
Summary: Like it or not, all of us grow older...all of us age. Some enjoy joking about aging....but deep down inside growing old is something many dread....and fear.....and are willing to do anything to avoid.

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Growing Older Gracefully

Ecclesiastics 12:1-7

It seems to me that one of the things that some people joke about most in life is aging...One way we do this is by comparing our lives to our children’s lives.

All of us have had our parents say things like:

• In my day I walked to school up hill---both ways....or...

• In my day all 12 of the children in our family slept in the same bed....we took turns using one pillow...

We also joke about our increasing age with the ever popular, "you know you’re old if" statements....You know you are old...

• if most of your dreams are re-runs...

• if your knees buckle but your belt won’t...or

• ..if you try to straighten the wrinkles in your socks and you find you aren’t wearing any....

Like it or not, all of us grow older...all of us age.

Some enjoy joking about aging....but deep down inside growing old is something many dread....and fear.....and are willing to do anything to avoid. Cosmeticians have built multimillion dollar businesses telling people how to do it. Exercise enthusiasts have sold millions of dollars worth of books and equipment, showing people how to do it. Health food manufacturers have built huge businesses producing special foods that promise it. Genetic scientists are researching ways to prevent it.

But…age still happens and since it is coming...and there is no avoiding it...what can we do to prepare ourselves for the onslaught of old age?

What does God expect of us as we age? What does He desire?

1. The first thing we need to realize is that this battle of AGING is not just a matter of good arteries... but of having a Godly Attitude.

You see, it isn’t a tragedy to grow old’s an is a normal part of life....all of our bodies grow old! Our text from Ecclesiastes says as much...

The passage we read goes on to list the attitudinal characteristics of old age....what happens when a person gets old in mind and spirit.

a. This text says that one mark of old age is this: "The grasshopper becomes a burden" other words a grasshopper lands on the shoulder of a man and its minute weight is a burden. This phrase hints that one psychological characteristic of old age is that we are burdened down with trifles, little things bother us...there is an increased sensitivity to the trivial things of life.

You and I know a lot of people who are this way....little things bother them...the "grasshoppers of life" are a burden to them...They are always fussing and com-plaining...cranky and irritable...upset about insignificant things...they are already "old"---- psychologically....they are constantly bugged by the small things of life.

b. In verse 5 the prophet of Ecclesiastes says that another psychological characteristic of age is that men "are afraid of heights".

This means that mental aging is characterized by fear of risks in life....fear of challenges and new things. So, we are “old” when we want to keep things the play it safe...when we are afraid to take chances ...afraid of the future....afraid that tomorrow will be filled with dark days. And the scripture says that to people like this “fears shall be in the way.” Some old people always look at life with anxiety and fear.

This is opposite to what God wants for us-He wants us to have faith and an expectancy of life and an abiding confidence in the future.

c. One more characteristic of old age attitude is glorifying the past at the expense of the present and the future.

People like this think that the best times are all behind us. The greatest days of a church were 30 years the “GOOD OLD DAYS”.

But, people who have God’s attitude should believe that the best can happen now and can in the future. They don’t let the victories of the past limit the victories of the future.....

So....these are the psychological characteristics of old age....

*Little things are a burden....*Pessimism and fear about the future...*Living in the glories of the past....

According to these attitudes, How old are you?

Now it is certain that we are all going to grow old in body....but we do not have to grow old in spirit.

I have known people in their 30’s who have all the mental characteristics of old age...they are crabby, bitter, hostile...

Then there are others who are frail in body from the passing of years with hair that has either turned white or turned loose all together....but their attitudes are young....they are excited, optimistic, friendly....They are not old! They are not bored nor are they boring…

To win in our battle with aging you and I must know that aging is not just a physical thing...and then we must also know a second thing....

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