  • Greg Newton

    Contributing sermons since Feb 25, 2004
Greg's church

Lighthouse Assemblies of God Church
Bowie, Texas 76230

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  • Doing Something Great In 2008

    Contributed on Jan 5, 2008
    based on 19 ratings

    We live in a society where people desire to do great things but sometimes never see the benefit or reward of the great things in which they have done. I believe this is the year that God desires for us to do great things for Him.

    “Doing Something Great In 2008” Intro: We live in a society where people desire to do great things but sometimes never see the benefit or reward of the great things in which they have done. I believe this is the year that God desires for us to do great things for Him. The number “8” is the more

  • Warning: Sin Is Dangerous

    Contributed on Apr 26, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    There are many warning signs that give us something to take heed too before proceeding forward or opening a package. How many of us have watched some of the infomercials that give us great promises of a product but do not give you the warning of what cou

    “WARNING: Sin is Dangerous” Intro: There are many warning signs that give us something to take heed too before proceeding forward or opening a package. How many of us have watched some of the infomercials that give us great promises of a product but do not give you the warning of what could or more

  • Have You Lost Jesus

    Contributed on Apr 26, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    I wonder today has the church lost something of value that we are willing to diligently seek after until we have found it. We tend to lose the anointing of God’s Spirit upon our lives and churches but we tend to move on in life like nothing has ever happe

    “Have You Lost Jesus?” Intro: If your child has ever wondered away from you as a parent and you thought they were lost, you understand the frightening feeling that comes in your heart when you feel you have truly lost something of great value. I wonder today has the church lost something of more

  • Give Us Barabbas

    Contributed on Apr 26, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    The crowd cried for Jesus to be crucified and put to death but requested the killer, Barabbas be released in the streets. The truth was put to death but sin and death was released to the streets.

    “Give Us Barabbas” Intro: As we study God’s Word we find particular people who are mentioned briefly and we soon pass over their record without fully gleaning the full significance of their rolls nor their application for us today. We should be very careful to remember that God has chosen to more

  • Coming Face To Face With A Pig

    Contributed on Sep 8, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    There are a lot of things that we learn from life itself and many of those are things that we learn through tragedies of our own and we come face to face with learning something the hard way. The problem with the world that we live in, is people are only

    “COMING FACE TO FACE WITH A PIG” Intro: There are a lot of things that we learn from life itself and many of those are things that we learn through tragedies of our own and we come face to face with learning something the hard way. The problem with the world that we live in, is people are only more

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