Godly Wisdom For Godly Mothers
Contributed by Steve Steve on Mar 8, 2002 (message contributor)
Summary: An often overlooked story told from the heart of a mother about Moses birth, and early childhood.
Godly wisdom for Godly Mothers
A teacher gave her class of second graders a lesson on the magnet and what it does. The next day in a written test, she included this question: “My full name has six letters. The first one is M, and I pick up things. What am I?” When the grades were all in the teacher was astounded to find that almost fifty percent had written in, mother.
Two young children on mother’s day presented their mom with a houseplant. The older of the children said with a sad face, “There was a bouquet we wanted to give you at the flower shop. It was really pretty, but it was too expensive. It had a ribbon on it that said, ‘Rest in Peace,’ and we thought you would like it since your always asking for a little peace so you can rest.”
Speaking of Gifts, How many mothers have already gotten your gifts today? How many expect to get them sometime next week, as soon as he remembers? I came across this cute little note one husband had written to his wife on mother’s day. M is for the mink coat you want, dear, O is for the opal ring you crave, T is for the tiny car, you’d love, H is for the hat that makes you rave, E is for the earrings you’d admire, love, R is for the rug on which you’d tread; Put them all together, they’d spell bankrupt, so I’m giving you this handkerchief instead.
Mother’s day is one of the days of the year is which we honor our mother’s and try to give back to them our thanks, by doing some of the selfless, often thankless jobs that they do throughout the year. So our topic for the day will be to help remind mother’s why they do those selfless, thankless jobs year round. What I would like for you to see, is that when mother’s become selfless, and think first of their child or children’s welfare, not only does the child benefit, but the mother as well. I have two different texts for you today, so if you would like to follow along turn in your Bibles to Exodus chapter two, starting with verse two and ending with verse ten.
This is the story of Moses’ birth. Let’s quickly glance over the text. In verse two, we see that she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a find child, she hid him for three months. We see from Exodus 6:20 that Moses father was named Amram, and his mother Jochebed. Pharaoh had previously ordered all male babies born be thrown into the river. So, when she could hide him no longer she placed him in a basket and placed it among the reeds. Where Pharaoh’s daughter found him and they all lived happily ever after. NO! I don’t think the story lays out as simple as that, there are a lot of factors that we haven’t taken into consideration. Let’s look at the story more closely and see if we can’t pick up on some of the clues. Again, verse two tells us that Jochebed saw that he was a fine child, and hid him for three months. Those of you that have had children know that after three months of being with a baby you are fully bonded with that child. So she didn’t just stroll down by the river one-day and say, there ya go wish ya luck. Again no. I fully think that Jochebed had a plan. First of all she probably thought what could I do to keep my son safe from this order from Pharaoh. She said I’ve either have to send him somewhere, or get him under protective care. Secondly, I think she knew where Pharaoh’s daughter regularly bathed. So you see she intentionally put her son in that basket and placed it among the reeds. Notice the clue? Placed it among the reeds. She picked a patch of reeds and put him right in the line of site of Pharaoh’s daughter. What was the next part of the plan? Moses sister Miriam was set to watch and see what happened to him. So as soon as the slave girl had brought the basket to Pharaoh’s daughter, verse six tells us, she opened it and saw the baby. He was crying and she felt sorry for him. “This is one of the Hebrew babies,” she said. Do you see the motivation behind Jochebed’s decision to place him amongst the reeds not fully knowing what would happen to him? It was only because she saw the greater good, in becoming selfless, and seeing beyond the present. She could have continued to hide him, and no doubt she probably wanted to. Would they have eventually found him? Probably. She looked beyond her own immediate selfish desire to be with her child no matter what happened to him in the future. She enacted a plan to save her child’s life. So Miriam, standing close by, armed with perhaps the very words her mother had given her rushed over and said, “Shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?” “Yes, go.” And the girl went and got the baby’s mother. That sentence would throw you off if you weren’t paying attention. The baby’s mother was her mother. This was Moses sister Miriam that was watching over her brother. You know I can almost picture Miriam running to their house and saying, “ Momma, Momma, it worked, it really worked, Pharaoh’s daughter has had compassion on Moses and now she wants you to nurse him.” Now comes the big reward mother. Pharaoh’s daughter said to her, “Take this baby and nurse him for me, and I WILL PAY YOU! Wow! Can you imagine her elation? She must have been glowing from ear to ear. It was because; she was able to put aside her selfish desires, to see the greater good that now she was even going to get paid to raise her own son. Isn’t God great, he rewards us when we think about others first. Have you ever been selfish when it comes to your child or children? I know I have. I’m going to confess here for a second. Would you believe I have actually been so enthralled in something, and didn’t want to be bothered, that I have turned the TV on to cartoons? Instead of laying down something that was probably inconsequential anyway, and helping to mold my child’s character, she was being taught everything she need to know, by Chucky, Tommy, Angelica, Phil and Lil. The funniest part to me is that I usually end up laying down whatever I was doing too, and two hours later, we have both watched a Rugrats Marathon. No, I’m not going to say that we should be completely selfless. How do you expect to till, plant, and water the ground of the your child’s life, if you don’t put any fuel in the tractor? You can’t! But I’m absolutely sure that we can all find a little more to be selfless about with our children. After all, you never know when you might have the next Moses on your hands, especially when you see the way they’ve parted all the water out of the tub after bath time.