
Summary: Come out of your cell and shell to live a life of abundance!

Heart pounding rescue

Act 3:20”… order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”

Sometimes, the devil hoodwinks people into staying in the wrong place! How do I know it’s not the right place? The place where God settles you would have no restlessness! Anybody listening? I just looked up the meaning of ‘settle’ and this is what I found: “ become peaceful, become calm down,” now, check out if you have this.

So, when God decides to release a person hedged in a tight corner, he sends a deliverer, who is personally equipped by God. This training is not done on a single seminar or revival meeting, but God pours down into the life of this individual and empowers His servant for the job. Now, just wait, I have something heavy in my heart that I got to download, don’t you ever belittle someone who has shown ‘unusual’ kindness and concern to you, this could be God-sent!

Enough is enough! God would like to send times of refreshing! If you need fresh air and release from suffocation, then listen to the Prophet, read: verse 22'The Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brethren; to Him you shall give heed to everything He says to you.’ People in tight, dark corners of self-imprisonment need release and refreshment today! Right now. Release from misery, anxiety, stress, strain, isolation and agony! In Exodus one and two we see a picture of the misery of the Israelites and the Lord said: Exodus 3:7” "I have surely seen the affliction of My people..” Didn’t Jesus say, “Come unto me and I will give you rest…”? Refreshment is not available in the old place, you got to move out to a place where God offers you refreshment. Prophetic word for somebody out there! A dead-end alley where there is no hope, comfort, light or peace is called a tight corner! How does one get released? Repent, turn from your old life, so that your sins may be blotted out. (verse Acts 3:19) His Words would travel into the dark crevices of your heart and would speak to you in the name of Jesus and would drag you out from the dark corner of familiarity and comfort.

I write this piece on a day of fasting and prayer! May you obey God!


The dark corner that you have been jammed in for several years, might look there is not exit door, but let me tell you today, the devil has trickily closed your eyes from seeing the way out. Shout Hallelujah! Ruth saw the door in the form of Naomi her mother-in-law but Orpah wept and left. Has God sent a Naomi in your life, identify her and listen to her. It looked like ‘death and burial’ in the lives of these three women: Naomi, Ruth and Orpah, but two of them decided to take the risk and walk out of a familiar place of comfort and started their journey to Bethlehem. Are you ready to enter Bethlehem which is the House of Bread?


Imagine Peter sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and guards in front of the door were watching over the prison.(Acts 12:6) Hear me out today please, God is able and powerful to bring you out from the worse mess! His Hands are not shortened. God sent an angel into the dark cell of Peter and there was glory inside the cell, did you see that? There is no place that God cannot enter! The angel just struck Peter on the side and his chains fell off, next he commands, ‘get up quickly’, here I would like to pause and speak. If you don’t respond ‘quickly’ then you would never get released. The devil would send his army to sabotage your release. Remember how Zaccheus came down quickly from the Sycamore tree and went behind Jesus. When responded to the first instruction, bang came the next one, ‘wrap your cloak around you and follow me’, Peter did so. Three words that describe the obedience of Peter, “he did so!” Obey, trust and follow quickly.

Come out of your cell and shell to live a life of abundance!

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