
Summary: Knowing that God has something wonderful for each one of us if we are willing to grab ahold and become apart of what the Lord is doing through our life. We become one of the four men in doing what we can to get people to Jesus.

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“Grab hold for something wonderful”

Intro: When I read in the Bible, I find many illustrations that Jesus had of people that were more that willing to going to whatever measures needed to see them or their friends touched by the hand of the man working miracles. People come to realize that Jesus was more than a miracle worker, he was a man that only God could do through Him what was being done. I am convinced today that Jesus is wanting to come into this church house and He is desiring to work in the hearts and lives of people that are hungry to see something happen not just for them but even bringing others by whatever measure to see their lives touched by the hand of Jesus.

Text: Mark 2:1-12 Psalms 34:8

Illustration:A German soldier was wounded. He was ordered to go to the military hospital for treatment. When he arrived at the large and imposing building, he saw two doors, one marked, "For the slightly wounded," and the other, "For the seriously wounded."

He entered through the first door and found himself going down a long hall. At the end of it were two more doors, one marked, "For officer" and the other, "For non-officers." He entered through the latter and found himself going down another long hall. At the end of it were two more doors, one marked, "For party members" and the other, "For non-party members." He took the second door, and when he opened it he found himself out on the street.

When the soldier returned home, his mother asked him, "How did you get along at the hospital?"

"Well, Mother," he replied, "to tell the truth, the people there didn’t do anything for me, but you ought to see the tremendous organization they have!"

The soldier’s comment describes many churches in our day: really organized, but accomplishing little.

We can come together and have a meeting if we want to, but if Jesus doesn’t show up, that’s all it will be is a meeting. I want to come to the feel the power of God and sense his presence. I want to come to know the Holy Ghost is in the midst of the church. I want to see His glory fill the house. I want to see souls set free from sin and bondage. I want to see miracles happen. I want to feel the anointing and know that Jesus is here!

Acts 3:13 “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.”

I see all through the scriptures the number of people that went to extreme measures to have the hand of God touch their life. All of these were looking for a miracle in a desperate way. What does it take for us to become desperate about seeing God touch us or someone we know. Naaman went to a prophet in a foreign land. The leper disregarded the law of the Old Testament to call out to Jesus for a healing. Blind let Jesus spit upon him.

The Four Men that Were Willing to Grab the Four Corners:


A. Faith in God should move us into a realm to believe that whatever we take to Christ He is able to do. To have faith we must first believe and then in our believing, we understand that he is a rewarder to those that believe. These men believed that if they could just get their friend to Jesus, He would make a difference. God is looking for a man of faith.

Luke 1:37 “For with God nothing will be impossible.”

B. We find many times where there was a multitude that was present but the ones that believed and had faith were the ones that Jesus healed. What are we waiting for to see or believe before we start bringing people to Jesus. Jesus is in this house and He can make a difference.

Mark 5:28 “For she said, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.”


A. There will always be distractions for us getting to Christ and seeing Him work in our lives. I believe that one of the four was a man of determination that he or she didn’t look at the multitude or crowds of people. Others would have given up but this man said, we are going to get Him to Jesus. Grab the corners of determination see Jesus work.

Illustration: Michael Jordan did a commercial for Nike in which he recounted some of his failures: “I’ve missed over 9,000 shots in my career, lost over 300 games. Twenty-six times I took the game winning shot and missed. Michael Jordan did not dwell on his past mistakes but what was important to him was what he can do right now to lead his team to victory. He had determination to overcome mistakes and bring victory.

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