Godly Women
Contributed by Ricardo Rodriguez on Jul 15, 2009 (message contributor)
Summary: Jesus is looking for virtuous women today. The Lord told the Samaritan woman...
“Godly Women”
5/6/2007 - Marsing, ID
Ricardo Rodriguez – pastor_rr@yahoo.com
Prov 31:10
“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.”
“Mujer fuerte, ¿quién la hallará? Porque su estima sobrepuja largamente á la de piedras preciosas.”
Jesus is looking for virtuous women today. The Lord told the Samaritan woman,
John 4:23
“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.”
“23Mas la hora viene, y ahora es, cuando los verdaderos adoradores adorarán al Padre en espíritu y en verdad; porque también el Padre tales adoradores busca que adoren.”
Of all the things we need today we need women who will make a difference in this hour. We need women who will be the difference, women who will stand in the gap, who will say, “I will go!”
Romans 16 we see a salutation that Paul makes and in this salutation we see not only men mentioned but women who made a difference, women who were part of the early church and what God was doing in that time.
Women of God (by Mitchell Skelton) - Romans 16
I. Phoebe. Romans 16:1–2
A. A deaconess - servant, set apart for service.
B. A great help to many.
C. She delivered Paul’s letter to the church in Rome.
II. Priscilla. Romans 16:3–5
A. Notice, she is mentioned ahead of her husband, which is highly irregular.
B. She taught Apollos the gospel. Acts 18:24–26
1. Priscilla is mentioned first.
2. Notice: they invited and explained.
C. She risked her life for Paul. (Perhaps as Ephesus in Acts 19.)
D. She gave her home for two house churches.
1. Ephesus. 1 Cor. 16:19
2. Rome. Romans 16:5
III. Mary. Romans 16:6
A. One of six “Mary’s” mentioned in the NT.
B. She “worked very hard” for the church.
C. Nothing is said of her husband. Single? Widowed?
IV. Tryphena and Tryphosa. Romans 16:12
A. Presumed to be twins.
B. Worked hard, “In the Lord.”
V. Persis. Romans 16:12
A. Paul calls her a “dear friend.”
B. Worked “very” hard in the Lord.
VI. Rufus’ Mother. Romans 16:13
A. Who was this woman?
1. Mark 15:21
2. Possibly the wife of Simon.
B. The mother of a great man of God.
C. Paul considered her like his own mother. Mark 10:29–30
The church today needs strong women as servants of Christ.
A woman’s role is by no means limited but rather wide open.
No one deserves a special day all to herself more than today’s Mom. A cartoon showed a psychologist talking to his patient: "Let’s see," he said, "You spend 50 percent of your energy on your job, 50 percent on your husband and 50 percent on your children. I think I see your problem."
Source Unknown.
• Make a list of 31 things your wife does for you and the family which you seldom thank her for. Make a point of thanking her specifically for one on each day of the coming month. On each day of the following month pay her a new compliment on one of her good attitudes, character qualities, habits or talents. And be prepared for a better relationship than you’ve enjoyed in quite a while. – Source Unknown.