Grumbling? Series
Contributed by Paul Clemente on Nov 28, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: Why do we grumble when God is good all the time?
We have been noting the power, the holiness, and the love of God in the Book of Exodus. We have also noted our humanity through the lives of the Hebrews as they were slaves in Egypt for over 400 years then freed by God with His protection and provisions.
Please open your Bibles to Exodus 16…. God continues to lead and teach the Hebrews as they are now on their way to the Promised Land of Canaan.
In a similar way, we Christians today even though we are still here on earth, we are on our way to the Promised Eternal Place called Heaven,. What can we learn from the Hebrews of old? I asked Daniel Pryor to read our Scripture for today…. Daniel, please come up and lead us in reading Exodus 16..
And so we note in v1: it has been about 45 days since the Hebrews left Egypt and now in a desert; picture yourself for a moment in the wilderness for 45 days with over 2 million people; some of us can’t even stand one day in the wilderness with 10 people! And so…
v2: all Israel grumbled against their leaders due to lack of food! Remember that we already noted that the Israelites complained about not having water only after 3 days leaving Egypt! We humans can be such complainers! what are we to do when we sense complaining about something??
Turn your complaining into praying!
And we had noted this before, God confirms here in…
v3: although slaves, the Hebrews got comfortable in Egypt for hundreds of years!
Think about this for a moment, eventhough slaves, the Hebrews got comfortable in Egypt; but as free people with God in the wilderness for only 3 days and they were already complaining!
Many times we humans abuse our freedom; we have a tendency to have a right for everything! Let us note that all people has to answer to God!
Now back to Exodus 16, v4: What was God doing with His Chosen People??
God desired growing faith, listening to and obeying God.
Every person has to answer to their Creator God. Sadly, too many people miss the truth that God is Good – All the time, God is Good! May this truth about God’s goodness always be true for you and me; we must always think about God’s goodness and make it real in your life!
a. God provided food everyday, quail at night, bread in the morning from the sky!
b. God revealed that He knows everything and desires the Hebrews to follow.
c. Moses and Aaron warned the people that their grumbling is against God!
d. God gave specific instructions to follow! God does not lead people blindly!
Turn briefly with me to Exodus 15:26…..If your life depended on specific instructions wouldn’t you follow them? The Hebrews were warned repeatedly but now what do we note in Exodus 16:20??
v20-26: The Sabbath Day to the Lord was established (A day of rest to honor God!)
v27….. Hhmmmm? I wonder why they couldn’t find any!
v28: Why didn’t God judge them right there and then??
God again revealed His loving patience!
Amazingly, the Hebrews became faithful:
v31-34: They kept a remembrance of God’s provisions!
We need to note that faithfulness to God is possible for all including you and me, even though we all sin against God! God’s desire is for every person to have faith in Him through Jesus Christ and every person is given an opportunity to return to their Creator till they physically die! Hebrews 9:27 tells us, Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment!
v35: They ate manna from heaven for 40 years! And so it is true, you can live on “mannana” bread for the rest of your life!
Okay, besides the “mannana” bread, let us highlight the real important Biblical Principles to apply for our lives today.
First of all, how is our grumbling about life? Oh, it happens to all of us doesn’t it?
Like the Hebrews of old, when we grumble we are really grumbling towards our Creator God. Let us keep in mind our Scripture of the week 2 Peter 1:3 - His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.!
How should we deal with grumbling? It’s like complaining isn’t it, when the solution is praying! God has given us everything for life and godliness!
1. Watch out for grumbling; be content with God! Take an inventory of what God has given you; especially the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ!
The other 3 points we should note is related to this contentment:
The Hebrews of old got comfortable in Egypt for 400 years as slaves!! Can this happen to Christians in America or anywhere else in this world? Let us note what the Christians in Rome were told in Romans 12:2 - Do not conform to the pattern of this world….. and so,