
God’s Grace Sustains Us

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
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God's grace is sufficient for us, even in our weaknesses. Our weaknesses keep us humble and reliant on God's strength.

God’s Grace Sustains Us

Youth Group Plan: God’s Grace Sustains Us (2 Corinthians 12:1-10, John 15:5)

Youth Sermon: God’s Grace Sustains Us


Today, we're going to be talking about God's grace. We all have those times when life just seems too hard, right? Maybe it's school, friends, family, or just feeling down. But guess what? God's got your back, no matter what.

Object Lesson: Bring out a backpack and start loading it with heavy books, one by one. Talk about how each book represents a problem or struggle we might face. The backpack gets heavier and heavier, just like our problems can feel overwhelming. But then, show how God's grace (represented by a helium balloon or maybe a stool) can lift the heavy backpack.

God's got your back, no matter what.

2 Corinthians 12:1-10

Paul talks about a 'thorn in the flesh' that he asked God to take away. We don't know what it was, but how Paul dealt with it teaches us three cool things:

1. We Get Real with God: Paul asked God three times to take away his pain. Ever begged your parents for something you really wanted? That's how we should talk to God about our problems. But remember, God's plan is bigger than ours.

2. We Embrace Our Weakness: It's okay to admit when we're not perfect. In fact, it's good to know where we mess up. Our weaknesses keep us real and remind us we need God's strength.

3. We Discover True Strength: God's got us covered when we're weak. His power is perfect when we're not. We can't do anything big for God on our own, but with His help, we can do anything.


Remember, 'My grace is all you need.' We often try to be perfect, thinking it will make God happy. But God's cool with us just as we are. Our weaknesses keep us real and focused on Him.

This week, thank God for your weaknesses and ask Him to help you understand His amazing love. His grace is with us, for us, and lifts us up.

Let's pray together. Hey God, sorry for doubting that you've got me covered. Thanks for reminding me that even when I'm weak, you're there. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What is one weakness you struggle with?

2. How have you seen God's grace at work in this area of weakness?

3. How can you rely more on God's strength instead of your own?

4. How does understanding God's grace change the way you view your weaknesses?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Thorn in the Flesh

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