
Summary: 🗣️💬 Our words have more power than we realize! In this series, we’ll discover that our words matter, that there are consequences for what we say, and explore how we can use our words for God's glory.

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“Guarding Against Gossip”

Proverbs 11:13 NLT

13 A gossip goes around telling secrets, but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence.


So, here we are—today we are talking about one of the biggest dangers facing the church today!

It’s something we don’t always recognize right away.

It’s subtle. It creeps in. And before you know it—it’s wreaking havoc in relationships, in families, and even in the church.

It’s gossip.

Now, let’s be honest. I do not believe that most people wake up in the morning and say:

“You know what? I think I’ll ruin someone’s reputation today.”

“You know what? I think I’ll destroy some relationships today.”

I do not believe anyone intentionally sets out to destroy relationships or sow division.

But that’s exactly what gossip does.

But here is something that is true: Those who need to be right are most prone to gossip, slander, and check your heart!

Words are powerful!: Did you know the average person opens their mouth approximately 700 times a day?

If you remember we speak around 10,000 to 20,000 words every single day.

Think about that—10,000 opportunities to build up… or 10,000 opportunities to tear down.

Proverbs 18:21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue."

Now, I want you to notice something: It doesn’t just say that bad words have power.

It says all words have power.

Every single word we speak carries weight.

Listen to me—this is not a small issue. Loose lips don’t just sink ships…

They sink friendships.

They wreck marriages.

They split churches.

There’s a story of a woman who came to her pastor, weeping over the gossip she had spread. She said, “Pastor, I don’t know how to fix this. What can I do?”

He handed her a pillow and said, “Cut it open and let the feathers fly.” She did. Then he said, “Now, go pick up every single feather.”

She looked at him and said, “That’s impossible!”

And he said, “So is undoing the damage of gossip.”

Do you see how serious this is?

Gossip isn’t just talk. It’s destructive.

It’s a trust killer.

It’s a relationship breaker.

It’s a church divider.

And let me say this loud and clear—there is NO ROOM for gossip in the Kingdom of God!

When you gossip, you’re not just speaking against a person—you’re speaking against God’s work in that person’s life.

This isn’t just a bad habit. It’s a spiritual attack against unity.

It’s a wrecking ball aimed at relationships.

A silent killer of trust.

So today, I want us to understand three things about gossip:

1. Gossip Divides and Destroys

2. Gossip is Satan’s Trojan Horse

3. We have to Guard Against Gossip

So let me challenge you today:

Are your words building bridges… or burning them?

Are you using your 10,000 words a day to bring life… or to spread poison?

Because every single word matters.

1. Gossip Divides and Destroys

1. There is a high cost for loose talk!

Proverbs 11:13 NLT

13 A gossip goes around telling secrets, but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence.

a. Gossip isn’t just some harmless slip of the tongue.

i. It’s a weapon the enemy uses to destroy what God is trying to build up.

ii. It's not just about what you say—it's about what it does.

iii. Gossip is not harmless—it plants seeds that produce destruction.

iv. The power of the tongue is incredible, and when it is used for gossip, it can wreak havoc in ways we can't even imagine.

b. We never see all the effects that gossip has, and how it can even continue to hurt generations after us.

i. We might think it’s just words… just a quick conversation… just a little bit of venting.

ii. But what we don’t realize is that gossip can continue to hurt people long after the conversation is over.

iii. It can damage a reputation permanently.

1. It can destroy trust for years to come.

2. And listen—it can even affect generations after us.

iv. Think about this:

1. How many families have been torn apart because of words spoken in anger?

2. How many churches have been split because of whispers and rumors?

3. How many people have walked away from relationships, ministries, and even their faith—not because of some major crisis, but because of words that someone said?

c. And here’s what’s scary:

i. The person who started the gossip often never sees the full extent of the damage.

ii. They don’t see the child who grows up resenting the church because of division they never understood.

iii. They don’t see the couple who struggles with trust in their marriage because of words someone spread about them.

iv. They don’t see the person who gives up on their calling because of a false accusation that never got corrected.

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