recreational pursuit.

* A lack of joy in our work for Jesus as we gather out to His house sends the wrong

message to a watching world.

G) May I remind you that those few hours that you’ll spend down at the

Lord’s House are the most important thing you’ll do all week long.

* 1: The Value Of The Church .......


A) While the church is so absolutely vital to our world, there are forces about

that would love nothing better than to see the church defeated and destroyed.

* Most of those forces are external, but some, sad to say, are internal.

* Notice the 2 main areas where attacks upon the church originate .......

B) First: There Are Enemies Around Us – v.29.

* Paul speaks of wolves which will come in and try to devour the flock.

* The analogy of the wolf is fitting, because like wolves, those who prey on

the church are:

* #1: Pack Animals – They rarely work alone, but feel safer, and can do far

more damage when operating in numbers.

C) #2: They Typically Operate In The Dark – These beasts are terribly afraid

of the light as it exposes their errors.

* That is why the wolves in the church will kick against old-fashioned Bible

preaching – They don’t like it and they don’t want it.

* Every church ought to thank God that they have a man in the pulpit who is not

afraid to stand on the Book and preach it gun barrel straight.

D) #3: They Attack The Young, The Weak, And The Sickly.

* The wolves typically go after those who cannot easily defend themselves against

their attacks – If you were the devil, who would you attack?

* Someone who is faithful to church – Who is prayed up – Who is studied up on a

steady diet of the Word of God – Who is filled with the Spirit?

E) Or would you go after that one who was spiritually weak?

* One who doesn’t pray as he should – Who misses more church than he attends,

who doesn’t read his Bible as he should?

* You would, of course, pick the weakest target you could find.

F) But wait – Even though that one may be weak, they still represent a part

of the congregation.

* You folks who are weak in your walk with Jesus and who are prone to wander

need to beware .......

* Because you are prime targets for attacks from the world, the flesh, and the devil.

G) Perhaps it would do us good to read Eph. 4:27.

* This verse teaches us that we are to give the devil no “place” in our lives.

H) The word “place” comes from the Greek word “topos” (top’-os) – It literally

means “ground.”

* This verse is telling us that we are not to give the devil so much as a toe hold in

our congregation .......

* Not even the smallest sliver of ground from which he can launch an attack

against the church.

* 2 Cor. 2:11 speaks of satan gaining an “advantage” against us.

I) If we allow the devil to gain a little bit of ground in our lives .......

* He can use that small patch of real estate to launch attacks against the church,

the family and the community – We must give him no ground.

J) # 4: They Never Attack Face To Face – They always attack from the blind side.

* When you let your guard down, that is the moment when the enemies of the church

will attack.

K) (Illus.) Satan in the Garden of Eden – Gen. 3 – He disguised himself before

he attacked Eve.

* He didn’t face her as himself, he knew that he would’ve been recognized.

* He disguised himself as the snake he is ... And by the way, his tactics haven’t changed.

L) He is still invading the church through trickery and deceit.

* Years later, Paul’s prediction came true in Ephesus – The church was infiltrated

by its enemies and it fell from greatness.

M) It could happen in our church if we don’t “watch.”

* Mark 13:35-37 ....... “Watch:” – “To keep awake; be vigilant.”

* 1 Pet. 5:8 “Be sober .......” The word “vigilant” is the same Greek word as

for the word “watch.”


A) Let me say it again ... Our churches are under attack this morning.

* The devil and the world hate what is happening here, and they’ll stop at nothing

to destroy this place of worship – He does not want us here.

B) Now my question to you is, “Are you gonna let the devil destroy us? – Will

you help the church or will you hurt it?”

* I can’t say this for you, but I’m gonna fight satan with all the strength God

gives me to fight.

* So, I ask you, “Will you help me fight?” ... The bigger the army, the better we win.

C) Tonight, I’ll preach part two on “Help Your Church – Don’t Hurt It.”