
Summary: 2016 Mother's day

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Mother’s day 2016

Proverbs 31:10-31

“Hall of fame for Momma’s”

I don’t mind telling you

I get wadded up tight when it comes to preaching special occasions

I much prefer to do book studies and let God’s word dictate what I preach

Mother’s day is one of the toughest for me

And if truth be known for many preachers

I do not believe I can or could ever say enough about

How special my Mom is

How special the Mother of my children

How special the Mother of my grandchildren

Or your moms are

I could never in a million years

Explain all of the big things that Moms have done for us

Let alone the everyday behind the scene things that often go unnoticed and are very often unappreciated

Preaching on Mother’s day is a huge balancing act

Part of me wants to make us all laugh

Like preaching on the Mothering ability of a mule

Or the characteristics of a Good cow

Which by the way the most important is mothering ability

Another part of me wants to make us all cry

With heart wrenching stories

That brings to mind


Good and bad things about our moms

Make us think of the times when we were less than loving

And times when our Mom’s went way above what they were called to do

Like cleaning our dirty diapers

Wiping our snotty noses

And putting themselves last in almost every situation

Protecting their kids like a grizzly protecting her cub

Like a brindle cow fending off the wolves from her new born calf

Providing for us like the bluebirds nesting on our porch

Sometimes by working 1-2-3 jobs

And then coming home and washing clothes, dishes. Cooking cleaning

Praying for us


No usually behind the scenes

Staying up at night





Praying for the best for their kids

When I look in God’s word

I see patience in many of the moms


Patience is a word that often comes to mind when I think of my own mom

I recently heard a story about a mother in Wal-Mart

She was shopping and had her 2 year old daughter strapped safely in the child seat of her buggy

And the kid was going nuts



An all out hissy fit

Finally the woman finished her shopping and was waiting in line to checkout

The kid was still not behaving

The checker over heard her saying

It’s alright Ellen

We will finished soon Ellen

Just relax Ellen

Over and over the woman calmly said these words

The line cleared and the mom got her turn at the register

The kid was still having a melt down

The checker looked at the mom

And said

I just want you to know I have been watching you and you showed a great deal of patience with little Ellen

The Mom looked back a bit puzzled

And said

I’m Ellen

Patience is a hard thing sometimes

And Moms have been given more than their fair share

But even Mom’s get overwhelmed sometimes

My Mother was a very patient woman

She had to be to raise a knot head like me

And she also tried to teach me patience

A lesson that as many of you know

I sometimes forget

All joking aside

I can’t tell you how much I truly learned from my mother and how much I have learned from the Godly mother figures many sitting here today

That Our Lord has placed in my life

I want to say thank you to all moms

I want to say I’m sorry for the grief we caused you

And today I want to use God’s word to honor each of you and to teach all of us how to treat our moms

When I look into and study God’s word

I see many Moms

Kind of a hall of fame for Mommas as the old county song says


With many different jobs

Many different attitudes

Many different lives

And many outcomes

I see Mary the Mother of Jesus

And I see how God chose her

To be the mother of his child

Not because she was divine

Mary was a human just like us

In fact it was partially because of her ordinariness that he chose her

You see

She needed a savior just like us

She just happened to give birth to the savior

And then raised him as God directed

Changed his diapers

Wiped his nose

Loved him

Taught him

And then watched as he died

For her sins and our sins

Mary – an ordinary woman

Who became a special mom

Then my mind goes to Hannah

Mother of the prophet Samuel

A barren woman

Who longed for a child

And who made a promise to God that if he would give her one

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