
Summary: We are all known by many names.

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Even dogs have many names they are known by…

(1) There are over 340 different kinds of dog breeds.

• Labrador Retriever

• German Shepherd

• Bull Dog

• Beagle

• Poodle

To name a few.

(2) Not only are dogs named by different breeds they are also named individually.

Illus: San Francisco Examiner, on Sunday, October 12, 1997, stated these things about the naming of dogs.

“It seems the names of Max and Molly have gone to the dogs.”

That is, these are the top two names for male and female dogs.

• "With men, you tend to see more macho names, like Max and Spike,"

• "With women, we get a lot of girly names - Samantha, Natasha, things like that."

Why are they given these human names?

Illus: Alice Nathanson said, "More and more, pets are true family members,"

Dogs are named by BREED, HUMAN NAMES, and also…


Dogs who bite are most often named “Rocky”.

According to Health Department records, 375 dog bites recorded from 1994 to 1997 in one city,

• Seven were perpetrated by the name “Rocky”.

• Next were “Mugsy”,

• “Max” and “Zeke”, each tied with six bites.

Dogs are known by many names.

(4) Each of us has a NAME or a Title that we are known by.

Illus: I have many names. Some call me Doctor Belger, some call me Pastor Belger, some call Preacher Belger, some call me Dad, some call me Uncle, some call me Brother, and my wife calls me her husband.

Humor: Also, some call me names I rather not mention.

Some of us have intimate names, and it use to be the only ones who call us by these names was our spouse.

That is, sometimes we refer to our spouse as “Sweetie, honey, or darling”.

Illus: However, some of the waitresses in the South discovered they can get larger tips with male customers by calling their male customers intimate names. They will say such things as, “Thank you honey” or “What do you want to order sweetheart?”

Illus: Dr. David Jeremiah said, Knowing God by His personal names is one of the greatest privileges for followers of Christ. The word God is found throughout the Bible, but the Lord reveals Himself more personally through the names with which He introduces Himself in Scripture. These names help us when we address Him in prayer. Just as we want to call people by the right term or name, so we want to address God with appropriate wisdom and reverence whenever we pray.

The more you know about the different NAMES of a person the more you get to know about that person.

Also, the more you know about the TITLE of a person the more you get to know about them.

Illus: Some are call by the title:

• Electrician

• Plumber

• Carpenter

• Secretary

• Doctor

• Lawyer

God has many titles in the scriptures that tells us a great deal about Him.

Such as to name a few…

• The Lamb of God

• The Good Shepherd

• Eternal Father

• Our Father

• Alpha and Omega

• The Creator

• The Potter

But today in this sermon we want to look at the name of “Yahweh.”

As we look at this name let’s look at-


What does the name Yahweh Mean?

Do you know any Eagle Scouts?

I respect young men who achieve such an honor.

The idea of describing an honored scout as an “Eagle” Scout is based upon a long tradition of respect for the eagle.

Illus: American Indians respected the eagle.

Eagles were admired for their grandeur, gracefulness, strength, and longevity of the eagle (average 30 years of age).

God wants all of us to be EAGLE SCOUTS!!!

Look at Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

But I know many eagles who are scouts.

These are the believers in Jesus who draw upon God to keep going when most would quit; they find strength outside themselves

They are bruised and battered, often feel miserable, but still remain faithful.

If you learn to wait upon the Lord, you will find him a source of strength that can transform you into an eagle.

Recent research reveals that eagles can see objects approximately 2 miles away.

• Eagle have their eyes on the side of their head. We humans have our eyes on the front of our head.

• We are very humans are limited in paraphilia vision. But the eagle moves their head every two seconds back and forth and with their eyes on the side of their head they see everything within two miles.

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